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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Chinese Horoscope - 蛇 Snake

蛇 Snake

运势: 属蛇的朋友在兔年的运势有较多阻碍,尤其是命宫中的凶星会给你带来钱财方面的问题,切勿听信小人的花言巧语而导致被蒙骗破财。今年最好控制自己的投资欲, 在投资方面深思熟虑,不要轻易与他人合伙做生意。健康方面要多关注自己的精神差而导致情绪化,容易与身边的人发生争执与口角,要多休息,不要因为精神不好 影响到工作和感情。今年与同事们相处时,最好不参与是非讨论,以免惹祸上身。属蛇朋友今年也应尽量避免参加白事,以免影响运势。
In the Year of the Rabbit for the snake there will some obstacles, especially with evil star showing up this year, you may have unlucky fate that will brings you monetary problem. This year you have to control yourselves in term of investing and do not go into business easily with anyone. You should be paying good attention to your health, you may find it difficult to focus or feeling lethargic easily which may lead to emotional instability and may fall into easily dispute easily. You should rest more, to prevent from getting distracted at work or in love. It is best that you do not engage in any gossip to avoid from getting into trouble. For the snake individual this year, it is suggested that you avoid attending any funeral ceremony to avoid from affecting your fortune.

事业: 属蛇朋友今年的事业运不利,工作方面最好保守为宜,想要到外地寻求发展或是想要转换工作的朋友,今年并不是实施的好时机。虽然工作中会出现不少难题,但也 不是不能解决,只要有勇于面对挫折的决心,就能度过难关。由于今年在工作中会遇到不少阻碍,而且又无贵人出来相助,所以做事尽量低调和忍耐,尤其要注意人 际关系的处理,另外平时多与上司或同事们沟通,以便遇到难题时,还是可以得到他们的帮助。
For the snake, work is at your disadvantage this year. You should keep conservative, if you have any plan to go work overseas or change a job; it is not a good time to implement this year. Despite having issue at work, it is still not too difficult to resolve them, as long as you stay positive and continue working towards your goal, you will definitely be able to overcome them. Since this year, you are bound to encounter problem at work and no nobility for assistant. You should keep low profile and be patient. You should make effort in your social skill and communication with your superior and colleague this year, you may therefore be able to get some help from it.

财运: 今年容易受骗导致财务上出现问题,不仅没有贵人出现指点你赚钱的机会,还有可能在小人的错误指引下做出错误的判断,导致钱财有去无回,所以不要轻易与人合 伙做投资,以免发生钱财纠纷,给自己带来无尽的烦恼。财运不利,出门要小心不见贵重物品或遭遇小偷,另外对已经赚到手的钱要懂得储蓄,不要因为一时的手头 宽裕就胡乱花钱,购买一堆无用的东西,等到急需用钱的时候又陷入财政危机。今年偏财运不佳,忌赌博与投资。
This year, the snake may be an easy prey that can led to financial problem. You notice that not only there is no nobility assistant, there can be some villains out there that may affect your judgment, which may cause you monetary loss. Therefore you should be careful when doing business with anyone or even avoid making any business deal to avoid property disputes. Be careful and keep a good lookout on your valuable whenever you go out to avoid theft. You should also be aware on your earning and avoid splurging
unnecessarily. Wealth is average, avoid gambling or making any risk investment.

感 情: 属蛇的朋友在兔年里情绪波动比较大,有时候太过情绪化的性格也让伴侣无法忍受,常常发生口角以致影响到两人原本恩爱甜蜜的夫妻感情。情侣相处应该互相忍 让,当发生争吵时要先从自己身上找原因,及早化解感情危机才不会越来越差。未婚的属蛇朋友,今年的感情很容易受到其他人的干预,所以对自己心仪的对象要有 坚定的态度,不要因为朋友的一些意见就改变本身立场。
In the Year of the Rabbit, the snake individual will experience numerous mood swings. Sometime too emotional that may cause it difficult your partner to endure. There will be frequent argument that may affect the loving couple. Couples should get along with each other with more patient and understanding to help resolve any crisis. the time when an argument from first to find the reasons, early crisis will not resolve the feelings of the more depression worse. Unmarried person seem to be vulnerable towards other interference. Therefore if you have someone you like, do not get too affected by what other says or do.

健康: 运势起伏不定,工作、财运和感情这些多方面的不顺,让你身心疲累,使精神长时间的处于不佳的状态。属蛇朋友今年应放松心态,争取多点时间休息,并可考虑和 家人出去旅游,这不仅是放松心情的好方式,还可以加强彼此之间的感情。今年要注意饮食卫生,忌吃生冷食物,以免导致肠胃细菌感染。最好避免参加白事。
There is an instability flow in your fortune, work, wealth and love that may cause you to feel lethargic and stressful. You should maintain relax mentally and find time to rest or you may consider making travel plan with your family. Despite traveling is a good form to relax and enhance your emotion. You should be careful with food hygiene, avoid cold food, so as not to cause gastrointestinal infections. Avoid going to any funeral ceremony.
新年的第一个月,运势还算不错,工作一切顺 利,偶尔同事间有些争执,但只要懂得互相沟通,就能化解矛盾,就不会影响工作的进展。财运方面显现出旺盛的势头,偏财也很不错,精心选取些适合的项目进行 投资,有了回报就收手,切忌不可过于贪婪,并且赚取的钱财要储蓄起来以备后用。桃花运旺盛,感情生活多姿多彩,但切勿三心二意。健康良好,但也需多休息养 生,另外慎防喝酒伤身。
1st Month:
The first month for the year of Rabbit, the snake fortune is good. Work is well, despite disputes occasionally between colleagues, but as long as you know how to communicate with each other, conflicts will be able to resolve smoothly. Wealth is good, you may carefully select some projects for investment, and there can be good return. Do not be greedy and once u sees the gain, you would have to make a step back. Love luck is shining well, but do not be too fickle mind. Health is good, but you should also ensure enough rest and take sufficient health supplement. Do not get involve with alcohol consumption.

本 月运势的 动荡性特别大,各个方面都不太稳定,凡事应沉稳冷静,如进展不利,不妨考虑以退为进。在工作上,不能只顾自己埋头苦干,有时候也要留意下周围发生的事情, 以免被小人算计了却全然不知。财运平平,投资须加倍谨慎,小心钱财破损,平时生活亦需节省开支。健康运下降,密切注意交通安全,防止手足受伤。属蛇的朋友 切勿因工作而冷落爱侣,需要适当的表示心意或多陪伴,以维系感情。
2nd month:
The flow for your fortune this month is huge, in all aspects, there is plenty of instability. Everything is calm and slow, there is no specific improvement. Therefore you may consider to retreat for the time being. At work, you may want to pay attention to your environment instead of working blindly to prevent any villains’ interference. Wealth is average, be caution and careful with any investment to prevent from any monetary loss. You should also be thriftier for this month. You may also neglect your partner due to excessive work commitment; therefore you should find some companion time for your love ones.

运 势上升,事业出现转机,工作可以按照计划一步步顺利实施,业绩方面也有大幅增长,因此必须好好把握时机来争取所得。工作业绩增长,正财收入也相应增长,只 是有时候不懂得理财,把辛苦赚来的钱又投资在一些风险大的项目上,可能导致漏财,所以要适可而止,以免血本无归。本月容易出现肠胃消化的不适,饮食需特别 注意。感情运特别差,小人的挑拨使情侣间的争吵不断,彼此需要学习互相忍让。
3rd month:
Fortune to increase this month, the cause of a turnaround, work can be successfully implemented as planned, step by step, also has a substantial performance increase, it is necessary to take advantage of this opportunity. There will be a job performance growth, and also good monetary income. But there are time that you may miss out on making a financial plan, you may use your hard-earned money and invest in a risky projects. Therefore you should not overdo thing to avoid losing everything. This month, health is prone to digestive discomfort, be careful with your diet. Love luck is very weak this month; villains provoke argument between lovers constantly. You need to learn patience and understanding for each other.

此 月属蛇的朋友运势大幅滑落,工作有诸多阻滞,必须小心戒备,以免功亏一篑,而且做事情要稳重,不要遇到困难就心浮气躁,多与上司同事沟通,就会有解决的方 法。财星破损,受骗几率很高,不宜做任何投资或借贷,更不宜与他人合伙做生意,健康尚可,但繁重的公司业务会导致出现失眠的现象,所以要注意劳逸结合,多 休息。同时也不要因为工作而忽视了伴侣,要多点交流沟通,以免感情生疏。
4th month;
This month, there seem a significant decline in the snake fortune, you will be working with numerous difficulties, you must be careful and vigilance to avoid losing all your effort made. Do not give up easily or lost faith, make more communication with colleagues and supervisors will help resolve problem. Health is acceptable, but the heavy business would lead to insomnia issue, therefore you should get more rest. And make sure you do not neglect your partner. Show more concern and understanding.

运 势稍好,财运则是盈中有损,或许会有不错收入,只是财富难守,少有剩余,因此不宜进行大规模投资。工作不是特别顺利,主要是在处理文件时容易出现问题,要 谨慎小心,不要因为工作任务繁重,就粗心马马虎虎的应付。未婚者感情方面会有一些进展,但还不宜谈婚论嫁,时机尚未成熟,所以单身朋友不要太心急。本月要 多留意身体发生的细微变化,注意感冒,以及有旧病复发的可能。
5th month:
Fortune this month for the snake gets better, wealth is smooth and there may be good income but it is difficult to keep the monetary gain therefore you should have a habit to save and avoid large-scale investment. Work is not particularly successful, mainly in the processing document may be prone to problem; therefore you should be more cautious while handling such. You should be meticulous when dealing with your work, do not be too rush even when workload is heavy. Unmarried individual have a good progress with their relationship but it is still not a good time to get make any married plan. This month you may need to pay more attention to subtle changes occur in your body, cautious with flu, as well as the possibility of relapse.

运势转好, 繁忙 的工作告一段落,连日来的辛苦也终于在这个月看到回报,业绩有很大增长,尤其是正财收入,令属蛇的朋友非常满意,另外偏财方面也不逊色,有中奖的机会,因 此要多留意身边出现的数字。桃花旺盛,未婚的朋友感情生活丰富,有很多机会,但要慎重选择。本月当心会有意外血光,外出必须注意安全,尤其是需要夜间出门 时,一定要有人相伴,不宜单独行动。
6th month:
Fortune this month turn better, the busy period is put to a stop. Hard work made from before seem to reap good return, result is positive and there is a great performance ahead. You will feel satisfied with yourselves this month; there may be a good chance for making extra profit. Look around for the numbers around you; you may bring you winning chance. Love luck is good and blossom well. There will be many opportunity to meet someone desire. This month for the snake, you may encounter accident; therefore you have to be aware of your safety when you go out, especially in the night. Make sure you have someone to keep you company, do not travel alone.

运 势开始反复不定,工作的进展也不像之前那样顺利,尤其是竞争对手的加入,使得业绩更难得到提升,应尽量多与上司同事交流,研究出更可靠的竞争策略,才能立 于不败之地。财运平平,正财收入不稳定,更不可沉迷赌博,否则钱财危机不可避免。感情运佳,未婚朋友若感情成熟,可考虑缔结连理。健康方面不要因为工作任 务重就牺牲休息时间,避免过度劳累而病倒。
7th month:
Fortune this month began to be in a very unstable state, work progress also do not seem to be as smooth as the previous month, especially with competitors intrusion that may cause many obstacles at work that makes it difficult for you to meet your target. You communicated more with your supervisor and colleagues, in order to develop a much better environment for working relationship to achieve your desirable result. Wealth is weak, financial income is unstable and must not indulge in gambling, or any large-scale investment. Love luck is good, unmarried individual may find a good time to make marriage plan. Do not overwork, and sacrifice your resting time to avoid falling sick.

业 务方面的问题接二连三的出现,让属蛇的朋友在这个月里疲于应付,以至于情绪非常差,除了与同事间频频发生摩擦,还影响到与家人的相处,与伴侣更可能出现冷 战情况,应尽早调整自己,解除感情危机。本月容易受骗破财,幸亏有贵人在身边提醒,令属蛇的朋友及时醒悟,没有落入破财陷阱,所以别太轻易相信他人的谗 言。健康有起色,但去到人多的地方,也需要慎防感染流行性感冒。
8th month:
You may seem to be struggling with many issues one after another this month, which can cause you to feel stressful and bad mood. Relationships with colleagues and family are not good. You may more likely to get into a cold war with your partner. It is advisable that you keep calm and cool as much as you can this month, to lift yourselves up to prevent any crisis. You are bound to be cheated and have monetary loss this month, but lucky to have a nobility person by your side that save you from falling into the trap. Do not be too easily convinced by others in making deal. Health is much better this month, avoid crowded places and guard against influenza infection.

运 势没有多大的好 转,除了正常的工作情况没有改善,本月还要面临人事方面的变动,又给属蛇的朋友添加了一些烦恼和担忧。财运差,正财收入没有增加,偏财更不宜憧憬,不宜进 行大规模及风险类投资。事业上的不尽如人意和压力给身体健康带来很大的负担,应多加小心,最好进行适当的调理。感情大有进展,未婚朋友桃花旺,但切勿见异 思迁,以免出现新的感情纠纷,自寻烦恼。
9th month:
Fortune is average this month; there do not seem to have any much change at work. However, you may face some personal changes that may cause you some worries and issues. Wealth is weak; there is no good income add-on. You are not suitable to do any large-scale and risk taking investment. Career is not satisfactory and you may have pressure that brings you health burden. You should be more careful and make sure you have a good monitoring with yourselves. Love luck is good this month, you get to meet more people and may get into a a few dates but do not be overly expose to prevent unnecessary trouble.

属 蛇的朋友本月运 势否极泰来,渐入佳境。工作方面有所进展,宜抓住好时机,提升业绩。此月在工作中切勿失信于人,要用真诚的态度来赢得大家的支持。正偏财俱佳,经商的朋友 生意蒸蒸日上,善于投机的属蛇朋友也可小赌怡情。未婚男女有口角,难有大的进展和成果,应以和为贵,避免感情失败。健康方面大有改善,神清气爽,但夜间活 动还是要控制数量和时间,不宜过于频繁。
10 month:
Fortune gets better this month for the snake. There is improvement at work, seize the good opportunity to improve performance. You should work with sincerity and effort to win everyone’s support. Wealth luck is also doing well, business will boom, minimum investment made is fine. Singles may find that there will be argument between one another, therefore keep calm and patience to prevent breakup. Health has much improved, you will feel much more refresh and energize. Try to avoid nighttime activities, to maintain good energy.

开始 进入兔年的尾声,属蛇朋友的工 作虽不是一帆风顺,但也要平心静气的处理难题,在工作方面宜守旧,并且不利于转换工作,所以再大的困难也还是要坚持下去。本月有漏财的迹象,要慎防自己的 贵重物品遗失,或小心小偷,出门也要锁好门窗。在婚姻感情方面,未婚者要注意小人和感情方面的烂桃花,己婚者要防止出现第三者或感情不专一的现象。本月健 康虽无大碍,但需注意个人卫生。
11th month:
Moving to the end year for the snake, work may not be too smooth for you, but you should stay calm at all time when handling on the problems. You should stay at your work regardless any problem you have, hang on to it and avoid any thought to change job, it is not a conducive time to do so. There is sign of theft for the snake this month; therefore, you should be careful with your valuables. You should remember to lock all doors and windows when heading out. Singles are advice to be careful with bad romance. Married couple should be more aware of each other feeling this month to prevent a third party intrusion. There will not be much issue with your health this month; you will have to need to observe a good personal hygiene.

属 蛇的朋友在兔年的最后一个月,事业运和财运都有一个好的结尾。工作上与同事间的关系转好,人际关系佳而给事业发展带来很大帮助,老板也比较器重,有提薪升 值的可能。财运佳,可进行多方面的投资,只是要进行完善的市场调查后,再付诸行动才会圆满成功。感情上会有意外的收获,未婚的朋友应抓住机会,大胆表达感 情。兔年的最后一个月仍然有健康方面的烦恼,尤其必须注意出外驾驶安全。
12th month:
Approaching the last month of the year of rabbit, career and fortune is seem to be good. You will have a good relationship with your colleagues at work. Good interpersonal social skill can be a great help to you in your career development. You get good regard from the bosses and may get a chance for pay raise. Fortune is good, you may conduct several form of investment but you will have to make a comprehensive market research before moving into it. Love will brings you surprise; singles may take the chance to grab this good opportunity to express your love for someone. In term of your health, you will have to pay extra attention while driving for all drivers.

SNAKE people born in
Feb.04,1905 to Jan.24,1906
Jan.23,1917 to Feb.10,1918
Feb.10,1929 to Jan.29,1930
Jan.27,1941 to Feb.14,1942
Feb.14,1953 to Feb.02,1954
Feb.02,1965 to Jan.20,1966
Feb.18,1977 to Feb.06,1978
Feb.06,1989 to Jan.26,1990

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