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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Chinese Horoscope - 龙 Dragon

龙 Dragon

运势:今年属龙的朋友,命宫中有许多吉星,而且凶星较少,所以在运势上是畅旺的一年。工作中会有许 多贵人相助,工作表现突飞猛进,容易被上司重视,但今年容易招惹小人从中破坏,因此若能与他人多点交流,并改善人际关系,就会对事业发展更加有利。做生意 的朋友也在贵人的扶持下,财运非常顺利,投资均可看到回报。感情生活顺畅,甜蜜温馨。健康方面容易出现失眠、肠胃不适或呼吸等问题。今年尽量避免去参加葬 礼。
This year for the dragon, you seem to gain many lucky star plus the evil star is minimize. Therefore this is a good year ahead for you. There will be many nobility that will come to you, advance performance at work but there will be damage cause by some people around. You should make more communication with others and improve interpersonal relationship, career development will be more favorable. For the business people, you will get the chance to meet honored person's support, wealth is very smooth, you can see a return on your investment. Love life is smooth, sweet and warm. Health need to prone to insomnia, gastrointestinal discomfort or breathing problems. To avoid funeral this year.

事业:属龙的朋友今年事业运旺盛,工作得心应手,做事事半功倍。由 于 自己的努力再加上贵人的扶持提拔,让你在兔年里名利双收,异常顺利。但有时事业太过顺利,升职加薪的招摇过市,难免会招来小人的嫉妒与破坏,所以在与他人 相处时,还是应多忍让谦逊,不可出风头,也避免因为人际关系的原因而促使自己的成绩大打折扣。做投资的朋友,谨慎进行可得到不错的发展,但仍不可掉以轻 心,遇到难题时可多听取他人的意见。
This year work get easier and more efficient for the dragon. Together from your efforts and supports from others, you will be able to receive fame and fortune in the Year of the Rabbit, things get extremely well. But sometimes when you get extremely well and smooth, you may seem to inevitably provoke jealousy and destruction, so when dealing with colleagues you should be more humble to avoid people from thinking that you are over the top and bring down your good deeds. For those that are into investment, you will be able to gain some good progress but do not take it too lightly from your own success, you will still need to listen and take advise from people around you.

财运:属龙的朋友在兔年的财运平稳向上,收入也还算良好,但因为今年的 健康状况实在是不太理想,以 致在健康方面的支出太大,漏掉了不少财,使钱财难以储蓄。今年属龙的朋友一定要学习理财,财运顺利的时候,也不要乱花钱,应多多储蓄以备不时之需。经商者 今年会招惹金钱上的问题,要特别提防生意场上的小人,凡事考察清楚后再做决定。此外,今年不宜给他人做担保,以免有损失钱财。
In the Year of the Rabbit's, fortunes steadily goes upward, good income, but because the health status of this year is not ideal, resulting in health issues that may cause you to spending too much, missed a lot of money making opportunity. This year you must learn financial management, at the wealth of good times, you also do not spend too much money. You should be cautious and save for a rainy day. For people in the financial sector, you may encounter some issue with monetary upon meeting the villains in the field. You have to always study clearly before making a decision. In addition, you should not be a gurantor this year in order to avoid loss of money.

感情:今年属龙人的朋友桃花运 不错,尤其是单身的属龙男女容易遇到心仪的 对象,所以可多参加社交活动,给自己更多的机会。但对于终身大事,不能轻易下决定,双方应多些耐心和时间认识清楚对方的人品和性格,不能凭第一印象就冲动 决定,否则将来会有更多的烦恼。已有对象的朋友,感情恩爱,如果能够共同努力给平淡的婚姻生活多一些色彩,相信两人的生活会更加甜蜜。
Love luck is good this year, especially the single men and women you will very likely meet someone deseirable, you can take part in more social activities, give yourself more opportunities. But marriage matter, you may not deal with it too easily, have clear discussion with each other and make sure that you have good understanding and patience for each other's character and personality, not by the first impression to impulsive decisions, otherwise there would be more trouble. For the attached, relationship is smooth and warm. If you can make more effort to add more sparks for the couple will be good.

健康:在兔年里,属龙 朋友最需注意的就是健康状况,因为今年抵抗力较弱,容易出现问题,并需注意饮食均衡以及多做运动,尤其要特别注意肠胃方面的问题,饮食方面要戒口,没有煮 熟的食物不能乱吃,以免肠胃不适。女性的属龙朋友,今年的健康状况尤其不理想,特别要注意妇科疾病,最好定期去医院做身体检查,及早发现,就能尽快治疗。
In the Year of the Rabbit, the dragon will be in need of attention in the health situation, because this resistance is weak, prone to problems, therefore there is a need for you to be cautious on your diet and exercise more, with special attention to gastrointestinal problems, you should be careful with what you eat. Do not take the uncooked food to avoid stomach upset. For those that drive, you should pay attention to traffic safety, in order to avoid Xueguang disaster. Female dragon individual health is not ideal, with particular attention to gynecological diseases, go for examination on a regular basis, early detection, early treatment by the doctor.

属 龙人在兔年的第一个月,可说是新春大吉,财运、事业和感情运都很顺利。做事情得心应手,遇到阻碍也能够顺利解决,但不要因为想要做出成绩就不顾自己的身体 健康,因此要早点休息,谨防操劳过度而损害健康,否则反而会拖累工作的进展。本月财运佳,投资方面较利于做短期的投资,长期投资还需考察再做决定。对未婚 男女,本月是谈婚论嫁的好时机,如双方已经考虑清楚了,可计划实施。
1st month:
The first month of Year of the Rabbit can be said to be happy, prosperous, wealth, career and love in a very smooth operation. To make things easier, obstacles encountered can be resolved smoothly, but do not cling to make achievements and disregard own health. You should make sure to get an early night, to guard against overwork and damage to health, or contrary, it will drag on progress. Good fortune this month, more conducive in investment, good to do short-term investments, long-term investment needed to study make a decision. For unmarried men and women, this month is a good time to talk about your marriage, such as sharing each other thoughts and making plan together.

本 月运势急转直下,不如意的事接踵而来,必须要有心理准备。工作压力沉重,可能劳碌奔波又徒劳无功。工作上的是非和小人好像在本月突增了不少,让你难于应 付,所以应低调行事,别参与是非口舌,慎防有人落井下石。健康不佳,必须密切注意饮食卫生,慎防肠胃疾病。本月有财难聚,出门须多加小心,除了要防止财物 被盗,也要注意出行时会无端破财。感情难有突破,维持现状就好。
2nd Month:
Sudden reversal of fortune this month, unhappy things happen one after another, must be psychologically prepared. Heavy work pressure may be tiring and stressful. There may seem a sudden increase in the number of villians and many fault this month. You are advise to stay low profile, and do not participate in any gossip. Poor health, you must pay close attention to food hygiene, beware of gastrointestinal diseases. Financial difficulties this month, therefore you should more careful when going out, to prevent theft, unwarranted or even bankruptcy.

兔 年的第三个月,属龙人的运势继续下降,工作方面有不少阻碍,对事业发展很不利,应尽心努力,以免事业陷于停滞,同时也要提防有人在背后搞小动作。财运反 复,正财及偏财均不宜憧憬,尤其在处理公司账目上的文件时,要细心审核,防止因账目出错引起损财。健康需小心保养,注意身体护理,少吃煎炸食物,养成健康 饮食的好习惯。感情运极佳,有机会邂逅动人异性,应多花些心力培养感情。
3rd month:
In the third month of the Year of the Rabbit, the dragon's fortunes continued to decline, you may encounter several obstacles at work, the cause of development is very negative, you have to continue to work hard, so as not to cause stagnation, but also beware of someone playing tricks in the background. Wealth is unstable, document or any form of written piece to be carefully review to prevent errors caused by loss of fiscal accounts. Health care need to be careful, pay attention to health care, eat less fried food, to develop the good habit of healthy eating. Love life is good, you should be spending more effort to cultivate each other feelings.

运势和财运慢慢好转,但必须要 有一定的付出,才能争 取到想要的成绩,而且做事最好亲力亲为。事业运一般,仍可能会遇到一些阻碍,所以要细心去处理业务。本月最重要就是搞好人际关系,与同事们多沟通,为接下 来的工作会顺利进展。桃花运旺盛,由于承接上个月的势头,情侣感情加深,进展顺利,应该好好把握机会。只是健康依然没有改善,要多注意身体健康, 以及饮食卫生。
4th Month:
Slowly getting better in your fortune and wealth, but you must make sure you work on your own to achieve and secure the desired results. Career luck is on the average, you may still encounter some obstacles, so be careful when handle business. This month the most important thing to do is to improve relationships, communicate with colleagues in order to have your next job goes in a smooth progress. Love luck is blossom strong, smooth sailing, you should take the opportunity to treat each other better. But still no improvement in health, you need to pay attention to food hygiene.

运 势上升,特别是工作运,相比上个月有很大的转机,但凡事不可急进,应平稳发展,并且在工作实施的过程中,懂得善用人才,这样才能扭转一切不利的局势,而取 得好成绩。本月财运可以有所期待,正偏财有额外进账,习惯投资的朋友可考虑投资房地产行业,有赚钱的空间。感情进展良好,但需防有旁人从中作梗,但只要双 方态度坚定,互相信任,就不会有太大的问题。出外旅游的属龙朋友,要记得安全第一,尽量避免水上活动。
5th Month:
Fortune increased, especially in your career, compared to last month, there is a great turning point. But avoid being too overwhelming, there will be smooth development and implementation process at work, you should make good use of talents, so as to reverse all the adverse situations in order to get good grades. Wealth can be expected this month, there seem to be a easy way to make money in investment. For the regular investor, you can consider investing in real estate industry, there is room to make money. Love luck is good, but there will be people that may interfere, therefore both love ones should maintain a firm attitude, mutual trust, then it will not be too much problem. When traveling around, you must make sure to pay attention to your safety, and avoid water sport.

上个月的旺运在 这个月没有持续下去,运 势急转直下,很多潜藏的问题逐渐浮现出来,这时必须勇于面对现实,及早解决困阻,切勿退避拖延。工作上很不顺利,还有小人出来破坏,因此要沉默做事,闲事 莫管,以免节外生枝。婚姻生活不顺利,已婚夫妻感情可能会出现一些矛盾,应备加珍惜。未婚人在感情方面收获不大,应加倍努力。身体抵抗力差,容易生病,宜 多参与户外活动来保持健康。
6th month:
The good fortune from last month did not hold too long for this month, there seem a sudden reversal of fortune, a lot of potential problems seem to occur. When face with problem, you must have the courage to face reality and start early resolution to resolve difficulties. Work is not well, there are villains out for destruction, therefore you should keep low profile, avoid gossip and do not get involve with others problem to avoid any further complications. Marriage do not go well, married couples may be some feelings of conflict, you should be treasure each other more. Singles luck is average, stay patience and relax. Poor body resistance, susceptibility to disease, should get more exercise to stay healthy.

此 月运势较上个月有所改善,而且只要用心努力,事业发展就会顺畅,可以重新走上正轨,虽然工作顺利,但凡事还是应亲自掌控,尤其是关系到文件的处理方面,更 是要亲力亲为,以防出现漏洞问题出现。在财运方面会有一定的收获和机遇,不过对风险类投资,尽量适可而止。未婚男女感情出现转机,情投意合,甜甜蜜蜜。这 个月要注意休息,以往的慢性疾病可能会有复发加重的可能,防止过于疲劳。
7th month:
This month fortune increases from the previous month, as long as the intention for you to work hard and have the effort for career development, it will be smooth and you can get back on track fast. Despite work moving smoothly, you should be personally in control with everything, especially related to the document processing, you should be handling it all by yourselves, to prevent a loophole problems. There will be certain aspects of the wealth gains and opportunities, but taking risk for investment should be avoid. Love luck for the single is good this month, things get sweet and warm Health this month, you should pay attention to take more rest, to prevent over-fatigue.

运 势转好,桃花运更旺盛,单身朋友这个月容易与异性擦出感情火花,但有时也需保持冷静,以免一时冲动给自己带来无尽的麻烦。已有对象的朋友易有烂桃花,要谨 防第三者插足的事情发生,面对诱惑应保持清醒的头脑。事业运畅旺,用心经营会获得较好的发展,是大展宏图的良好时机,可进行投资获利,但应见好就收,积聚 财富以备后用。此月健康无大碍,但还需注意饮食卫生。
8th month:
Fortune turn for the better, love luck blossom more vigorous, singles seem to easily get to meet with the opposite sex this month. But you may sometime need to remain calm and avoid impulse decision that may brings you some problem. For the attached, you may encounter some third party intrusion therefore the face of the temptation to keep a cool head. Booming business operation, careful management will be a good development for the grand plans as a good time to invest in profitable. Be aware and sensitive for the accumulation of wealth for future use. No serious health issue this month, but need to pay attention to food hygiene.

本 月工作上会出现一些问题,主要的难题是人际关系方面的处理,也会有小人出来破坏,挑拨你和他人的关系,建议属龙朋友一定要明辨是非,勿听信闲言闲语。财运 方面不佳,虽然有些收入,但却财来财去而难以积聚,所以需小心理财,切勿浪费一切开支,以免出现经济问题。感情上会有好的进展,未婚情侣多花些心思培养感 情,不要错失良缘,已婚夫妻感情生活顺顺利利。健康方面不很理想,宜多休养生息,以免积劳成疾。
9th month:
This month there will be some problems at work, the main problem is handling interpersonal relationship, there will be villains that may cause damage, and stir up the relationship between you and others, recommend that the dragonto stay away from gossip. Wealth poor, although some income, but wealth is difficult to accumulate, so be careful with your financial management, do not waste all costs to avoid economic problems. Emotionally good progress, unmarried couples to spend some thought to cultivate their feelings, do not miss the happy match, married couples love life proceeds smoothly. Health is not very satisfactory, advise to rest and recuperate, so as not to overwork.

属 龙的朋友这个月的运势依然反复,工作上还是会有很多阻碍,宜冷静处理,稍有不慎,便很可能一蹶不振,导致一发不可收拾,建议遇到问题要多求助于他人帮助, 事情才会大事化小小事化无。本月财运平平,要多注意节省开支,倘若消耗过度会影响钱财流失,所以要适当储蓄,有备无患,对待商机要量力而行,庞大的投资项 目特别要慎重。健康良好,只需防情绪不安等小毛病。家庭生活平静,夫妻感情甜蜜,未婚者有良缘出现,请好好把握。
10th month:
There seem to still have many obstacles, should be calm and deal with the slightest mistake, to prevent from leading to out of control. When meet with problem, you should get assistant from people around you to resolve it together to prevent the matter from getting bigger. Average wealth for this month, pay more attention to cost savings, if the over-consumption will affect the money lost, so the savings should be appropriate, being prepared to deal with business opportunities within your capabilities, large investment projects, in particular to be careful. Good health, be more attentive to health supplement to maintain your health. Quiet family life, marital relations sweet, chances for the single to meet someone.

本 月运势吉凶参半,需特别提防健康上有旧病复发的可能,平时要注意观察,稍有不适就要及时求医。事业运一般,处理公司业务要细心,不要因一时大意给公司带来 损失,总之一切事务按部就班的进行,就不会出现太大问题。财运顺利,尤其是偏财方面,会有一笔可观的收入,让你喜出望外。感情生活一如既往的甜蜜,尤其是 恋爱中的朋友,相互关怀备至,双方感情持续升温。
11th month:
Mixed good and bad fortune this month, particularly a need to beware of health. You may have the possibility of relapse, usually to observe the slightest discomfort should promptly seek medical attention. Business is average in general, business to be carefully handle and do not overlook to prevent loss of money, in short, the conduct of all matters to be taken step by step, it will not appear too much a problem. Wealth is well, especially the financial side, there will be a substantial amount of income, so you pleasantly surprised. Sweet as always, love life, especially friends in love, mutual caring, warming up the feelings of both.

兔年的最后一个月,属龙朋友的运势大为好转,很多未 完全解决的困阻,在这个月均可完美解决,之前的担忧一扫而空,这正是你阔步向前,争取佳绩的大好时机。做生意或做投资的朋友,生意蒸蒸日上,但在获得财富 的时候也要懂得理财,资金周转灵活,生意才能长久。健康有所改善,多运动多休息才是养生之道。感情运佳,感情稳定的情侣可考虑婚姻大事,计划两人的缔结良 缘。
12th month:
Year of the Rabbit last month, fortune luck is turning very well for the dragon, a lot of resistance will be fully resolve. The stressful problem from before will all be swept away. It is a good opportunity to stride forward, for success of the appreciation. Investor or business individual, business booming, but also know how to make good use of your wealth, learn wealth management, cash flow flexibility, the business can be a long time. Health has improved, you should take more rest and exercise. Relationship is well, marriage planning may goes into action.

DRAGON people born in
Feb.16,1904 to Feb.03,1905
Feb.03,1916 to Jan.22,1917
Jan.23,1928 to Feb.09,1929
Feb.08,1940 to Jan.26,1941
Jan.27,1952 to Feb.13,1953
Feb.13,1964 to Feb.01,1965
Jan.31,1976 to Feb.17,1977
Feb.17,1988 to Feb.05,1989

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