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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Chinese Horoscope - 牛 Ox

牛 Ox
运势:属牛的朋友,今年命宫里没有任何吉星出来关照,所以运势非常低落。工作压力大,会有很多阻碍出现干扰工作进展,使得属 牛的朋友在兔年中,做事情时事倍功半,并不能轻松完成任务。今年不可通过投机取巧获得收益,脚踏实地的工作才是正确的生财之道。工作和财运都不顺利给属牛 朋友增加不少烦恼,所以遇到棘手的问题更应快速冷静解决,以免节外生枝。运势不顺,不要去医院探病或是参加白事。

Fortune: For Ox buddies, this year there is no lucky star shining in your region, so fortune is very low. Work pressure is heavy, there will be a lot of interference that obstruct the task. A lot of duplication of efforts can not be easily done. You may not be able to obtained earning through opportunistic (gambling etc.) this year, work hard on accordingly, which is the correct way of making money. Work and wealth do not increase, if faced a problem should be resolved quickly  by calming your mood, to avoid further complications. Fortune may not be pleasant, do not go to the hospital visiting or participating any form of funerary.

事 业:今年事业危机较重,不但做事常遇上阻滞,而且容易招来别人的不满或被人排挤。人际关系较差,上至上司长辈,下至同事朋友都会给属牛人带来一些难题,所 以今年应尽量避免与周围人发生争执,并注意自己的言谈举止,不要因为小细节而得罪他人,给自己招来麻烦。今年即使有被小人陷害的事情发生,也应忍让为先, 相信一切总有真相大白的一天。处理公司事务宜保守,才不会出现差误。

Career:  This year for your career there is plenty of uncertainty and heavy workloads that seem difficult to resolve. You may tend to fall in the situation which easy to provoke resentment or being marginalized people. Poor interpersonal relationships, from the boss down to the colleagues who are likely to bring some problems, so this year to avoid a dispute with the people around and watch their behaviors, not to offend others because of small details, to their own buzz. Even you know people are finding fault, you should be patient for the moment, believe there is always truth one day. Corporate matters should conservative and handle with special attention calmly.

财运:属牛人流年的财运比较差,会因某些事情发生而导致破财,所以今年对钱财的使用 要慎重,最好养成储蓄 的习惯,不要随便挥霍乱花钱,尽量减少不必要的开支,以免出现入不敷出的现象。今年去到人多的地方,需小心看管财物。投资方面有风险,损失的几率高过收 益,所以不要轻易出手。在这财运不顺利的年份,赌博不是最好的娱乐放松方式,实在不宜参与。

Wealth:  For your wealth and fortunes relatively poor this year, because of certain incidents which may led to loss of wealth, so the use of money this year must be careful, suggest that you may develop the habit of saving, conscious on spending money. Do not squander, minimize unnecessary expenses to avoid the phenomenon of problem. When visiting crowded places, take care of your belongings. There may be Investment risk, the probability of loss is seem higher than of income. When you consider that your wealth isn’t  doing well, gambling is not the best way to relax, and strongly suggest to avoid making the approach.

感 情:桃花弱,单身者难有机会结识到理想对象,可以从服装、举止方面做些改变,给别人眼前一亮的同时,也可能给自己带来良好机会。对已有伴侣的属牛朋友来 说,感情方面有苦难言,关系非常的脆弱,很容易出现裂痕,由于常发生口角,如不懂得以退为进化解矛盾,很容易导致分离的下场。未婚男女容易因为繁忙的工作 而忽略对方,总之,属牛人在兔年一定要注意控制自己的情绪,才不会给双方带来伤害。

Love: Love luck is weak, difficult to have the opportunity for single to find one desire. May consider to make some changes in your dress sense to change your luck in the aspect. There seem to have many obstacles and unresolve issues between couple, feeling are difficult to express and relationship is very fragile. For married couple, because of busy work and you may have the tendency to neglect one another ,prone to quarrel. If do not know how to resolve conflicts, separation may be the end result. In short, in the Year of the Rabbit for the ox must pay special attention to control their emotions, this is to avoid bringing harm to both parties.

健 康:在整个兔年里,属牛朋友的运程都有较多阻滞,以致于心情难以顺畅,很容易出现失眠,也要密切注意血光之灾,尤其是驾车的朋友要小心,不要因为精神不济 导致严重的后果。除了精神疲惫,身体健康也不可忽视,今年容易出现心脏、肾脏和关节的问题,女性也需注意妇科问题,最好定期做身体检查,以防万一。今年可 多与家人出去旅游散心,增进家人之间的甜蜜关系,这样也不会出现太大的问题。

Health: Speculating into the whole year calculation, the fortunes for the ox this year have several obstructions, it is difficult to feel smooth, you may prone to insomnia or accidental mass annihilation, especially those driving to be extra careful to avoid bad consequences. In addition to take more rest and pay attention to mental fatigue, and physical health. This year health may be more prone to heart, kidney and joint problems, gynecological problems for women need attention, it is best to have regular medical check-ups, just in case. Find sometime for traveling with family, outing to feel good and harmonious, and may promote better relationship with family.

正 式进入兔年,属牛朋友的运势就 有如逆水行舟,工作过程中有阻碍进展的事情发生,即使付出了很多努力,却看不到成果。财运不理想,不可做庞大的投资或参与赌博,以免有破财的危机。家庭成 员之间多口角,容易使大家关系紧张或是产生家庭风波。这个月健康状况比较差,要争取时间休息,避免过度的劳累而给身体带来更大的负担,去到任何地方,都不 可粗心大意,以防意外受伤。

1st Month:
Stepping in the Year of the Rabbit for the first month, there may be plenty of obstacles, you may feel that you put a lot of efforts, but do not see result, impeding the progress of work in the process of happening. Wealth is not ideal, avoid big investment or to participate in gambling, in order to avoid a crisis of monetary loss. More quarrels between family members, tends to produce all of tension or family crisis. Relatively poor health status this month, more rest time, avoid over exertion to bring greater health burden, be more cautious and careful, to prevent accidental injury.

本 月运势慢慢上升,工作发展的阻力少了很多,遇到难题也能够顺利解决,并能够妥当的处理各种事项,上个月的一些状况也都能轻松渡过。财运有所改善,收入突破 了过去的水平,但在喜悦中也要注意财力的积累。感情风波已经过去,夫妻要彼此恩爱,好好珍惜这来之不易的幸福生活,可通过出国旅游让双方的感情更上一层 楼。本月需要提防的就是属牛朋友的健康,要注意心脏和肾脏方面的保养。

2nd Month:
For this month your fortune will be rising slowly, to properly deal with various issues, problems encountered can be resolved smoothly. The pressure coming from work have lower than a little and some existing issue from the previous month can be easily overcome. Improved wealth, income is seem better than before, but advise to properly allocate on your accumulation of financial resources. Relationship for the married or attached get better bonding than before. More loving and happy. May consider to make some traveling together abroad to incur more time and happiness with one another. In term of your health, there may not be too much of a problem, but should also pay attention to the maintenance of the heart and of the kidney.

运 势直线下滑,让你处处碰钉子,还可能会因为一时的冲动招来是非,所以还是按兵不动,做事要保持低调。财运较为低迷,有破财可能,不宜借贷,也不宜合伙投资 做生意,须谨慎理财以免出现财务危机。偏财运不利,忌做任何投机或赌博。健康运差,要注意自身安全,需处处提防意外血光的发生。这个月的业务繁重,千万不 要将工作中的不愉快情绪带入家中,有时间不妨多和家人相处用餐,除了增进彼此的感情,也能够舒缓压力。

3rd Month:
Fortune this month goes slightly downward, keep hitting on the rock whatever you do, it may be because the impulse decision that you get into some problem, maintain low profile is suggested. Wealth is uncertain, with possible monetary loss, avoid loans, you should not be a partnership investment business, to be prudent financial management to avoid financial crisis, negative fortune side, avoid any speculation. Your health is not good, pay attention to own safety, need to guard against accidents Xueguang occurrence everywhere. Do not bring your work burden or stress back home. Find sometime to have dinner with your family, this can help to promote a soothing and relaxing healing properties.

运 势平平,虽然之前的大难题已经渐渐得到解决,但还是会有一些麻烦事情,要小心应付。财运不错,要好好利用,若想进行一些投机的朋友,要把握好时机,可为你 带来意外的惊喜。除了财运佳,异性缘更强,单身朋友可在这个月抓住时机,与心仪的对象约会,但应循序渐进,不可莽撞从事,否则会弄巧成拙,吓跑他人。夫妻 之间甜甜蜜蜜,可出去旅游,让彼此增进了解,使两人感情持续升温。

4th Month:
Luck is normal as seem, although difficult problem from before already gradually solve, but there is still minor problem around that need your attention. There is some wealth luck for making money making, can make good use of it, it may bring you pleasant surprise. As for your love luck, the unmarried individual may find a good opportunity to chance upon someone desirable, but should proceed in an orderly way, cannot be engaged in rashly, will otherwise outsmart oneself. For the married couple, may get to travel together to promote better understanding and greater sentiment between each other.

运 势貌似平稳,但还会经历一些波折,尽量 不要给自己太大的压力。本月身体方面容易惹血光之灾,特别要注意驾车时的安全,不可大意。财运反复,偏财波动更大,切勿赌博和乱投资。本月桃花运旺盛,但 已婚朋友就要小心出现烂桃花,因为会有第三者出现挑拨彼此间的感情,因此最好不要去沾惹,否则将酿成大错。健康上会出现一些不适,同时小心旧病复发的现 象。

5th Month:
Fortune seem to be stable, always a modicum of success after some setbacks, so do not give yourself too much pressure. This month physical easily lead to mass annihilation, with particular attention to the safety of driving, may not be overlooked. Wealth is filled with uncertainty, to prevent loss of money, do not do any investment or fall in gambling. Luck with the opposite sex this month is strong, but must be careful for the married couples there may be unnecessary attention, because there will be a third party incite the feelings of each other, it is best not to Zhanre( cross the line), otherwise it will lead to a big mistake. At the same time, pay attention to your health from any previous sickness or old injury.

本 月属牛朋友在工作方面有很多不稳定因素,显得压力重重,即使劳心劳力的去做,但仍可能徒劳无功。这个月也要小心处理合约上的细节,因为一时的疏忽便可能导 致盈利上的亏损,而坠入金钱纠纷或圈套。感情也是有些动荡不安,情人会因意见不合而争吵,双方关系紧张,如不及时沟通与理解,可能会有分开的危险性。健康 财运差,要谨慎防止因意外的血光或是生病导致钱财外流。

6th Month:
There may be a lot of uncertainty in your work this month due to some reason occuring. You may seem stressful even after dedication, there seem to be no result or any desire outcome. You should be careful with the details of the contract, because the moment of inattention could result in the loss of profit, which fell into a money dispute or trap. Feelings are somewhat volatile, because of difference of opinion lovers quarrel, the two sides of tension, if not for proper communication or understanding, there may be a separate risk. Health is poor, need to pay attention to prevent illness due to accidents or lead to money flows Xueguang.

本 月运势慢慢上升,工作得心应手,若是要调转工作或推行新方案,这算是个大好时机,但仍需慎防小人从中作梗。应注意搞好人际关系,多与人交流,争取同事以及 朋友的支持,工作进展会更顺利。由于财运稳定上升,同时也有偏财的运气,可小试博彩和投资生意。已婚的属牛人容易出现婚外恋情,未婚者则进入情绪化时期, 时好时差,让恋人难以琢磨。健康运平平,切勿因工作过度影响身体健康。

7th Month:
Luck this month is gradually rising. It is a good opportunity for work progression. If there is a chance for transfer of work or to carry out a new plan, this is a golden opportunity, but still needed the cautious against villain to create difficulties from within. Should pay attention on your interpersonal relationship, many exchanges with the people around you, wins over the colleague as well as friend's support, the work progress can be smoother. Do not overwork and for the married couple to pay more attention to one another to avoid unnecessary attraction from third party. Health is normal, avoid feeling too stressful and find time to relax.

运 势持续加强,事业财运都向前迈进,尤其是做生意 的朋友,本月是投资赚钱的大好时机,可抓住时机一展宏图。稳定工作的朋友,尽心尽力发展事业,正财收入会很丰厚,小赌也可稍稍获利。这个月需要特别注意的 是属牛朋友的感情生活,上个月出现的问题没有及时解决,以至于双方还是争吵不断,恋情面临很大的考验。健康并无大问题,但也需注意饮食卫生。

8th Month:
Fortune continued to strengthen, the cause of wealth are moving forward, especially businesses, doing business this month is a good time to invest to make money, can seize the opportunity of a prosperous future. For people with a stable job, dedicated career development, fiscal revenue is very rich, opportunist(small gambling etc.) can be a little profit. Require special attention this month for your love life, because of the argument from last month that yet to resolve may incur many issues that need to be in proper consideration whether the relationship between the two sides should continue. Health is not a big problem, you can pay attention to food hygiene.

运 势急剧下滑,感情,事业,身体各个方面均有不利的信息出现,工作事业方面阻碍增多,应小心谨慎,稳中求进,自然能平安度过困难期。本月有破财之灾,不宜进 行投资,且偏财不利,切勿沉迷赌博。应密切注意安全,尽可能远离险境,以免血光之灾。此月容易出现身体小恙,应多休息,注意劳逸结合,防旧病复发。夫妻和 恋人关系得不到改善,由于争吵不断,应彼此多互相谅解与沟通,家和万事兴。

9th Month:
Fortune sharp decline, emotional, career, physical aspects are unfavorable, the cause of obstruction of work increased, should be careful, and seek progress, and naturally you can get through this difficult period. Avoid any form of investment as you may be in big loss. Should pay close attention to safety, stay as far as possible away from danger, to avoid mass annihilation. May have some problem or sickness with health. Should take more rest, pay attention to work and rest, prevention of relapse. Married couple or attached individual still face problem and have many arguments. You may get in to proper consideration whether the relationship between the two sides should continue.

这 个月的运程持续下滑,可能会为你带来无穷的烦恼。工作上有小人出现散播谣言,想要破坏他人或同事对你的印象,增加你工作中的阻碍。本月易惹上官非,切记要 控制好自己的情绪,保持冷静,尤其在处理合约问题时要深思熟虑,不要掉进小人的圈套。单身朋友桃花运强,有很多机会交到新朋友,但要小心做决定,不要听信 甜言蜜语,以防被骗。另外不要去人少的地方,或深夜晚归,也要注意遗失财物。

10th Month:
This month's fortunes continued to decline, it may bring you endless trouble. Unless there is a villain appears to spread rumors, wants to destroy the impression of your colleagues, increase your work barriers. Easy to stay away from lawsuit this month, remember to control their emotions better, stay calm, especially in dealing with contract issues must think carefully, do not fall into the trap of villains. Strong singles luck with the opposite sex, there are many opportunities to make new friends, but be careful to make decisions, do not listen to sweet talk, to avoid being cheated. Avoid hanging out late, to prevent loss of property.

运 势相比上月有所好转,事业虽有小的阻碍,但尽心努力,还是会有会有不错的局面。应妥善处理好人际关系,争取更多朋友和家人的支持,同心协力向目标迈进。正 财收入丰厚,有利投资创业或购买物业,但偏财不宜憧憬,别胡乱投资,也须小心理财。健康情况偶尔会出现身体小恙,应多休息,注意劳逸结合,也要小心注意饮 食卫生,以免病从口入。多做感情方面的沟通,情侣之间可得到一定的进展。

11th Month:
Fortunes improved with the previous month, although the cause of small obstacles, but the dedication and efforts, there will be a good situation. Should properly handle the relationships, more friends and family for support, work together to the goal. Fiscal revenue is substantial, favorable business or buy investment property, but money should not be partial vision, be careful fiscal management. Health conditions can still occasionally occur physically small illness, should be more rest, attention to work and rest, careful attention to food hygiene to prevent disease from the mouth. More emotional aspects of communication, availability of certain progress.

兔 年的最后一个月,属牛人的运势却没有好的结局,口舌是非较多,稍一不慎,便会是非缠身。事业方面需要付出更多的努力,并要低调处事,避免一些小人从中做 梗。容易破财,要设法防止钱财外泄和被人偷窃。运气不好,容易受伤,不要靠近刀剑等利器,以防止被刺伤或割伤。健康容易出问题,要防止感冒发烧等疾病出 现。另外情绪波动偏激,容易与伴侣或他人吵闹争执,应尽量减少过于极端的言语和行为。

12th Month:
The last month of the Rabbit’s year, it is indeed a conclusion of not a very pleasant month for the ox. Argument that leads to many misunderstanding. In term of your work progression, maintain low profile to avoid villains that may cause issues in between. Easy to suffer unexpected financial losses, must try to prevent outside the wealth to release with by the person larceny. The luck is not good, easy to be injured, do not approach sharp weapons and so on knife sword, prevents to stab or to cut. Health may not be good, pay more attention to problem such as cold and fever and so on vigorous sickness appearance. The mood fluctuates easily extreme, disputes easily with the companion, should reduce any violent language use and the behavior as far as possible.

OX people born in
Feb.19,1901 to Feb.07,1902
Feb.06,1913 to Jan.25,1914
Jan.25,1925 to Feb.12,1926
Feb.11,1937 to Jan.30,1938
Jan.29,1949 to Feb.16,1950
Feb.15,1961 to Feb.04,1962
Feb.03,1973 to Jan.22,1974
Feb.20,1985 to Feb.08,1986

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Chinese Astrology, Chinese Zodiac, Feng Shui, Chinese Horoscope, Bazi, Flying Star, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Dragon, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Dog, Pig,