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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Chinese Horoscope - 狗 Dog

狗 Dog
运势: 属狗的朋友命宫中有众多吉星扶持,运势非常旺盛,在读学生可以取得优异的成绩,工作人士有贵人相助,可以获得很好的业绩,有加薪提升的机会,可以说,属狗 朋友在事业方面是名利双收,非常顺利。做生意的朋友投资得利,可以考虑向海外发展业务。财星拱照,但是同时有凶星出现,要提防钱财被骗,出入小心看管自己 的贵重物品,以防被偷。桃花运旺盛,未婚男女感情成熟可以谈婚论嫁。健康运尚可,需要注意饮食卫生。

Fortune :
The Dog will benefit from good fortune this year due to the presence of a lucky star. Academically, they will achieve good results, in work, they receive the help and support from a nobility which in turn will lead to excellent work performance and opportunities for a pay rise. It can be said that the Dog will be successful at work due to their popularity and fortune. For businessmen, it is a good year for investments and you may wish to expand your business overseas. However, be wary of cheats who are out to cheat your money, take good care of your valuables to prevent theft. You will have good luck with the opposite sex this year, for couples with a matured relationship can start planning for marriage. Health is good but extra attention must be paid to food hygiene.

事 业: 属狗朋友今年在工作上的表现突出,尤其是在领导管理方面的能力很强,令老板对你刮目相看,慢慢得到器重,升职机会随之而来,在获得名声的同时,也免不了会 有加薪的可能。所以,属狗朋友应该乘着事业上的好运势,勇往直前,与同事之间多点互动,互相沟通想法和意见,争取取得业绩上的更大突破。做生意的朋友,今 年也是扩充市场的有利时机,想要向海外发展的计划,可以着手实施。

Career :
The Dog will have outstanding work performance this year, especially in management and leadership skills. This will impress your boss and subsequent promotion opportunities will follow. Therefore, you should ride on the good fortune during this period of time and strive forward. Interact more with your colleagues, communicate ideas and opinions to achieve a breakthrough in your work performance. For businessmen, this is a good opportunity to expand your market overseas.

财运: 今年属狗朋友命宫中的财星很旺,事业上又有贵人相助,可以说是财运亨通,工作人士加薪不断,做生意的朋友可以获得丰厚利润。但是,在财运滚滚来的同时,今 年命宫中也有凶星出现,导致财来财去,钱财会有很大一部分花费在家人身上或是房产上。今年也会有盗窃之灾,出门上下车要注意自己的随身物品,以防小偷有机 可乘。但是破财挡灾,有时候也不要把钱财看的太重。

Wealth :
The Dog will benefit from good fortune this year due to the presence of a lucky star. For work, they will receive assistance from a nobility and there will be alot of pay raise opportunities. Businessmen will also reap good profits. However, during this period of good fortune, they may encounter a loss of wealth. A large part of the wealth will be spent on their family or their property. There will be a high number of theft occurring this year as well. Pay extra attention to valuables when going out to prevent theft .

感情: 在兔年里,属狗朋友的感情运佳,喜事连连,未婚男女倘若感情稳定成熟,可以缔结连理,步入人生的另一阶段。单身的属狗朋友今年桃花开,有望找到心仪的对 象,是发展恋情的好时机,希望及时把握机会,为一生的幸福做出正确抉择。已婚者夫妻感情良好,但异性缘佳要小心谨慎外遇事件,尽量避免跟异性单独来往,以 免友情变爱情,给自己平添烦恼,多关心家庭,自然可以避开第三者。

In the year of the Rabbit, the dog will have a fruitful love life. Couples with a matured relationship may wish to discuss about marriage to enter another stage of life. Singles have a good chance of meeting someone who they will develop good feelings for. Make sure to grab the opportunity and make a decision. Married couples will have a good relationship, but avoid going out alone with someone of the opposite sex to avoid troubles. Show more concern to the family to maintain the good relationship.

健康: 属狗朋友整体的健康没有大问题,不过要多注意家中长辈的健康状况,应该多抽空陪伴家人,给予对方悉心的照顾及关怀。今年事业上惊喜连连,导致应酬增多,与 朋友及同事聚餐玩乐,要注意适当控制饮食,尤其是要控制吸烟喝酒的频率,以免影响到肝功能。另外,在应酬比较多的时期,除了要注意调配作息的时间外,还要 加强锻炼,对身心都有正面的帮助。

The overall health for the dog is good and there are no major health issues. However, pay more attention to the health status of the older family members, show them more care and concern. Due to the good fortune in your career, you will be engaged in more entertainment, fun and gatherings with friend and colleagues so you should pay more attention to your diet. Control the frequency of smoking and alcohol consumption to prevent any illness that may come with them. Additionally, other than allocating time for rest and social activities, make time to do some exercise, it will benefit you physically and mentally.

新年 的第一个月,属狗朋友的运势非常好,大利事业发展,与人合作能够取得更好的效果,工作上表现多多,宜把握机会,以赢得上司青睐。命宫中有吉凶出现,财运非 常佳,固定工作者有额外收入,经商者财源大增,可以进行投资获利。感情平稳,偶尔伴侣间会有些小误会,只要及时调解,解释清楚就没事,不会导致太大的影 响。健康无大碍,不过不可大意,需要注意饮食安全。

1st Month : In the first month of the year, the Dog will have good fortune. Good progression in their career, better results can be achieved when working in groups which will lead to good work performance. Make use of the opportunity presented to win over the favor of their superiors. Wealth fortune is good for this month as workers will receive extra income, businessman will also see an increase in their financial resources so this is a good time to make investments. Love is stable with occasional quarrels and minor misunderstanding between partners. Everything will be resolved as long as explanations are given. Health condition is ok but do not be complacent, pay attention to diet.

本 月运势有所下滑,工作压力较大,可能遇到重重阻碍,无论付出多少努力,都可能看不到成绩。工作方面将有不少变动,必须懂得随机应变,切勿墨守成规。财运较 为一般,横财相对低迷,风险类投资实在不宜进行,即使进行也应择吉日,以免血本无归。未婚男女有机会认识异性朋友,并且会有理想的对象出现,宜好好把握。 健康易出问题,小心留意肝的问题,如有旧病复发的迹象,应及早求医。

2nd Month : A dip in fortune this month and there will be pressure during work. You may also encounter many obstacles and no matter how much effort you put in, they will all be in vain. Expect changes in work and you must be flexible and act according to the circumstances. Wealth fortune is average, do not make any kind of investment for this month but if you have to do so, choose an auspicious date to prevent huge loss of fortune. Singles will have opportunities to meet friends of the opposite sex and an ideal partner will appear. There is a slight issue with health and you should pay attention to any liver problems you may experience. Seek medical advice immediately if you are suffering from a relapse of an old illness.

这个月属狗朋友要注意搞好人际关系, 做事保持低 调,避免得罪小人,以防口舌风波给工作及事业的发展带来恶劣影响。财运有阻,投资需要看准时机,否则损失严重。偏财运不利,切勿赌博及投机,很有可能泥足 深陷而不能自拔。已婚夫妻感情容易起风波,不要太固执己见,退一步海阔天空,避免因为小事发生口角。健康大有起色,必须注意饮食卫生,以免病从口入。

3rd Month : The main thing to do this month will be to improve interpersonal relationships. Keep a low profile at work to avoid offending anyone which will also prevent a war of words from happening. Wealth will encounter some obstacles, serious considerations must be made before making any investments or you will suffer a great deal of loss. Gambling activities should be avoided as you may get addicted. Arguments will occur for married couples. Try to stay open minded and take a step back when needed to avoid disputes over minor stuffs. Health has improved but attention must still be paid to food hygiene to prevent illness.

本月运势有如雨过天晴,显示出 一派生机勃勃的景象,而且会有贵人指引事业和财运,帮助你逢凶化吉。工作上称心如意,如果能够精心发展,一定能更上一层楼。本月财运大有改善,投资有利可 图,经商者是扩充市场的时机,有意向海外扩展的也同样可以进行。感情方面偶尔会起波折,宜多控制情绪,以减少双方之间的摩擦。这个月要保持正常的饮食习 惯,准时用餐,切忌暴饮暴食。

4th Month : Fortune took a turn for the better this month. A nobility will appear to guide you on your career and wealth which will bring you good luck. An improvement to the wealth fortune this month as well. Investments will be profitable, this is also a good month for businessmen to expand their market locally and also overseas. There might be occasional arguments with your partner. Try to control your emotions to reduce the friction between both of you. Maintain your normal eating habits for this month and refrain from over eating.

本月运势起起落落,工作进展一波三 折,必须全力以 赴,才能平稳发展。除了自己的努力,还要注意协调好人际关系,工作中多与同事沟通互动,不但能解决难题,还能帮助到业绩的提升。财运暗淡,正偏财不利,对 投资必须慎之又慎,同时要注意防止钱财大量外泄。对待爱侣要耐心和宽容,切勿有诸多挑剔,以免感情出现裂痕。本月有血光,出门在外要注意安全,尤其不可以 晚归。

5th Month : There will be ups and downs for your fortune this month. There will also be alot of twist and turns at work so you must put in extra effort in work to ensure that it progress steadily. In addition to efforts put in by your own, it is also important to maintain good inter personal relationship with fellow colleagues and communicate more at work to solve any work issues as well as to improve work performance. Wealth fortune is gloomy this month and you must be cautious when making investments to prevent financial loss. Be patient and tolerant towards your partner and do not be too critical of them to avoid a breakdown in relationship. Pay attention to safety when going out and do not stay out too late

这 个月属狗朋友在工作方面有所进展,生意上的业务往来也慢慢有起色,可以考虑把筹备已久的海外投资计划转变成具体可行的实施方案,并且可以着手进行。但是, 在实施的过程中还是要小心细节上的内容,尤其是签署合约文件时必须看清条款内容。财运不是特别明朗,理财必须小心,以免出现经济危机。感情运一般,单身朋 友要耐心等待时机,不要过于急躁。健康尚可,注意作息规律。

6th Month : There will be good work progression and business is also picking up. You may proceed with any long planned overseas investments that you may have already prepared. However, you must be careful with the small details especially the terms in any contracts documents. Wealth is not particularly good, so you must manage your finance well to avoid any economic crisis. Love wise, singles must remain patient to wait for the right and do not be hasty. Health wise, get ample of rest and everything should be fine.

运 势急速上升,工作中所遇到的阻碍和问题,在这个月也都能迎刃而解,同时也有机会让你发挥所长,工作上的良好表现得到上司的认同,增加了很大的升职加薪机 会,要把握好时机。财运很好,做生意的朋友业务顺利,可大胆计划投资,会有赚钱的机会。感情方面可安排甜蜜的出国旅游来增进感情,相信你的爱人会对你倍增 好感。健康上不会出现太大的状况,多做运动来保健。

7th Month : There is a rapid rise in fortune this month. Any problems or obstacles encountered in working can also be easily resolved this month. This will be a good month to display your specialty to impress and gain recognition from your superior. This will lead to an increase in promotion and pay increment opportunities. Wealth fortune is very good this month , businessmen will see booming business and bold investment can be made as it will lead to profits. Love wise, you may wish to plan overseas holiday trip to improve the relationship. No major health concerns this month but do exercise regularly to stay healthy.

属 狗朋友这个月的运势持续良好,各方面的运程都达到很好的水平,做起事来,往往事半功倍,工作上如有困难,只要稍加努力就可以顺利完成任务。财运依然很好, 经商者贵人运强,会指点你正确的投资方向,偏财方面多注意自己的车牌号及手机号,不要错过发财的机会。本月单身朋友可以找到理想的对象,已婚夫妇感情甜 蜜。工作之余也要照顾好身体,别让工作影响到健康。

8th Month : The good fortune from previous month will continue and you will be efficient in everything that you do. If you face any difficulties, it can be easily resolved as long as you put in the extra effort to solve it. Wealth fortune is still very good this month, a nobility will point you to the right direction of investment and you should pay attention to your licence plate number and phone number as they might be your source of fortune. Singles may find the ideal partner this month, married couples will have a sweet relationship as well. Remember to take care of your health and do not let work deplete your health.

运 势的滑落让属狗朋友有些应接不暇,工作上的问题多多,要小心谨慎的处理所有事项,建议做事按部就班,不要操之过急,否则只会越来越糟,变成无法收拾的局 面。这个月内的财运也不太理想,不要随便乱花钱,买些不必要的东西。已有情人的朋友,可以与恋人做进一步的沟通和交流,会让你体会到幸福的感觉。工作上的 波折重重导致精神压力大,要学会放松自己减少压力,保持心情愉快。

9th Month : The sudden dip in fortune will not be taken well by the Dog as there will be alot of problems arising from work. Be careful when tackling the problem, do not rush and take it one step at a time or it may get worse and become impossible to salvage. The wealth fortune for this month is not ideal. Avoid overspending and buy only what you need. Couples can communicate more to bring their relationship to the next level. Due to work, there will be alot of pressure that will lead to mental stress. Learn to relax and reduce stress and make sure to always maintain a good mood.

这 个月的运势吉凶参半,做每件事情总是没有想象中那么容易,工作中会遇到一些阻碍,让你倍感心烦。做生意的朋友与客户签订合约时,也要多注意合约上的细节, 不要因为一时的疏忽,造成盈利上的亏损,甚至造成官非缠身。爱情运处于平稳的状态,恋爱中的朋友想要有更进一步的发展,不妨多花些心思在对方身上。健康上 要注意饮食习惯,尤其不可以暴饮暴食,以免病从口入,给肠胃带来问题。

10th Month : A mixture of good and bad fortune this month. Everything is not as simple as you thought it to be and you will encounter obstacles in your work that will affect your mood. Businessmen should pay attention to the contract details before signing as any oversight of the terms may result in a loss of profit or even lawsuit. Love is stable this month. For couples who wish to make further progress, make more effort on your partner. Health wise, take note of your eating habits to prevent illness.

本 月属狗朋友在事业上的发展还是难尽如人意,但是只要小心谨慎应对,用心经营,还是能够安然无恙地顺利完成任务。财运方面不理想,正偏财都不如意,做生意的 朋友要注意看准时机再投资,除非有十分的把握,否则很可能造成破财。桃花运强,未婚男女可以谈婚论嫁,已婚者必须注意第三者的破坏。健康运差,要注意饮食 规律预防疾病,同时也要关心家人健康,尤其是老人和孩子。

11th Month : For the Dog this month, it is difficult to please everyone at work, but as long as you are patience with your approach, you will be able to complete the task given successfully. Wealth fortune is not ideal for this month, businessmen should think twice before making any investment. Avoid making any investments unless you are very confident in it or you may suffer from a loss financially. Strong luck with the opposite sex this month. Couples may wish to discuss about marriage and married couples should take note of any third party that will damage their relationship. Health is poor for this month. Pay attention to your diet to prevent illness. Pay extra attention to your familys health, particularly the elderly and children.

兔年的最后一个月 对属狗的朋友来说,算是苦尽甘来,工作上得心应手,业绩有增无减,在获得加薪的同时也能得到上司的赞赏,可说是名利双收。财运方面除了有加薪,做生意的朋 友也是财运亨通,业务蒸蒸日上,营业额稳步上升。事业上春风得意,爱情生活同样甜甜蜜蜜,家人之间能够和睦相处,其乐融融。精神状态不错,与家人一起参加 些户外锻炼身体的运动是不错的选择。

12th Month : In the last month of the Rabbit year, all the hard work done will finally pay off. Work performance will improve, will receive special praises from their superiors in addition to a pay rise. Wealth fortune wise, other than a pay raise, businessmen will see a steady increase in sales for their business. Career will be progressing well and the love life will be sweet and rosy. Family will also be living in happy harmony. Health is not bad and it is a good time to bring the family out to participate in some outdoor excercise.

DOG people born in
Feb.10,1910 to Jan.29,1911
Jan.28,1922 to Feb.13,1923
Feb.14,1934 to Feb.03,1935
Feb.02,1946 to Jan.21,1947
Feb.18,1958 to Feb.07,1959
Feb.06,1970 to Jan.26,1971
Jan.25,1982 to Feb.12,1983
Feb.10,1994 to Jan.30,1995

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