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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Chinese Horoscope - 虎 Tiger

虎 Tiger
运势:属 虎的朋友刚刚走完本命年的运程,在兔年运势有所回升,但只能说是吉凶参半。工作方面时常会出现阻碍,让你心有余而力不足,但不用太过担心,因为命宫中有贵 人星出现,会帮助你化解不少难题。今年要改善自己的人际关系,保持低调,才不会被小人带来口舌是非。身体健康差,会影响到工作任务的进行,外出时需注意交 通安全,以防意外的血光。桃花运差,情绪不稳定容易使伴侣之间发生口舌之争。
Tiger's friends are just gone through the Zodiacal Year's fortune, fortune in the Year of the Rabbit fortune will pick up, but it’s still in the average region. There may be some obstacles in the work aspect, there is a will, but not the strength but you do not need to worry too much because there seem to have a honored personin the star palace to lend a hand. That will help solve may problems. This year to make a point to improve relationships, you will have to keep low profile, this will prevent any villains any chance to find fault. Poor physical health, which may affect the conduct of your work, pay attention to traffic safety, prevent accident Xueguang. Luck may not be good with the opposite sex, you may feel emotional instability which may leads to disagreement with your partner.

事业:经过了去年的 工作低迷期,属虎人的工作运有明显上升,去年没有完善解决的问题,今年都会顺利完成。事业发展中,会有贵人出现帮你指明方向,遇到困难时,也会有贵人及时 出来相助,今年的事业发展可说是一帆风顺、大展宏图,但美中不足的是会有小人从中捣乱,令属虎朋友的事业成就稍稍逊色于预期的成绩。所以,属虎人今年在发 展计划之余,也仍需小心应付一些突如其来的变化。
After a downturn in your work from last year, you will now get some retreat and luck seem rising, issue that you have yet to complete from last year will be able to resolve this year. In your career run this year, you will get honored person that will give you the correct direction at the appropriate time. Business development this year can said to be smooth, grand plans to be carry out, but in between of all the plans you made you will somehow still get obstruction from the villains that may cause you to be slightly under perform than the expected result. So this year for the tiger, while you enjoy the good luck, you will also need to carefully deal with some unexpected changes.

财运:今年属 虎朋友的正财运不错,身边的贵人或长者会给你带来不少机会,在顺利完成任务的同时,老板看到你的表现,自然会加薪不断。尤其是对做生意的朋友,别人的一句 话都可能带给你赚钱的灵感,不要错过好机会。但今年也容易出现财来财去的现象,所以不要做无意义的财力付出。偏财运一般,投机或股票买卖必须把握分寸,不 宜过分全力投入。身上带有贵重财物时,不要疏忽大意,以免遗失或被扒。
Luck is good, you will get help whenever you need it and many opportunities will come your way by the honoured nobility person. You will get appreciation from the bosses, your effort will be notice and naturally the effort will be paid off. Especially for people dealing with business, you can get inspiration to make money easily simply by what others said, do not miss the opportunity. But this year is also prone to the gaining and losing easily, so do not pay money to do meaningless. In term of speculation or stock trading you will need to careful and deal with a reasonable amount in the sense of proportion, do not exert full input. Be careful of your valuable, in order to avoid loss.

感情:未 婚的属虎男女在兔年中桃花运比较旺盛,人缘运不错,异性缘更好,单身的朋友有望在兔年里找到满意伴侣,只是恋爱中的男女难免会跟伴侣发生争执,但最后也都 能和平解决,并且增加了互相之间的了解,感情生活更加甜蜜温馨。不过,对已婚的朋友,今年就不是一个桃花旺旺的顺利年,夫妻极易发生争吵,并且也都没有想 要快速化解矛盾的意愿,以至于双方摩擦越来越大,建议要懂得互相体谅才不会使彼此关系疏远。
Luck love is good for unmarried men and women. In the Year of the Rabbit, luck with the opposite sex is relatively strong, popularity rise for the individual, good opportunity for the single pal to find a partner. For the attached, you may encounter disputes, but in the end it can solved peacefully and increase mutual understanding that leads to more sweet and warm emotional life. However, for the the married couple, you may tend to be more vulnerable to argument, and also do not seem to quickly resolve conflicts that may lead to create friction, suggest that the pair to show more understanding and make necessary effort to help improve their relationship.

健康:属虎朋友的命宫有病符 星出现,导致健康运差,今年容易有血光之事,除了在使用利器时,要加倍小心,也要低速驾驶,防有交通意外事件发生。身体方面要注意感冒受寒以及肠胃方面的 疾病,严重者有开刀之忧。女性朋友则要懂得舒解压力,防肾脏和妇科疾病。今年属虎人要多多注意健康,有任何不适的情况就要及时就医,所以平时要多给自己一 些休息时间,同时注意保养,多喝水和多吃蔬菜。
This year for the tiger there seem to have some evil luck in the health aspect. Pay extra attention to the traffic and when dealing with sharp tools. Should pay attention to physical aspects of cold, and gastrointestinal diseases, which may leads to surgery for serious circumstances. For the female, you will have to know how to relieve stress, prevent kidney and gynecological diseases. To conclude the health status for the Tiger, pay lot of attention to your health, any discomfort should consult a doctor immediately,  give yourself some rest time and attention to maintenance, drink plenty of water and eat more vegetables.
兔 年的第一个月,属虎朋友运势平平,事业运不佳,总是会出现一些小插曲,令你没有办法如期完成工作,但是不能因为一时的挫折就消极怠工,尤其是在处理重要文 件时,要打起十二分的精神,以免出现差错。财运方面盈中带损,不宜进行投资,尤其是风险类的投机。爱情平平,能和家人相处和睦。本月要留意的是驾车安全, 因此参加聚会不要过度饮酒,也要保持健康的生活规律。
1st Month:
Year of the Rabbit's first month, it is on a average luck for the tiger.  You may encounter several problem at work, with all the hipcup you may find it difficult to complete work on schedule. But all the more, you have to pay extra attention when dealing with important document to avoid mistake. With loss of earnings in the wealth area, not suitable for investment, especially speculative risk category. Love luck is flat, find time to spend with your family and love ones. This month to pay attention when driving and avoid alchohol intake. Do some exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

本月属虎人收入还算不错, 可是难于积累财富,开销也比较大,也要留意身体状况欠佳,容易生病,使得钱财在不知不觉中流失很多,除此之外,一时的大意导致钱包被偷,更是雪上加霜。工 作不顺利令你心烦气躁,影响到你跟同事及上司之间的沟通,要学会控制自己的脾气,才不会有更多的口舌是非。和情人之间会因为一些误会而发生争吵,平时多抽 出时间来陪伴对方,并且加强跟情人的沟通,增加彼此间的信任。
2nd Month:
You may get to received a decent good income this month, but difficult to accumulate wealth, the overhead is relatively big, also you should also pay attention to poor physical condition, susceptible to diseases, which may lead to money loss. You may experience a lost of property such as your wallet may get stolen. Work does not go well which may upset your working relationship between colleagues and supervisors. You must learn to control your temper, to avoid verbal damage.  Relationship with your partner may have some quarrels, suggest to spend more time to show more understanding for each other and strength communication. Also to trust each other at all time.

本 月运势上升, 工作压力也有所缓解,只要坚持不懈,坚定地朝着目标奋进,一定可以收获颇丰。财运相当理想,财源大增,可进行投资,只要选对项目并大胆实施,会有很好的回 报。偏财运佳,说不定会为你带来不错的收入。这个月在感情上,要注意协调两人间的关系,也要提防第三者的出现使家庭生活发生变故。健康大有起色,但不要过 度劳累,要争取时间休息。
3rd Month:
There is a rise in fortune this month, the pressure for work is seem to ease down, as long as there is a persistent, you will see the end light and reach your goal. Source of resources greatly increase with the rise of fortune, if there is chances for investment as long as the selection is firm up with good view, there will be a very good return. Good wealth luck that may brings you expected good income. You must pay attention to your love life this month, avoid the intrusion of third party. Health will improve, but avoid over-work and find enough time to rest and relax.

运 势平稳,事业运提升,工作方面得到很大改善,上司和同事会给予你诸多帮助,所以工作任务能稳步进行,但本月需要防止官非口舌,遇到有争议的事情,最好私下 解决,不要把事端扩大以致事情进展越来越糟。财运有财来财去的迹象,应以保守的姿态谨慎理财,此外要时时刻刻监督自己的行为举止,因为自己的一时大意,招 来罚单是很不划算的。感情运佳,若遇到心仪的异性,不妨抓住时机表达心意。
4th Month:
Fortune is on the average, career luck will enhance, greatly improve at work, supervisors and colleagues will give you a lot of support, so tasks can be carried out steadily, but this month you will need to control yourselves to avoid controversial issue. You have to resolve your problem as soon as possible to avoid compilation of uneccessary issue. Prone to gaining and losing of wealth, you have to pay attention on your finance and have a good financial management. It could be due to your carelessness that leads to violation ticket. Love luck is good, if meet with someone of your interest, you may find a chance to express yourselves.

运势大吉大利的上升,工作进展甚为畅顺, 做事得心应手,但在丰收成果的时候,不要被胜利冲昏了头脑,尽量要远离是非,而且做事不要太过张扬,才不会被别人嫉妒和被小人中伤。财运也不错,特别是偏 财运,有幸运中奖的机会,可进行适当的投资和投机。爱情平平,有时间就多陪陪家人增加一下彼此之间的感情。此月要小心撞伤跌倒,特别是从事危险性工作的朋 友,要注意自身的安全。
5th Month:
Fortune this month is filled with ups and downs, work progression is smooth. But do not allow victory to muddle with your brain. You have to act rationally and avoid quarrel at all means. Keep low profile as much as you can to avoid jealousy or villains attack. Wealth is not bad, you may have the chance to be strike gold, therefore you may go ahead investment and speculation. Love luck is fair, spend more time with your family to help improve on relationship. Suggest that you be more careful this month physically to avoid bruises especially for those whose engaged in hazardous work friends.

运势下滑,工作上必须小心注意周围情况的变化, 假如发现有异常现象,要早做好准备,有备无患。财运也难尽如人意,常常会有意外支出,要懂得适当节省开支,避免不必要的开销。本月投资不利,所以适可而止 为好。健康差,失眠导致精神不集中,出外活动要注意安全,切忌进行任何的水上活动。本月桃花旺盛,身边会出现不少的追求者或是仰慕者,让你觉得不知所措, 单身朋友可以好好挑选一位心仪对象来发展恋情。
6th Month:
There seem to be a fall in fortune this month. You may need to be more cautious at work due to some changes that will occur unexpectedly. If you find that there are some problem, you may have to act fast and accordingly. It is advisable to be well-prepare. Wealth is also prone to issue such as unexpected expenses. Suggest that you may learn to properly save money and avoid unnecessary overhead. Investment is not recommend this month, so moderation is good. Health us poor, you may experience insomnia, leading to inability to concentrate, pay attention to safety and avoid any water activities. Love luck this month is shining, you may find that there are many admirers, which seem to cause you to feel overwhelmed. Singlehood may take some time to pick someone that may interest you.

运 势继续持续下滑,事业发展不顺利,主要是有小人出来破坏,很多计划好的工作无法如期完成,因此应多用心下些功夫解决,情况才能得到改善。本月开支既多又 大,须注意开源节流,尽量减少花销。因为工作方面的压力较多,所以更应注意劳逸结合,以免埋下健康隐患,导致疾病的发生。此月恐有意外血光,需加倍小心。 感情方面要多关心注意自己的另一半,很可能因为沟通减少而出现问题。

7th Month:
Fortune for this month continue to decline, career progression is slow mainly due to the violation cause by the villains around you. Many preplan tasks seem to be incomplete., therefore suggest that you put in extra effort to help improve the situation. Spending this month has an increase, be mindful of your income, reduce expenditure, and minimize expenses. Due to your work pressure, you should pay more attention to your health, avoid health risks, leading to diseases.
You may meet some accident this month therefore suggest that you be very careful. In term of your relationship, you should show more care and concern to your partner, problem may arise due to decrease in communication with each other.

本月运势虽非大吉大利,但已大有起色, 与公司同事间能够和平相处,工作上的困阻正在逐渐消除,重新走上正轨,并有加薪升职的可能。财运颇佳,可适当进行投资,但不可贪多求大,有收获就及时收 手,否则事与愿违,后悔莫及。健康欠佳,避免因工作忙碌有睡眠少、精神不济、头疼和神经衰弱等症状出现。夫妻感情还是没有恢复到以往的甜蜜状态,多些沟 通,才能有所改善。
8th Month:
Fortune this month do not have any specific incline or decline. But compare to the previous month, there is a significant improvement, you will experience peace and harmony between working partners and colleaugues. Get back on track this month, may give you a raise or promotion possibilities. Wealth seem to increase, may be appropriate to invest, but substantially, do not be greedy otherwise may lead to regret. Poor health caused by busy work schedule, you may feel lethargic, and experience headaches. Marital relationship have not recover from fight and quarrel last month, therefore more commication between the two of you is suggested.

本 月事业较为平顺,只要多给些耐心来经营,安份守已,稳步进行,那么就会有不错的发展,但要做重大的投资,必须有良好的计划,另外也要充分发挥自己的理财能 力,注重在节流上的规划。此月不宜强出头,闲事莫理,不然会和他人有争吵议论,可能惹来不必要的麻烦,更要留意官非。情侣会因为多次发生口角而产生有分手 的念头,建议属虎男女冷静考虑后再做决定。太过劳累以致健康稍差,尽量避免熬夜,以免体力透支过度而病倒。

9th Month:
This month career will be smooth sailing, as long as you stay patience, make a good plan and not goes beyond one’s bounds, you should be able to see some development. But if you need to deal with major investment, you must have a very good plan. You could also express your best ability in the financial management, pay attention to your saving, focusing on cost-cutting plan. Stay away from rumours and gossips, to avoid quarrels with others which may lead to unnecessary trouble. Due to many quarrels and disagreement between couple, there may be intention for separation/breakup therefore it is proposed to Tiger men and women to think carefully before making a decision. You may be over exahusted and health can be affected. Avoid staying up late in the night.

运 势下降,工作量增多,让你感觉有些手忙脚乱,要增强发挥自己的能力,只要多花点时间和精力处理,都可以达到目标。钱财方面平平,还是不要做冒险性大的投 资,以免对你造成经济的负担。桃花运不旺,单身未婚的朋友更需努力加油。这个月健康比较容易出状况,特别是上了年纪的朋友,要时刻注意自己的精神和身体状 况,也要防止有摔倒或是滑倒的意外发生。
10th Month:
There is a decline in fortune, increase of workload which may cuase you to feel in a flurry. You must enhace your ability to deal with the problem you face, as long as you put in effort and energy, there is good chances for you to achieve your goal. For the monetary aspect, is normal, do not deal with risky investment, to avoid financial burden. Love luck with the opposite sex is not good, singlehood to be more conscious and have extra effort. This is month your health condition may have some issue especially for the elderly, all the more you have to pay close attention to your mental, physical condition,  and  also prevent a fall or a slip.

本 月的运势持续低迷,可能遇到小人设计陷害,使努力业绩化为泡影,所以凡事都要三思而后行,尤其在这期间应注意搞好人际关系,与同事加强交流,以免陷入人际 困局,给工作事业带来恶劣影响。财运差,小心谨慎防止贵重物品遗失,并且不宜投资,偏财运也不利,少参与投机活动。健康方面要增加休息时间,身体不适就及 时求医。感情方面差强人意,夫妻偶尔会发生争吵,需要注意和控制自己的情绪。

11th Month:
This month's fortune continue to go downward, mainly due to the interference of the villians, that may cause probem to all your hard work. For whatever you do, suggest that you consider carefully in advance, especially during this period of time. You should be pay more attention with your interpersonal relationship, enhance colleagues relationship. Fortune is weak, be careful to prevent loss of valuable items, and not get involve with investment. You have to find more rest time, seek treatment immediately if you feel any unwell. Relationship and love is weak, for the married couple there may be some argument. Pay close attention and control your emotion.

终 于到了兔年的最后一个月,属虎朋友的事业重新焕发出生机勃勃,会有不俗的发展,有贵人出现帮助,为你出现的问题指点迷津。由于忙于工作,就容易忽略健康上 的问题,要多注意自己的睡眠时间,和饮食习惯,也要小心肠胃出现病痛。财运方面没有什么起色,不宜参与赌博,有做投资的朋友们要加倍谨慎,以免资金被套 牢。感情运差,有伴侣的朋友,双方关系会出现裂痕,所以伴侣之间应该多一些信任与沟通。
12th Month:
On the last month of the year, you start to see a regain in vitality in your career. With nobility guardian to assist you, you will gain some help to resolve your issues.  Due to your busy schedule, you may encounter some problem with your health. You may take more time to rest and watch your eating habits. Wealth do not seem to improve, avoid gambling and any form of investment to be extra cautious to avoid funds being immobilize. The attached may face some problem therefore suggest to have trust and understanding for each other.

Tiger people born in

Feb.08,1902 to Jan.28,1903
Jan.26,1914 to Feb.13,1915
Feb.13,1926 to Feb.01,1927
Jan.31,1938 to Feb.18,1939
Feb.17,1950 to Feb.05,1951
Feb.05,1962 to Jan.24,1963
Jan.23,1974 to Feb.10,1975
Jan.09,1986 to Jan.28,1987

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Chinese Astrology, Chinese Zodiac, Feng Shui, Chinese Horoscope, Bazi, Flying Star, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Dragon, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Dog, Pig,