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Saturday, February 5, 2011

2011 Feng Shui Reading From Joey Yap

I bet many people like to know in details how to benefit yourself in 2011 Metal Rabbit. Let Master Joey Yap share with you some of the important advise. Before That, It's advisable for you to register yourself ( to plot your own Bazi and Flying Star Chart.

The sessions inclusive :

Part 1 第1部分:

1st Session - Introduction to Chinese Metaphysics by JoeyYap
Understand the basics of Feng Shui and BaZi (Astrology). Plus, find out your own BaZi as well as the forecast for each Day Masters in the Year of the Metal Rabbit.

2nd Session - Wealth Sector for 2011 by JoeyYap
Locate the Wealth sectors for 2011 and find out more about the Flying Stars Feng Shui for the year. Also, discover which BaZi Day Master will fare better this year.

3rd Session - Career Sector for 2011 by JoeyYap
Discover how you can develop your potential further and improve your prospects career-wise, especially you Jia (Yang) Wood and Yi (Yin) Wood people.

4th Session - Academic Sector for 2011 by JoeyYap
Seeking success in your studies? Activate your Academic Sector to bring a favorable outlook if you are involved in academic and scholarly pursuits. Plus, how Ren (Yang) Water and Gui (Yin) Water people can further improve their knowledge in 2011.
5th Session - Nobility Sector for 2011 by JoeyYap

Learn about the Nobleman Star for the year and which sector to activate it to enhance your relationship with others. You will also learn about the Noble People for each Day Master in BaZi.

Part 2 第2部分: 

1 Hour Special | BaZi Forecast for 2011 
1 Hour Special - BaZi Forecast for 2011 by JoeyYap-CNY
The overall forecast for the Year of the Metal Rabbit according to the BaZi Chart will be revealed in this hour-long special.
1st Session  | Health Sector for 2011 
1st Session - Health Sector for 2011 by JoeyYap
Locate the Health sectors for 2011 and discover what you can do to avoid negative Qi that may affect those at home.

2nd Session  | Relationship Sector for 2011 
2nd Session - Relationship Sector for 2011 by JoeyYap
Find out where are the Relationship sectors for the year and learn a thing or two about Peach Blossom Feng Shui.

3rd Session  | The Five Yellow Star for 2011
3rd Session - The 5 Yellow Star for 2011 by JoeyYap
Know more about the 5 Yellow Star and which sector it resides in 2011, and why it is crucial for you to avoid this Feng Shui Annual Affliction.

4th Session  | Auxiliary Stars for the Year of the Metal Rabbit
4th Session - Auxiliary Stars for the Year of the Metal Rabbit by JoeyYap
Auxiliary Stars explained in this segment, along with some pointers on its position for the year.

5th Session  | Good Dates for Important Activities
5th Session - Good Dates for Important Activities by JoeyYap
What is the auspicious date to begin business after Chinese New Year? Learn about the good dates for important endeavors in this segment. 

Part 3 第3部分:
1 Hour Special | Chinese Metaphysics Explained
1 Hour Special - Chinese Metaphysics Explained by JoeyYap-CNY
Get a clearer picture about the study of Chinese Metaphysics as Joey clarifies the common misconception and debunk some Feng Shui myths like color significance and the 'Put Theory'.

1st Session  | BaZi Profiling
1st Session - BaZi Profiling by JoeyYap
Understand the importance of People Knowledge and how successful leaders use it to their advantage to achieve success. Learn how BaZi Profiling can benefit you to empower your destiny.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Chinese Horoscope - 猪 Pig

猪 Pig

运势: 属猪的朋友在兔年里由于凶星多吉星少,身边的是非小人多,容易被人恶意中伤,出现很多对你不利的流言蜚语,以至于你情绪低落,工作热情降低。凶星出现导致 属猪朋友是非缠身,并且会有破财的问题,所以今年要懂得理财,除了多多节省开支,还要注意不可与人合伙做生意或是为别人做担保。已婚朋友有较多口角,所以 夫妻间要多多沟通。健康差,预防疾病的同时,还要注意避开血光事件。

Fortune :
The Pig will have more unlucky star than lucky ones this year. You will be surrounded by people who may harm you causing disputes and spreading rumours about you. This will lead to losing your passion for your work and moody at times. Due to the unlucky star, you will be courted by controversies wherever you go, you will also suffer financial loss this year so learn to manage your wealth well. Other than being thrifty, do not work with others for business or be a guarantor. Married couples may quarrel more this year so couples should communicate more.You will suffer from poor health this year so pay attention to any symptoms of illness that may arise.

事业: 属猪朋友在事业方面会出现很多问题,工作中有小人不时出现搬弄是非,令你常被上司和工作伙伴误解。所以今年属猪朋友应多以微笑面对周围人,凡事保持低调, 多聆听少说话,尽量提升你的人际关系,不要让人际关系上的问题成为你工作的阻力。同时,今年在做事情方面不要过于急躁,凡事要仔细想清楚之后再着手进行, 以免因为准备不当带来更多的麻烦。

Career :
The Pig will encounter alot of problems at work, rumours will be spread about you from time to time which lead to an misunderstanding from your boss or working partners. So the Pig should be more pleasant towards the surrounding people and keep a low profile. Learn to listen more and talk less to improve interpersonal relationship and do not let it be a stumbling block to your career. Do not be hasty when doing stuffs this year, execute it only after it is carefully planned and thought off to prevent any problems that may arise due to poor planning.

财运: 今年财运不佳,属猪的朋友要学习未雨绸缪,谨慎理财,小心安排自己的财政支出,以防出现经济危机。平时也要控制自己的购物欲,不要胡乱花费,把好不容易得 来的成果浪费在无谓的事物上。在财运旺盛的月份里,要懂得储蓄以备不时之需。今年也不要考虑与人合伙做生意,很可能只有投入没有回报。今年容易惹上官非导 致破财,不要为他人做担保,以免陷入经济纠纷。

Wealth :
Poor wealth fortune this year. The Pig must learn to be proactive, have good financial management and organize their financial expenditure carefully. Control your desire to purchase anything and do not squander your money. In fortune where your wealth fortune is strong, save some money for any difficult times you might go through in the future. It is not advisable start a business with a partner this year as it will most likely lead to no profits. Do not be a guarantor this year as you will be involved in lawsuits and financial disputes or even bankruptcy.

感 情: 属猪朋友今年的桃花运不太理想,已婚朋友或恋人之间容易与另一半出现一些小波折和争吵,也会有许多无端端的误会,彼此之间要多忍让和体谅对方,才不会影响 感情。其实只要保持冷静,以宽心的正念态度去思考,并且多与对方沟通,就能够防止不愉快的事情发生。单身的朋友今年在寻觅对象方面有点困难,不妨多参加些 聚会或活动,来提升交友机会。

Love :
Pig do not have much luck with the opposite sex this year. Married couples will experience some ups and downs and arguments as well as some misunderstandings. It is important to be patient to understand each other more so as to not affect the relationship. As long as you approach the situation calmly, and communicate more, unpleasant incidents can be prevented. Singles in search of a partner will encounter some difficulties. Try to take part in more gatherings and activities to enhance the opportunities for making friends.

健康: 今年要注意饮食上的习惯,不要吃油炸生冷的食物,同时也要留意肠胃不适的情况发生。因为工作上的劳碌奔波,身体和精神都会感到疲累,出门要留意交通意外, 防止车祸的发生,建议属猪的朋友可以去捐血来化解灾难。今年属猪的女性朋友要多加注意自己的生理期毛病,最好定期去做妇科检查,如有问题,及时医治为妙。

Health :
Pay more attention to eating habits this year. Avoid fried food and pay attention to any gastrointestinal discomfort you may have. Because you will be busy with your work, you will be physically and mentally tired. Watch out for traffic accidents when outdoors and you may wish to make blood donation to reduce the disasters coming your way. For the females this year, pay attention to your physiological problem, is it advised to do periodic gynecological examinations and seek timely treatment should any problem arise.

属猪朋友 在新年第一个月 中运势欠佳,工作中有不少纠纷,做事也多有阻碍,所以这个月凡事不宜强出头,最好闲事莫理,闲人莫做,不然容易和他人发生争吵,也会惹来是非。财运差,偏 财也不可期待,付出许多资金却得不到应有的回报,也不利于投资和借贷,更不可参与赌博,否则损失惨重。由于工作压力大导致情绪变差,夫妻间常会因为一些小 事发生争吵而影响感情。健康方面需要多加注意睡眠时间和饮食习惯。

1st :
The Pig will have bad fortune in the first month of the year. There will be alot of disputes and obstacles at work. So do not rush your work this month, keep at your own pace and keep your nose out of other people's business so as not to be involved in any arguments. Wealth fortune is poor, you will see no returns from the money you invested in so it is not recommended to make any investment and borrowing. And gambling must be avoided or you will suffer from a big loss. Due to pressure from work, your mood will be affected. Married couples will argue over minor stuffs and it will affect their relationship.

运 势慢慢转好,但事业运并没有太大改善,工作上一波未平一波又起,同时要提防小人的出现和破坏,要懂得忍让,才能减少他们对你的中伤和阻碍。财运方面不佳, 比较容易漏财,也不利与别人合作投资做生意,更不能做风险性的投机。夫妻间的争吵有所缓解,但是还没有恢复到以往的甜蜜,年轻的恋人要小心爱惜彼此间的感 情,否则有面临分手的可能。这个月要记得多休息,不要因为太过劳累影响健康。

2nd :
Fortune improved slightly but career is still not picking up. Problems will come one after another and you should guard against people who are out to damage your work, learn to be patient in order to lessen the obstruction they cause to your work. Wealth fortune is poor and you will suffer from financial loss easily. Not recommended to invest in business with others or any kind of investments with great risk. Disputes between couples will ease. Young couples must treasure the relationship they share or they might face the possibility of a break up. Rest more this month and do not let your health be affected due to fatigue

属 猪朋友在这个月的工作方面,即使劳心劳力的去努力,仍可能会出现徒劳无功的现象,让你觉得困难重重。财运不利,要小心投资方面的风险,不要太过贪心,时机 不对就不要出手,否则只会带来更大的损失。恋爱运平平,单身男女容易结识异性朋友,或许有机会认识心仪的对象,但是结局如何还是要顺其自然。本月需要多注 意个人的健康状况,或者可去做身体检查,如有发现问题,应及时治疗。

The Pig should make more effort and show more dedication to work but sometimes it may be in vain which may affect you. Wealth fortune is not good so be careful of the risk in making investment, do not be greedy, do not invest if the timing is not right or it will lead to huge financial loss. Love fortune is average, Singles will find it easy to meet the opposite sex which will lead to opportunities to meet the ideal partner but it is still better to let nature take its course. More attention should be paid to individual health, go for a full body examination and seek treatment should there be any problems

这 个月的运势终于转好,工作上有机会让你表现才能,并得到他人的认可。本身要增加与同事间的互动,保持良好关系,进而提升自己的人缘及在公司中的地位。财运 比上个月好很多,做生意的朋友若有计划扩充业务,可在这个月进行,相信会有不错的成果。已婚人士很容易和伴侣发生口角而处于冷战期,要多多沟通,互相迁就 和忍让。身体方面只要多注意自己的休息时间和平常的饮食习惯,就不会有大碍。

This month's fortune finally change for the better. There will be opportunities in work for you to display your talent and to get people's recognition. Personally, interact more with colleagues to maintain good working relations and enhance your popularity and position in the company. Wealth fortune is a lot better than last month. Businessmen may wish to carry out any expansion plans this month as there will be good results. Have Married couples will have disputes that will lead to a period of ' cold war '. Communicate more and have a mutual accommodation and tolerance and everything will be fine. No major health issues but pay more attention to your rest time and eating habits to stay healthy

运 程稍微有所下滑,做起事情来会有事倍功半的感觉,工作上需要搞好人际关系,尽量获得周围同事的支持,对自己业绩的提升也会有帮助。本月财运很差,不仅不能 赚到钱,还会有漏财的危机,在偏财运上,千万不要太过强求。爱情运不如意,尤其是未婚男女之间,因为意见不和闹矛盾,应珍惜缘分,尽早解决感情危机。本月 要注意天气的变化,须多多留意感冒、咳嗽等的毛病。

5th :
A slight dip in fortune and you will start to feel that you require double the effort to complete a task. Working relationship needs to be improved and try to get the support of colleagues around you as it will enhance your work performance. Wealth fortune is bad this month, other than having no income, you may suffer from a financial loss. Love fortune is not good as well. Couples will fall apart due to disagreements and the disagreement should be resolved as soon as possible. Pay attention to any weather changes as well as cough and cold.

肖 猪朋友的运势继续下降,工作和生活上都有一些难题出现。因为这个月的是非小人比较多,所以在事业上要注意和他人之间的人际关系,并注意自己的言谈举止,不 要因为一点事情影响工作的进度。本月财运较强,有投资习惯的朋友可以继续留意市场的动向,看准时机出手,会有意想不到的收获。夫妻或恋人彼此之间容易产生 误会,建议应该早点解释清楚,不要拖泥带水而影响到双方感情。本月可进行适

Fortune continues to decline, problems will occur in work and personal life . As there will be a lot of rumours surrounding you this month, be wary of your relationship with your colleagues. Keep a watch out in their behaviours and do not let it affect your work performance. Wealth fortune is strong this month, regular investors should monitor the market more and make timely investments to reap unexpected rewards. Misunderstandings will occur between married couples. Clear up the misunderstandings early and to not drag it as it will affect your relationship. This is a good month for physical exercise.

本 月属猪朋友的运势急速上升,在事业方面,更有利于做生意的朋友,只要能够增强与客户之间的联系,就能够获得业务上的提升。财运不错,可进行一些投机或投资 的活动,但是一定要在考察清楚之后再进行,相信会为你带来一笔意外之财。此月多抽点时间陪伴家人,促进与亲人之间的和睦相处,同时也能够增强彼此的感情。 外出时要多加留意有小意外,小心跌伤或撞伤。

7th :
There will be a sharp rise in fortune this month. For your career, businessmen improve the relationship with your customers and partners as it will improve your business. Wealth fortune is not bad, can make some investment but only after careful consideration and it will provide you with a windfall. Take some time off to accompany your family to ensure good family bonding among family members and also to strengthen family unity. When going out, be careful of small accidents that may occur like falls or knocks.

运程略有下降,容易遇到不少的阻碍。工作上不宜 操之过急,凡事都要仔细检查,以免出差错,并须按部就班的执行,逐一去完成,否则会前功尽弃。本月在钱财的进账方面并不是很顺利,要与同事或顾客们多互动 及交流意见,业绩才能达到理想的目标,才可以有稳定的收入。爱情方面不错,双方能达成共识,增加信任,彼此之间更增添了一份默契。外出的时候要留意安全, 上下楼梯时也要格外小心,避免从高处跌倒。

8th :
Fortune dropped slightly and there will be obstacles in everything you do. Do not rush you work, everything should be carefully examined in order to avoid mistakes. Do things in orderly order or all the effort put in will be in vain. Wealth fortune this month will not be smooth. Communicate more with fellow colleagues or customers and exchange views to achieve the goals that you desire which will ensure a steady flow of income. Love fortune is not bad, both party will be able to reach a mutual trust and understand each other better. When outdoors, pay attention to your own safety especially when moving up and down on the staircase .

本 月运势转为强盛,工作方面明显顺畅很多,做生意的朋友可采用主动进取的态度,工作上也要与同事紧密合作,生意业绩一定会步步高升。正偏财运都很不错,和客 户之间保持良好的合作关系,会有不俗的成绩。对于喜欢购买彩票的朋友而言,可以留意一下身边印象深刻的电话号码或单据号码等。情人之间感情升温,是计划结 婚的好时机。工作之余要注意加强锻炼,增强抵抗力,以免被感冒病菌侵袭,女性朋友最好抽时间做妇科检查。

9th :
Fortune for this month is strong. Work will be smooth and businessmen should take adapt a proactive working attitude, work closely with fellow colleagues and business will improve. Wealth fortune is good and you should continue to maintain the good customer relationship. For those who buy lottery, take note of phone numbers and document numbers. It is also a good time for couples to plan about their marriage. Health wise, spend some time to do some physical exercise to improve your immune system and for females, it is a good time to go for a gynecological examination

本月运势突然下滑,工作上有突如其来 的事情发生,记得要注意好好控制自己的情绪和脾气,并小心处理问题。财运不佳,对于做生意的朋友来说,要停止一些投机活动,也要小心谨慎处理财务,更不要 随意挥霍,以免出现经济问题。爱情运不佳,双方会因意见不和而发生争执,爱侣间要学会相互体谅,不如换个方向去思考,或许能够更加了解对方。尽量避免不必 要的应酬,多用点时间休息,给身体更好的照顾。

10th :
A sudden drop in fortune this month. Something sudden will happen at work so remember to control your emotions and tempers. Wealth fortune is not good, for businessmen, some investment plans must be halted, be careful when handling your finances so as to avoid any monetary issues. Love fortunes is not good as well, disagreements and disputes will take place between couples. Learn to understand each other and analyse things from a different angle to better understand each other. Get ample of rest to better take care of your body for this month.

运 势好转强盛,工作方面的阻力少了许多,事业发展会比以往顺畅,上个月的一些状况也都能够轻松渡过,给你旗开得胜的感觉。财运旺盛,做生意的朋友,业绩有回 升的趋势,以至于这个月收入稳定中有增长。已婚夫妻感情容易起风波,不要太固执己见,退一步海阔天空,避免因为小事发生口角。健康上会出现一些小毛病,只 要小心调养,适当的做些运动,就没有问题。

11th :
Fortune improved tremendously and work will progress smoothly as the obstacles are cleared. Wealth fortune is good as well, for businessmen, monthly income has increased at a steady pace. Married couples will have a few arguments very now and then but don't be too stubborn on your opinions. Take a step backward to avoid trivial arguments. Only some minor health issue to take note of but everything will be fine after some rest and exercise.

兔年的最后一个月,属猪朋友的运势跌落很 多,诸事都不顺利。工作中不断有小人出现,打扰你前进的脚步,多注意自己的言谈举止,万事小心,一时的大意都有可能为你带来无穷的烦恼。财运方面,要注意 自己的经济状况,可能会出现超支的危机,必须谨慎理财。感情有些动荡不安,夫妻之间会因意见不合而争吵,要互相沟通,感情才能长久。由于凶星的出现导致健 康出现问题,应早日求医,此外要注意自身的安全,处处提防意外血光发生。

12th :
Coming to the last month for the year of rabbit, the fortune for Pig will drop drastically and everything will not go smoothly. In work, your progression will be halted, pay more attention to any conversations you make as one lapse might bring you endless trouble. Wealth fortune wise, pay attention to your financial situation, a financial crisis may befall you. Love fortune wise, relationships might become rocky. Marriage may be on the rocks due to arguments and disagreements. It is important to communicate with each other for the relationship to last. Health fortune is bad as well, you will suffer from health problems and should seek advice as soon as possible. Other than paying attention to your health, pay attention to your safety as well, be careful when you are outdoors to prevent accidents from occuring

Pig people born in
Jan.30,1911 to Feb.17,1912
Feb.16,1923 to Feb.04,1924
Feb.04,1935 to Jan.23,1936
Jan.22,1947 to Feb.09,1948
Feb.08,1959 to Jan.27,1960
Jan.27,1971 to Jan.15,1972
Feb.13,1983 to Feb.01,1984
Jan.31,1995 to Feb.18,1996

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2011 Chinese Horoscope - 狗 Dog

狗 Dog
运势: 属狗的朋友命宫中有众多吉星扶持,运势非常旺盛,在读学生可以取得优异的成绩,工作人士有贵人相助,可以获得很好的业绩,有加薪提升的机会,可以说,属狗 朋友在事业方面是名利双收,非常顺利。做生意的朋友投资得利,可以考虑向海外发展业务。财星拱照,但是同时有凶星出现,要提防钱财被骗,出入小心看管自己 的贵重物品,以防被偷。桃花运旺盛,未婚男女感情成熟可以谈婚论嫁。健康运尚可,需要注意饮食卫生。

Fortune :
The Dog will benefit from good fortune this year due to the presence of a lucky star. Academically, they will achieve good results, in work, they receive the help and support from a nobility which in turn will lead to excellent work performance and opportunities for a pay rise. It can be said that the Dog will be successful at work due to their popularity and fortune. For businessmen, it is a good year for investments and you may wish to expand your business overseas. However, be wary of cheats who are out to cheat your money, take good care of your valuables to prevent theft. You will have good luck with the opposite sex this year, for couples with a matured relationship can start planning for marriage. Health is good but extra attention must be paid to food hygiene.

事 业: 属狗朋友今年在工作上的表现突出,尤其是在领导管理方面的能力很强,令老板对你刮目相看,慢慢得到器重,升职机会随之而来,在获得名声的同时,也免不了会 有加薪的可能。所以,属狗朋友应该乘着事业上的好运势,勇往直前,与同事之间多点互动,互相沟通想法和意见,争取取得业绩上的更大突破。做生意的朋友,今 年也是扩充市场的有利时机,想要向海外发展的计划,可以着手实施。

Career :
The Dog will have outstanding work performance this year, especially in management and leadership skills. This will impress your boss and subsequent promotion opportunities will follow. Therefore, you should ride on the good fortune during this period of time and strive forward. Interact more with your colleagues, communicate ideas and opinions to achieve a breakthrough in your work performance. For businessmen, this is a good opportunity to expand your market overseas.

财运: 今年属狗朋友命宫中的财星很旺,事业上又有贵人相助,可以说是财运亨通,工作人士加薪不断,做生意的朋友可以获得丰厚利润。但是,在财运滚滚来的同时,今 年命宫中也有凶星出现,导致财来财去,钱财会有很大一部分花费在家人身上或是房产上。今年也会有盗窃之灾,出门上下车要注意自己的随身物品,以防小偷有机 可乘。但是破财挡灾,有时候也不要把钱财看的太重。

Wealth :
The Dog will benefit from good fortune this year due to the presence of a lucky star. For work, they will receive assistance from a nobility and there will be alot of pay raise opportunities. Businessmen will also reap good profits. However, during this period of good fortune, they may encounter a loss of wealth. A large part of the wealth will be spent on their family or their property. There will be a high number of theft occurring this year as well. Pay extra attention to valuables when going out to prevent theft .

感情: 在兔年里,属狗朋友的感情运佳,喜事连连,未婚男女倘若感情稳定成熟,可以缔结连理,步入人生的另一阶段。单身的属狗朋友今年桃花开,有望找到心仪的对 象,是发展恋情的好时机,希望及时把握机会,为一生的幸福做出正确抉择。已婚者夫妻感情良好,但异性缘佳要小心谨慎外遇事件,尽量避免跟异性单独来往,以 免友情变爱情,给自己平添烦恼,多关心家庭,自然可以避开第三者。

In the year of the Rabbit, the dog will have a fruitful love life. Couples with a matured relationship may wish to discuss about marriage to enter another stage of life. Singles have a good chance of meeting someone who they will develop good feelings for. Make sure to grab the opportunity and make a decision. Married couples will have a good relationship, but avoid going out alone with someone of the opposite sex to avoid troubles. Show more concern to the family to maintain the good relationship.

健康: 属狗朋友整体的健康没有大问题,不过要多注意家中长辈的健康状况,应该多抽空陪伴家人,给予对方悉心的照顾及关怀。今年事业上惊喜连连,导致应酬增多,与 朋友及同事聚餐玩乐,要注意适当控制饮食,尤其是要控制吸烟喝酒的频率,以免影响到肝功能。另外,在应酬比较多的时期,除了要注意调配作息的时间外,还要 加强锻炼,对身心都有正面的帮助。

The overall health for the dog is good and there are no major health issues. However, pay more attention to the health status of the older family members, show them more care and concern. Due to the good fortune in your career, you will be engaged in more entertainment, fun and gatherings with friend and colleagues so you should pay more attention to your diet. Control the frequency of smoking and alcohol consumption to prevent any illness that may come with them. Additionally, other than allocating time for rest and social activities, make time to do some exercise, it will benefit you physically and mentally.

新年 的第一个月,属狗朋友的运势非常好,大利事业发展,与人合作能够取得更好的效果,工作上表现多多,宜把握机会,以赢得上司青睐。命宫中有吉凶出现,财运非 常佳,固定工作者有额外收入,经商者财源大增,可以进行投资获利。感情平稳,偶尔伴侣间会有些小误会,只要及时调解,解释清楚就没事,不会导致太大的影 响。健康无大碍,不过不可大意,需要注意饮食安全。

1st Month : In the first month of the year, the Dog will have good fortune. Good progression in their career, better results can be achieved when working in groups which will lead to good work performance. Make use of the opportunity presented to win over the favor of their superiors. Wealth fortune is good for this month as workers will receive extra income, businessman will also see an increase in their financial resources so this is a good time to make investments. Love is stable with occasional quarrels and minor misunderstanding between partners. Everything will be resolved as long as explanations are given. Health condition is ok but do not be complacent, pay attention to diet.

本 月运势有所下滑,工作压力较大,可能遇到重重阻碍,无论付出多少努力,都可能看不到成绩。工作方面将有不少变动,必须懂得随机应变,切勿墨守成规。财运较 为一般,横财相对低迷,风险类投资实在不宜进行,即使进行也应择吉日,以免血本无归。未婚男女有机会认识异性朋友,并且会有理想的对象出现,宜好好把握。 健康易出问题,小心留意肝的问题,如有旧病复发的迹象,应及早求医。

2nd Month : A dip in fortune this month and there will be pressure during work. You may also encounter many obstacles and no matter how much effort you put in, they will all be in vain. Expect changes in work and you must be flexible and act according to the circumstances. Wealth fortune is average, do not make any kind of investment for this month but if you have to do so, choose an auspicious date to prevent huge loss of fortune. Singles will have opportunities to meet friends of the opposite sex and an ideal partner will appear. There is a slight issue with health and you should pay attention to any liver problems you may experience. Seek medical advice immediately if you are suffering from a relapse of an old illness.

这个月属狗朋友要注意搞好人际关系, 做事保持低 调,避免得罪小人,以防口舌风波给工作及事业的发展带来恶劣影响。财运有阻,投资需要看准时机,否则损失严重。偏财运不利,切勿赌博及投机,很有可能泥足 深陷而不能自拔。已婚夫妻感情容易起风波,不要太固执己见,退一步海阔天空,避免因为小事发生口角。健康大有起色,必须注意饮食卫生,以免病从口入。

3rd Month : The main thing to do this month will be to improve interpersonal relationships. Keep a low profile at work to avoid offending anyone which will also prevent a war of words from happening. Wealth will encounter some obstacles, serious considerations must be made before making any investments or you will suffer a great deal of loss. Gambling activities should be avoided as you may get addicted. Arguments will occur for married couples. Try to stay open minded and take a step back when needed to avoid disputes over minor stuffs. Health has improved but attention must still be paid to food hygiene to prevent illness.

本月运势有如雨过天晴,显示出 一派生机勃勃的景象,而且会有贵人指引事业和财运,帮助你逢凶化吉。工作上称心如意,如果能够精心发展,一定能更上一层楼。本月财运大有改善,投资有利可 图,经商者是扩充市场的时机,有意向海外扩展的也同样可以进行。感情方面偶尔会起波折,宜多控制情绪,以减少双方之间的摩擦。这个月要保持正常的饮食习 惯,准时用餐,切忌暴饮暴食。

4th Month : Fortune took a turn for the better this month. A nobility will appear to guide you on your career and wealth which will bring you good luck. An improvement to the wealth fortune this month as well. Investments will be profitable, this is also a good month for businessmen to expand their market locally and also overseas. There might be occasional arguments with your partner. Try to control your emotions to reduce the friction between both of you. Maintain your normal eating habits for this month and refrain from over eating.

本月运势起起落落,工作进展一波三 折,必须全力以 赴,才能平稳发展。除了自己的努力,还要注意协调好人际关系,工作中多与同事沟通互动,不但能解决难题,还能帮助到业绩的提升。财运暗淡,正偏财不利,对 投资必须慎之又慎,同时要注意防止钱财大量外泄。对待爱侣要耐心和宽容,切勿有诸多挑剔,以免感情出现裂痕。本月有血光,出门在外要注意安全,尤其不可以 晚归。

5th Month : There will be ups and downs for your fortune this month. There will also be alot of twist and turns at work so you must put in extra effort in work to ensure that it progress steadily. In addition to efforts put in by your own, it is also important to maintain good inter personal relationship with fellow colleagues and communicate more at work to solve any work issues as well as to improve work performance. Wealth fortune is gloomy this month and you must be cautious when making investments to prevent financial loss. Be patient and tolerant towards your partner and do not be too critical of them to avoid a breakdown in relationship. Pay attention to safety when going out and do not stay out too late

这 个月属狗朋友在工作方面有所进展,生意上的业务往来也慢慢有起色,可以考虑把筹备已久的海外投资计划转变成具体可行的实施方案,并且可以着手进行。但是, 在实施的过程中还是要小心细节上的内容,尤其是签署合约文件时必须看清条款内容。财运不是特别明朗,理财必须小心,以免出现经济危机。感情运一般,单身朋 友要耐心等待时机,不要过于急躁。健康尚可,注意作息规律。

6th Month : There will be good work progression and business is also picking up. You may proceed with any long planned overseas investments that you may have already prepared. However, you must be careful with the small details especially the terms in any contracts documents. Wealth is not particularly good, so you must manage your finance well to avoid any economic crisis. Love wise, singles must remain patient to wait for the right and do not be hasty. Health wise, get ample of rest and everything should be fine.

运 势急速上升,工作中所遇到的阻碍和问题,在这个月也都能迎刃而解,同时也有机会让你发挥所长,工作上的良好表现得到上司的认同,增加了很大的升职加薪机 会,要把握好时机。财运很好,做生意的朋友业务顺利,可大胆计划投资,会有赚钱的机会。感情方面可安排甜蜜的出国旅游来增进感情,相信你的爱人会对你倍增 好感。健康上不会出现太大的状况,多做运动来保健。

7th Month : There is a rapid rise in fortune this month. Any problems or obstacles encountered in working can also be easily resolved this month. This will be a good month to display your specialty to impress and gain recognition from your superior. This will lead to an increase in promotion and pay increment opportunities. Wealth fortune is very good this month , businessmen will see booming business and bold investment can be made as it will lead to profits. Love wise, you may wish to plan overseas holiday trip to improve the relationship. No major health concerns this month but do exercise regularly to stay healthy.

属 狗朋友这个月的运势持续良好,各方面的运程都达到很好的水平,做起事来,往往事半功倍,工作上如有困难,只要稍加努力就可以顺利完成任务。财运依然很好, 经商者贵人运强,会指点你正确的投资方向,偏财方面多注意自己的车牌号及手机号,不要错过发财的机会。本月单身朋友可以找到理想的对象,已婚夫妇感情甜 蜜。工作之余也要照顾好身体,别让工作影响到健康。

8th Month : The good fortune from previous month will continue and you will be efficient in everything that you do. If you face any difficulties, it can be easily resolved as long as you put in the extra effort to solve it. Wealth fortune is still very good this month, a nobility will point you to the right direction of investment and you should pay attention to your licence plate number and phone number as they might be your source of fortune. Singles may find the ideal partner this month, married couples will have a sweet relationship as well. Remember to take care of your health and do not let work deplete your health.

运 势的滑落让属狗朋友有些应接不暇,工作上的问题多多,要小心谨慎的处理所有事项,建议做事按部就班,不要操之过急,否则只会越来越糟,变成无法收拾的局 面。这个月内的财运也不太理想,不要随便乱花钱,买些不必要的东西。已有情人的朋友,可以与恋人做进一步的沟通和交流,会让你体会到幸福的感觉。工作上的 波折重重导致精神压力大,要学会放松自己减少压力,保持心情愉快。

9th Month : The sudden dip in fortune will not be taken well by the Dog as there will be alot of problems arising from work. Be careful when tackling the problem, do not rush and take it one step at a time or it may get worse and become impossible to salvage. The wealth fortune for this month is not ideal. Avoid overspending and buy only what you need. Couples can communicate more to bring their relationship to the next level. Due to work, there will be alot of pressure that will lead to mental stress. Learn to relax and reduce stress and make sure to always maintain a good mood.

这 个月的运势吉凶参半,做每件事情总是没有想象中那么容易,工作中会遇到一些阻碍,让你倍感心烦。做生意的朋友与客户签订合约时,也要多注意合约上的细节, 不要因为一时的疏忽,造成盈利上的亏损,甚至造成官非缠身。爱情运处于平稳的状态,恋爱中的朋友想要有更进一步的发展,不妨多花些心思在对方身上。健康上 要注意饮食习惯,尤其不可以暴饮暴食,以免病从口入,给肠胃带来问题。

10th Month : A mixture of good and bad fortune this month. Everything is not as simple as you thought it to be and you will encounter obstacles in your work that will affect your mood. Businessmen should pay attention to the contract details before signing as any oversight of the terms may result in a loss of profit or even lawsuit. Love is stable this month. For couples who wish to make further progress, make more effort on your partner. Health wise, take note of your eating habits to prevent illness.

本 月属狗朋友在事业上的发展还是难尽如人意,但是只要小心谨慎应对,用心经营,还是能够安然无恙地顺利完成任务。财运方面不理想,正偏财都不如意,做生意的 朋友要注意看准时机再投资,除非有十分的把握,否则很可能造成破财。桃花运强,未婚男女可以谈婚论嫁,已婚者必须注意第三者的破坏。健康运差,要注意饮食 规律预防疾病,同时也要关心家人健康,尤其是老人和孩子。

11th Month : For the Dog this month, it is difficult to please everyone at work, but as long as you are patience with your approach, you will be able to complete the task given successfully. Wealth fortune is not ideal for this month, businessmen should think twice before making any investment. Avoid making any investments unless you are very confident in it or you may suffer from a loss financially. Strong luck with the opposite sex this month. Couples may wish to discuss about marriage and married couples should take note of any third party that will damage their relationship. Health is poor for this month. Pay attention to your diet to prevent illness. Pay extra attention to your familys health, particularly the elderly and children.

兔年的最后一个月 对属狗的朋友来说,算是苦尽甘来,工作上得心应手,业绩有增无减,在获得加薪的同时也能得到上司的赞赏,可说是名利双收。财运方面除了有加薪,做生意的朋 友也是财运亨通,业务蒸蒸日上,营业额稳步上升。事业上春风得意,爱情生活同样甜甜蜜蜜,家人之间能够和睦相处,其乐融融。精神状态不错,与家人一起参加 些户外锻炼身体的运动是不错的选择。

12th Month : In the last month of the Rabbit year, all the hard work done will finally pay off. Work performance will improve, will receive special praises from their superiors in addition to a pay rise. Wealth fortune wise, other than a pay raise, businessmen will see a steady increase in sales for their business. Career will be progressing well and the love life will be sweet and rosy. Family will also be living in happy harmony. Health is not bad and it is a good time to bring the family out to participate in some outdoor excercise.

DOG people born in
Feb.10,1910 to Jan.29,1911
Jan.28,1922 to Feb.13,1923
Feb.14,1934 to Feb.03,1935
Feb.02,1946 to Jan.21,1947
Feb.18,1958 to Feb.07,1959
Feb.06,1970 to Jan.26,1971
Jan.25,1982 to Feb.12,1983
Feb.10,1994 to Jan.30,1995

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2011 Chinese Horoscope - 鸡 Rooster

鸡 Rooster

运势: 属鸡的朋友今年犯太岁,工作上有很多阻碍,由于人缘差,经常会与他人发生是非口舌,也会受到小人陷害。工作方面不顺利,经常为钱而烦恼,建议要懂得理财, 尽量节省开支,千万不要为了赚快钱而犯法,同时,今年不要为他人做担保或是借钱给别人,否则有惹上官非之忧。感情多波折,婚姻可能亮红灯。工作压力大导致 情绪差,如有身体不适就要求医,不要延误病情而造成对身体的伤害。

The rooster will encounter a lot of obstacles in work. Due to low popularity, you will be involved in verbal spats and will also be framed by others this year. Your work will not go well, money will be a major worry as well. It is recommended that you get to know more about financial management, be thrifty and do not break the law to earn quick money. Also, do not be a guarantor or lend money to others this year or you might get yourself involved in lawsuits. There will be a alot of ups and downs for your love life, expect some problems with your marriage. You will feel moody at times due to the pressure from work and you should seek medical advice if you are feeling unwell. Any delays will be bad for your health.

事业: 属鸡朋友在兔年中,整体事业运不是很好,最突出的问题是今年是非问题很多,人际关系上的不顺遂而影响到工作的情绪。所以今年应与他人在工作上多些讨论和互 动,努力增强人际关系。今年做事要低调,最好不要参于任何是非讨论,如果因为意见不合而与他人产生矛盾,也要多忍耐,并冷静的解决问题。有时可多与亲人朋 友沟通或外出散心,听取他们的意见和建议,也能减轻压力、舒缓情绪。

Career :
The over all fortune for the career of the rooster is bad. There will be a lot of right and wrong questions that will appear and you will suffer from a loss of mood due to poor human relations. As such, you should look towards having more group discussions and interactions during work to enhance interpersonal relationships. You should remain low key this year and do not be involved in disputes even if you do not agree with the others. Remain patient and calm when resolving any issues. Communicate more with your family and friends or take some time off to bring them out. Listening to their opinions and views is a great way to reduce stress and to calm yourself down.

财运: 今年属鸡朋友有漏财的现象,经常会因为消费过度以致收支失去平衡,所以必须要有理财观念,尽量节省开支,而对想购买的物品要谨慎考虑再做决定,控制购物欲 才能避免入不敷出的状况发生,因此也应给自己增加点储蓄,以备不时之需。另外今年可能因为金钱纠纷与他人失和闹上法庭,所以不宜为人担保或是合伙投资做生 意。本年偏财运也不利,不宜赌博、投机等。

Wealth :
There are signs that the rooster will suffer from financial loss this year. More often than not, you will spend excessively and your income and expenditure will be unbalanced. You must learn to manage your money well, try to cut costs and think twice before making any purchases. Self control is essential. Make an effort to save up on emergency funds. Also, you might be involved in a lawsuit due to money disputes so do not be a guarantor or lend money to others this year. It is also not recommended to make any investments or take part in any gambling activities this year.

感 情: 今年的人际关系差,情绪波动也比较大,容易与伴侣发生争执与口舌是非,要互相忍让,懂得珍惜缘分,小心维持彼此之间的感情。对于已婚的朋友来说,感情容易 受到第三者的蓄意破坏,夫妻之间容易出现矛盾,因为口角而导致婚姻生活破裂。建议夫妻俩要互谅互解,珍惜现在所拥有的幸福生活。单身的情侣,今年选择伴侣 时要三思而行,应该多了解才确定对方是否是自己理想的伴侣,当自己难以抉择时,可多听取长辈意见。

Love :
As Rooster suffer from poor interpersonal relationships and frequent mood swings this year, it is easy for disputes to happy with your partner. Both parties must learn to be patient with each other, understand and care for each other to maintain the relationship. For those who are married, the marriage is prone to the intrusion of a third party, conflicts will happen and disputes will cause a breakdown of relationship. It is also recommended for the couple to understand and forgive each other, treasure the happy life that both of you are leading right now. For singles, it is better to think twice when choosing a partner, get to know the each other well to determine if he/she is your ideal partner. When in dilemma, seek opinions and views from the elders.

健康: 今年健康运不甚理想,财运的不利导致生活方面的压力重大,要保持开朗冷静的心情,才能解决难题。今年精神容易紧张,并有失眠的情况出现,有任何身体问题要及时就医,彻底解决困扰,也要多多休息。

Health is not ideal this year, the poor fortune will result in major stress when facing life. It is important to maintain cheerful and calm during this testing time to solve the problem. You will be easily nervous this year and suffer from insomnia. If you are feeling unwell, seek medical treatment promptly and get plenty of rest.

属 鸡朋友在正月里运势欠佳,工作中要保持低调保守,切勿轻举妄动,否则容易招惹是非。工作压力比较大,不要有太多埋怨,坚持下去才能有所收获。由于人缘不 好,口角是非又多,而且容易与人结仇,因此要多忍耐。财运平平,做生意者还不是大举出击的时机,可以在这个月做投资计划,待时机成熟再实施。感情丰富,易 与异性擦出感情火花,对心仪的异性可大胆表达,切莫错过良机。本月可以抽些时间做运动养身,保持健康。

1st Month :
The Rooster will suffer from poor fortune in the first month of the year. Keep a low profile while at work and do not act rashly or you will risk getting into trouble. There will be a great amount of pressure coming from work but grit your teeth and endure this period of time to be rewarded at the end. Due to your poor popularity, you will make enemy easily and will often get into disputes. Average wealth for the month, but not recommended to make big investment, instead, use this month to start making investment plans. You will get involved with the opposite sex quite often so, be bold and do not waste the opportunity. Remember to exercise more this month to stay healthy.

运 势继续下跌,工作上有很多风波,一旦遇到不如意的事情,必须及时小心处理,以免留下后患。工作上的决策要慎重,要小心过目文件的细节,不要放过任何漏洞。 财星破损,不仅没有赚钱的机会,还可能因为一些失误导致钱财损失,另外出门在外要小心保管自己的财物,以免遗失或被窃。感情发展顺利,要懂得珍惜这来之不 易的美好情感。健康方面尚可,吸烟的朋友应该尽量少吸烟,以防心肺呼吸疾病。

2nd Month :
There will be a dip in fortune and there will be a lot of controversies at work. In the event that things go wrong, handle it promptly and carefully to avoid future trouble. Pay extra attention to the small details when handling documents and spot any loopholes that may be present. Wealth fortune took a turn to the worst, not only are there no money making opportunities, some mistakes may result in a loss of money. While away from home, take care of your valuables to avoid losing them or fall victim to theft. Love life is developing well this month, learn to treasure the hard-earned relationship that you have right now. Health wise, smokers should cut down on the amount they smoke per day to guard again cardio-pulmonary respiratory diseases.

本 月运势有如雨过天晴,焕发出勃勃生机,倘若肯奋发向上,一定会有所作为。工作进展畅顺,业绩也很不错,令自己和上司都深感满意。财运大有起色,计划已久的 投资创业计划,可以在这个月大力出击,相信会有不错的收获。感情上不可无事生非,这样彼此之间容易起风波,应该互相沟通和体谅,多些宽容,以免影响感情。 精神状态佳,要维持正常的生活作息规律。

3rd Month :
This month is the calm after the storm. Work is progressing well along with good work performance shown which will please yourself and your superiors. Wealth fortune has improved, the long planned investment plans can be executed this month as there results might be good. Love wise, do not start any disputes and there will be no concern to worry about. Communicate to understand more about each other. In the pink of health this month and do your best to maintain and lead the normal life routine

属 鸡朋友的运势在这个月有些反复,事业上因为有小人的破坏和阻挠,导致计划许久的业务无法顺利开展实施,令你深感沮丧。财运不错,可以进行小规模的扩张和投 资,但对风险性的投资需三思而后行。偏财运方面,可以小赌怡情。感情方面的危机并没有完全解除,要付出自己全部的耐心和诚意,令对方回心转意。身体状态不 如上个月,偶尔会出现头疼感冒的小毛病,要多花点心思调理健康。

4th Month :
There is a slight change in fortune this month cause by some the obstruction of people with ill intent. Long term plans that should be carried out must be put on hold at the moment. Wealth fortune looks good, small-scale expansion and investment can be made, but think twice before making investments with great risk. Love wise, the crisis is still not fully resolved, you must show your sincerity and patience to change the heart of the other party. Health wise is not as good as last month's, you will suffer from occasional headaches and cold.

运 势有慢慢好转的迹象,尤其是事业运峰回路转,工作进展畅顺。对于出现在眼前的发展良机,要当机立断,切忌犹豫不决而被人后来居上,后悔莫及。财运亦有反 复,正财及偏财都不宜憧憬,不要抱着侥幸的心理去投资或投机,以免令自己焦头烂额。已婚者要小心婚姻出现第三者,双方应该坦诚沟通,维系这段感情,不要等 到无法补救的时候再后悔。健康方面需注意饮食习惯,亦适宜外出旅游。

5th Month :
Fortune has slowly gotten better, especially in work. Work is progressing well smoothly and when an opportunity arise, act decisively and do not hesitate or you may regret letting the opportunity slip by. A change in fortune for wealth, do not make unnecessary investments. For married couples, be wary of a third party, both sides should communicate with an open heart to maintain the relationship. Do not wait until the situation gets out of hand before trying to salvage the relationship as it will be too late by then. Health wise, pay attention to your eating habits. This month is also a good month to travel.

本 月运势大好,事业和财运都非常畅旺,利于工作业绩的提升,也可以自己单独做生意。财运亨通,只要在自己经济负荷之内的投资都可以参与,相信会有可喜的收 获。感情生活颇丰富,容易与异性擦出火花,应该珍惜机缘培养感情,而未婚朋友是谈婚论嫁的好时候了。这个月肖鸡朋友需要注意的是健康运,小心出行安全,小 心被利器所伤,或者有跌伤的可能。

6th Month :
This is a month of good fortune bee it in career or wealth. Work performance is improving and it is also a good time to start your own business. Investments within your means can be made as there is a high chance for it to be profitable. Love life is quite enriching, you will get involved with the opposite sex quite often and should appreciate the opportunity to cultivate feelings for each other. It is also a good time to start planning for marriage for those who are still single. The main concern for this month will be health, be wary of sharp objects and there is a possibility of falls.

运势虽然没有上月旺 盛,但也还算良好,因为有贵人出现扶持,工作上的困难减少很多,也不需要太过担忧。财运方面的收入尚可,但是财富难积聚,因此不宜进行投资,尤其是风险类 投机,多多储蓄才是此月正确的理财之道。感情方面难免有些微小的摩擦,但是无伤大局,多些感情沟通,互相迁就彼此,自然会和好如初。健康方面略有起色,但 切忌暴饮暴食,以免肠胃受损伤。

7th Month :
Although the fortune this month is not a strong as last month's, it is still considered good as a nobility will appear to support you. Work difficulties will be reduced by a great deal so you do not need to worry too much. Wealth wise, revenue is stable but it is still difficult to accumulate wealth so this is not a good time for investments especially those with high risks. Making more plans for savings is the best way for financial management this month. Love wise, friction is inevitable but it is not serious. Communicate more and have more tolerance with each other will make everything back to normal again. Slight improvement in health but avoid over-eating to avoid causing damage to your stomach.

本 月运势不太理想,工作中会出现很多阻碍,应该沉着面对,以静制动,方可化解难题。人际关系差,凡事要保持警惕,以免被小人陷害而一败涂地。财运没有丝毫起 色,不宜投资开发新市场,也不宜参与赌博投机,以免血本无归。感情方面会有一些奇遇,尤其是年轻女子容易遇到让自己心动的异性朋友,应该深入了解再做决 定,不要被表面现象蒙骗。健康运欠佳,身体抵抗力差,容易生病。

8 Month :
The fortune for this year is not ideal as you will encounter a lot of obstacles in work but you must remain calm when facing it. You will suffer from poor interpersonal relationships, be vigilant in work to avoid being framed. No great improvement for wealth fortune, not a good time to be involved in investments in new market and gambling. There will be a change for your love life especially for young females. They will meet a lot of guys this month so it is better to understand each other well before making any decision, do not judge a book by its cover. Poor health for this month, immune system is weak and suscepticle to diseases

本 月做事不可冒进,在事业及生活上皆有不顺利的情况发生。工作上如果出现问题,宜从速处理,以免拖延而发生变化。财运有回升,但并不是很稳定,所以也尽量不 要投资或赌博。感情多波折,情侣之间会因为一些芝麻小事发生争吵,夫妻甚至会因为意见不合闹到鸡飞狗跳,请多以耐心来沟通和解。健康方面需注意饮食卫生, 同时要小心旧病复发的可能,有任何征兆都要及时求医。

9th Month :
Do not be aggressive in doing anything this month. There will be situations where things do not go smoothly in work. Resolve any issues that arise in work promptly and not delay it. Wealth fortune is picking up but is still not stable. So try not to be involved in any investments and gambling. Alot of ups and downs for your love life, small incidents will lead to arguments and due to a difference in opinions, married couple will have big disputes. Be patient with one another and communicate more to patch up the differences. Health wise, pay more attention to food hygiene, keeping in mind the possibility of a relapse. Medical attention must be prompt if you are feeling unwell.

属 鸡朋友运势大有起色,可以大举出击。工作事业开始走上新的征程,在平稳的基础上宜积极进取,制定可实行的计划,把握住良好的发展机遇。财运大幅度回升,正 财收入稳中有涨,做生意的朋友可以扩大市场,扩充营业,会有意想不到的额外收入。感情欠佳,要与家人多沟通,让他们了解你的想法,才不会经常发生摩擦。

10th Month :
Fortune has improved for this month. You will begin a new journey in your career and progress steadily. There is a considerable increase in wealth fortune and businessmen may wish to expand their market and expand their business for extra revenue. Love is poor for this month, you must communicate more to let the other party understand your view point to avoid friction. Health has improved but adequate rest is required to replenish your strength.

本月有凶 星进宫,对属鸡朋友的运势有些影响,工作上的文件要认真仔细处理,以免日后由于不了解情况而导致决策失误。财运有回落,不宜投机或进行风险类投资,也不可 以为他人作担保借钱,以免自己陷进钱财纠纷。感情若即若离,谨记互相宽容才可以确保感情永固。单身者应该顺其自然,时机未到就不要强求。多注意身体健康, 好好爱护自己,切勿饮酒过度,以免伤身。

11th Month :
Due to the presence of an unlucky star, your fortune will be affected. Documents should be gone through and dealt with seriously and carefully to avoid a lack of understanding of the situation in the future. Wealth fortune has declined, not recommended to be involved in any investments as well as being a guarantor for other people who wish to borrow money. Love wise, remember that mutual tolerance is the key to an everlasting relationship. Singles should go with the flow, wait patiently for the right time and the right person to appear. Take good care of your health and do not drink excessively to avoid any health issues that may come along with it.

兔年的最后一个月,属鸡的朋友 在 工作方面依然存在不少困阻,工作进展迟缓,未能尽如人意,处理事情必须量力而行,太过急进,反而会误事。财运不稳定,要懂得理财,对金钱的花费需要合理分 配。属鸡朋友经过好几个月的感情低迷期,在兔年的尾声终于看到曙光,感情生活可能揭开全新的一页。健康运不是很好,行为举止要小心谨慎,防止手脚受伤。

12th Month :
In the last month of the Rabbit year, there are still a number of obstacles in work for the rooster. Work progression will be slow, learn to deal with matters within your own capabilities, do not rush as it will cause further delays if you try to rush things. Wealth fortune is unstable, get to know more about financial management to allocate your expenditure rationally. After several months of depression in your love life, the depressing period is coming to an end at last. You can flip over a new chapter of your love life to start everything anew. Your health is not looking good this year so, take good care of yourself to avoid injuries to your hands and legs.

ROOSTER people born in

Jan.22,1909 to Feb.09,1910
Feb.08,1921 to Jan.27,1922
Jan.26,1933 to Feb.13,1934
Feb.13,1945 to Feb.01,1946
Jan.31,1957 to Feb.17,1958
Feb.17,1969 to Feb.05,1970
Feb.05,1981 to Jan.24,1982
Jan.23,1993 to Feb.09,1994

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2011 Chinese Horoscope - 猴 Monkey

猴 Monkey

运势: 命宫中有吉星出现,工作业绩佳,且有贵人相助,以至于正财收入很理想,但是要懂得理财,同时小心财物被骗或是被偷。事业上会有一些阻碍,只要有敢于克服困 难的勇气,就能突破万难。因为工作过程中缺乏沟通能力,容易与同事起争执,应该尽量减少口舌是非。异性缘佳,未婚男女可以在兔年喜结连理,已婚者感情上容 易出现第三者,应该避免招惹桃花劫,招来血光之灾。健康方面多注意休息,以往的慢性疾病可能会有复发加重的可能,防止过于疲劳。
You have good star this year for the monkey, but you are advised to still take precautions at all your action. You may encounter more issues at work, stay positive and have faith to work against obstacles. Due to the lack of communication you may find that it is easy to have argument with colleagues therefore you should stay away with that. There may be good job performance with nobility by your side. You must learn to do financial management this year and also be careful with your valuable to avoid getting cheated or theft. Love luck is good for the singles, there will be chance for romance blossom. For the married, there may be third party intrusion therefore avoid getting into any unnecessary dates. Health this year, you should pay attention to take more rest, to prevent over-fatigue.

事业: 今年事业上发展良好,工作表现突出不仅给属猴的朋友带来收入的增加,还能获得升职的机会,可谓名利双收。但是在争取工作表现的时候,也要注意自己的人缘, 与同事之间要和睦相处,尽量减少摩擦,降低工作的阻力。对做生意的属猴朋友,今年在投资方面,因为有贵人的指点和帮助,会出现一些机会,应该把握时机。
There will be good career development this year, you notice outstanding performance brings you an increase in the revenue, but also access to opportunities for promotion, can be described as both fame and fortune strive. However, upon all the achievement, you will have to be attentive to your surrounding and people around you to live in harmony and minimize any possible disagreement. For the business people, Investment deal will be good with nobility advice for you, therefore grasp the good opportunity.

财运: 工作的良好表现给属猴朋友带来很不错的财运,收入大增,做生意的朋友有贵人送财,在贵人的指点下,获得很多意外之财。但是,在收入的同时也要懂得理财,不 可胡乱花费。今年恐怕有盗窃之灾,要看管好自己的钱财,最好财不外露。钱财乃身外之物,所以属猴的朋友不要因为一时的贪念而做出一些违法的事情,引来官 非,不但会造成破财,还会伤害到自己和家人。
Work is good this year for the monkey and can bring in good increase in monetary, good time for the people doing business. You may encounter a lot of surprise windfall from good people around you. But also be careful as there may be theft disaster that may happen. Do not expose your valuable to other. Do not get into any momentary impulse to make some illegal things, it may led to lawsuits, not only you will cause monetary loss, but also harm to you and your family.

感情: 今年属猴朋友的桃花运佳,异性缘更强,男女朋友都容易结识到异性朋友,所以,对属猴的单身男女,今年是个好机会,应该多多参加社交活动,给自己更多的机 会,遇到心仪的对象,就主动出击,争取好的结果。情侣之间的感情稳定,如无意外状况,可以考虑结婚的事宜。已婚朋友的感情生活容易出现问题,并且最主要的 麻烦在于已婚者今年可能因桃色纠纷带来血光之灾。
This is a good year for the monkey in term of fortune and love, you get many opportunity to meet with the opposite sex. It is a good opportunity to participate in social activities, you should get to meet someone of your interest. You may take the first move, strive for good match. Stable relationship for the attached, you may consider making marriage plan. As for the married couple, there may be some problem between the two of you, stay calm and patience as accident may happen in an argument.

健 康: 属猴朋友今年健康状况很不尽人意,容易情绪不安,心神不宁,要学习随遇而安,凡事顺其自然。情绪暴躁导致行为不稳定,尽量避免高空活动,以防从高处摔倒受 伤。属猴人在兔年里,肾脏、脾胃、消化方面都不是特别好,除了要维持正常的作息,最好也要定期做身体检查,才会比较安心。
Health is poor this year for the monkey, you get agitated easily, feel ill at ease. You should learn to go with the flow, take thing easily and everything will come naturally. You get irritated easily and bad temper that may cause you some injuries therefore you should avoid high-altitude activities, to prevent from falling. This year the monkey will encounter problem from the kidneys, spleen and stomach, digestive system is not good. You should go for a regular physical examination, it will put you at ease.

新年第一个 月,属 猴朋友的运势有些不稳定,工作上有一些意想不到的烦心事,要对未来充满信心,不要太过悲观,给新年的一开始就蒙上灰色的色彩。财难聚,要小心看管自己的财 物,出门在外不要带太多的贵重物品,以免小偷有机可乘。感情运非常好,有利于恋情的发展,单身男生可以在本月向心仪的女生表白,成功率很高。工作繁重导致 出现肾脏问题,要多休息和护理。
1st month:
Approaching the first month of the year, there will be some instability for the monkey fortune this month. You may encounter some issue at work, but you should maintain positive and stay strong. Do not be too pessimistic, start the new year with bright color ahead. It is difficult for you to hold on to your money, be careful with your valuable. Do not bring too many belonging while traveling around to prevent theft. Love luck is very pleasant this month, single men may take the opportunity to express your feeling to the someone special. Heavy workload may led to health problem, you are prone to kidney issue, try to get more rest.

运 势大体不错,十分有利于工作事业的发展,必须好好把握,奋发向上,工作业绩比较理想,可望升职加薪。本月财星高照,可以考虑投资创业,或作多元化投资,月 中会有额外收入。感情方面出现桃花运,男女的异性缘都不错,多用些心思,或许就会出现新的机遇。夫妻感情也是多姿多彩,家庭生活和睦幸福。健康方面偶尔会 有点小毛病,及早看医生,就不会有大问题。
2nd month:
Fortune is generally good, especially in the aspect of work. There will be good development and you may get promotion and pay rise. Fortune this month is high, you can consider investing on business, or for diversification of your investment, there will be additional revenue in the mid month. Love luck is good, arise luck with the opposite sex, seize the good opportunity and you may get to meet some you desire. Marital relations is colorful, warmth family life, harmony and happiness.  Health may have some minor problems occasionally, visit a doctor as soon as you feel unwell. There should not be too much of a problem.

本 月不如意的事层出不穷,宜小心戒备。事业发展不顺畅,必须用心经营才可能有一定收获,处理事情要小心谨慎,一定要有自己的主见,偶尔也可参考一下朋友或家 人的意见。工作劳碌奔波,但是收入却并不见涨,要注意节省开支,杜绝不必要的浪费。单身男女异性缘强,容易有一见钟情的事情发生,要随时做好准备迎接新恋 情。工作压力大,必须尽量争取足够休息时间,以免积劳成疾。
3rd month:
This month fortune may not be too satisfactory, therefore you should carefully guard against things happening around you. Career development is not smooth, you must be careful when dealing with projects, trust yourself and make your own decision. Occasionally you can refer to your friend or family. There will be plenty of workload, but not much of a pay rise, try to be more thrifty and eliminate all unnecessary spending. Love luck is pleasant for the singles, you must encounter a love at first sight. Work is stressful therefore you should find enough time to rest to prevent overwork.

事业运很差,工作进展备受牵制,而且会与人 发 生口角,要学习忍辱负重,尽量改掉自己固执的性格,尽量早些化解矛盾冲突,千万不可意气用事,要知道小不忍而乱大谋,以免雪上加霜。财运一般,不宜投机倒 把或进行风险类投资,慎防破财。感情稳定的情侣可适时的对将来做一番打算,争取早日成家立业。这个月要注意安全方面的问题,不要参加危险性或攀高活动,以 防摔伤。
4th month:
Career luck is bad, and you may encounter disagreement and argument with people. You shall learn to listen to other and , get rid of your stubborn personality as much as possible, try to resolve conflicts earlier, do not be sway by your personal feeling. Be patience and stay calm to avoid making matter worse. wealth is average, do not get into any not speculation or risk taking investment, guard against monetary loss. Relationship with your love one is good, may sit down and make future plan together. This is generally not a good month for you, therefore do not to participate in dangerous or climbing activities to prevent fall.

运 势转好,事业和工作进展都很顺利,工作困阻以及人事纷争逐渐消退,因而可以全心全意谋求发展,倘若能够把握时机,一定可以脱颖而出。财源广进,生意投资都 可以获益,风险类投资也可以适当进行。感情运佳,容易与异性投缘,单身朋友可以发展对象,但是一定要用真诚的态度来赢得对方的信任,不可强求。这个月要注 意休息,以往的慢性疾病可能会有复发加重的可能,防止过于疲劳。

5th month:
Fortune turns for the better, progress for your work is going smoothly and personal disputes are gradually receding, and it is a good time for you to whole-heartedly seek development, try your best to grasp the opportunity. Wealth is very good, business investment will be able to get good return, you may also try making some investment. Love luck is blossom, good chance to meet the opposite sex, singles can express your feeling to the person you adore. But it is important you use a sincere attitude to win the trust of each other, do not force it. Health this month, you should pay attention to take more rest, to prevent over-fatigue.

事业发展稳定顺畅,工作得心应手,要 积极争取 主动,抢占先机,一定会有可喜收获。但是不要因为工作业绩不错就目中无人,加强与同事之间的沟通,改善你的人际关系,在出现困难的时候才会得到他人的帮 助。财运方面顺其自然就可以,切勿太过苛求而令压力大增。感情平淡中有机会,细心呵护容易擦出火花。本月容易出现肠胃不适,注意饮食起居,未煮熟或生冷的 食物不要吃,以免食物中毒或肠胃不适。
6th month:
Career development is stable and smooth, work task is easy to deal with, should grasp the good opportunity and you will see good return. But do not get too arrogant with your good result, you should strengthen communication with colleagues and improve relationship among them. So you will be able to get help when you need them. Wealth is average, let nature take it course and do not be too demanding about it to avoid feeling too preeesurize. Love luck is plain but there is still chances to expect spark from the opposite sex. You should take thing easy this month and keep calm at all times. Take note of your daily diet and avoid uncooked or semi-cooked food to prevent food poisoning.

运 势欠佳,会有许多难以预料的变化发生,应该小心防犯,防止措手不及。工作方面应该谨言慎行,切勿批评议论别人,以防小人从中作梗,使你陷入不利的境地。本 月对经商者不利,很多生意都起伏不定,并且在做任何投资之前,都要谨慎计划,不要匆忙决定。感情方面,倘若遇到心仪的异性,可以多加接触,但是还不是表达 心意的时机。健康尚可,要爱惜身体,不要饮酒过多。
7th month:
Fortune meet a decline this month, you should make plan for yourself in advance, and be careful with what you do to prevent from getting caught unprepared. Work should be cautious, do not criticize other people action, to prevent the villain from obstructions, and you may be at a disadvantage. This month, businesses have ups and downs, before making any investment, you should be carefully plan, do not rush on making decision. Love luck is average, when meet with someone you like, maintain good relation but it may not be a good time to express your love yet. You should make sure you take good care of your health this month, avoid alcohol consumption.

本 月命宫中有凶星出现,运势依然没有好转,工作中与同事发生矛盾,切勿斤斤计较,否则会令形势变得更为恶化而难以收拾。平时多与他人沟通,多参考旁人的意 见,对工作的开展有好处。财运稍逊,正财尚可,偏财勿求,风险类投资不宜进行,要特别谨防财务出现问题。夫妻感情恩爱,家庭生活和谐融洽,多用些心力呵 护,以使感情更上一层楼。健康方面要注意饮食卫生,以免病从口入。
8th month:
This month fortune do not seem to turn any better, you will meet contradiction at work with your colleague therefore you should pay close attention when dealing with the problem you have to avoid the situation that may deteriorate the issue.  Spend more time with your superior to improve on the communication and take reference from him  before making any work plan to achieve a much more desirable result. Married couple is loving, harmony in the family, make effort to show more care and concern so that relationship can be lifted.  You should pay attention to food hygiene this month to prevent illness.

运 势 转好,办公室工作人士,人际关系危机解除,很多工作困阻至此均可迎刃而解,重新走上正轨。做生意者若能潜心经营,生意应有不错发展,可取得好成绩。财运转 佳,收入不错也要懂得珍惜钱财,不宜过度投资,也不要胡乱花费。感情方面敏感易变,情侣之间出现第三者,很可能要面临取舍抉择,必须冷静理智做判断。健康 还算理想,在辛勤工作之余,必须充分休息,慎勿过劳。
 9th month:
Fortune turns for the better, for the people working in the office, many social problem get resolve, and thing get back on track. For the business people, there should be good development this month as long as you put enough concentration to it. Good financial operations, you should see good revenue, but make sure that you do not over-investment, and do not squander. You may meet some changes in love this month, there may be an intrusion of third party, make sure you stay calm and judge sensibly. Health is good, find time to rest and avoid over work.

本 月能够继续上月的好运势,工作事业逐渐焕发出勃勃生机,工作业绩不断提升,生意上的订单也是持续不断。由于得贵人得的相助,给属猴的朋友带来很好的财运, 正财及偏财均有所获,要好好管理钱财,用最小的投资得到最大的回报。因婚外情的介入导致夫妻感情变淡,若不及时补救,小心会有分手的下场。健康运不错,但 是感情危机导致情绪变差,脾气暴躁,宜多多控制。
10th month:
This month you maintain a good fortune from the previous month, there is an increase in work performance and full of vitality. Business seems to have an increase, and moving upwards. You will get plenty of assistant from nobility person that brings you good fortune. You may use little effort to gain a good return on investment. There may be intrusion of extramarital affair that led by husband and wife to have some problem. Your health is good this month, but relationship crisis may cause you to have emotional deterioration and irritability, you should keep calm during this period.

运势平平,难有突破,事业发展不太 顺利,不如意的事接连而来,倘若不慎重处理,有可能变本加厉,这时要寻找贵人出现帮你渡过难关。财运有些跌落,不宜进行大计划,有合适的时机,可以做些小 规模的投资。感情容易引发口角冲突,尤其已婚男女不要招惹桃花,以免一不小心给自己带来血光之灾,引火上身。身体方面由于事多繁忙,压力大,应多休息,防 止出现问题。
11th month:
Fortune is average, difficult to make a break through, career development is not smooth, problem comes one after another, if not carefully handle it could intensify. Fortunately, there is nobility person out to help you overcome the problem. Wealth may encounter fall, you are not suitable to make big plan during this month. At the right time, you may make some small-scale investment is fine. You may be prone conflict with others, especially married men and women, to avoid argument that may get into accident. Due to many issues that occur that cause you to feel stressful and trouble. You should stay relax and spend more time to rest.

运 势继续下跌,工作方面有诸多变数,也会遇到人为的阻碍。凡事应三思而行,谋定而后动,千万不可因心急而盲动,否则可能会赔了夫人又折兵。生意投资上会出现 钱财周转不灵的现象,要谨慎理财,不要轻信他人的花言巧语,导致被骗破财。随身不要带太多的贵重物品,深夜晚归要慎防被劫。感情问题依然存在,宜尽快解 决。健康不佳,倘若不小心保养,很可能导致疾病。
12th month:
Fortune seem to decline as much as the previous month, you meet with many changes at work, may encounter many obstacles. Everything you do, you should think twice before making any decisions, be patient and not rush things, or you lose out. Business investment may be in some cash flow problems, to prudent financial management, not to rely on other people's rhetoric, leading to deception or even bankruptcy. Do not carry too many valuables with you late at night to prevent robbery. Emotional issue with love one still exists should make effort to solve as soon as possible. Poor health, if not well-taken care, is likely to lead to much more serious problem.

MONKEY people born in

Feb.02,1908 to Jan.21,1909
Feb.20,1920 to Feb.07,1921
Feb.06,1932 to Jan.25,1933
Jan.25,1944 to Feb.12,1945
Feb.12,1956 to Jan.30,1957
Jan.30,1968 to Feb.16,1969
Feb.16,1980 to Feb.04,1981
Feb.04,1992 to Jan.22,1993

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2011 Chinese Horoscope - 羊 goat

羊 goat

运势: 属羊的朋友今年的运程吉凶参半,事业上有加薪和升职的机会,但是其中也会有小人出来破坏,给你带来较多的口舌是非。经商者今年也有诸多阻碍,生意上因为小 人的陷害导致官非问题。财运平平,难以聚财,投资虽然有获利,但是也要保守为宜,见好就收,不可贪得无厌。异性缘佳,已婚夫妇要维护感情,小心婚外情。今 年开车出行时要注意驾驶安全,务必遵守交通规则,不可以超速行驶,尤其不可以酒后驾车。
Fortune :
This year for the sheep is a mixture of good and bad luck. There will be pay and promotion opportunities at work but there will be dispute or misunderstandings cause by some people around who are out to damage you. There will be a lot of business barriers and someone might make false charge against you which will lead to lawsuit problems. Average wealth, you will also find it hard to amass your wealth, although there are profitable investments, it is better to be conservative and not be greedy. Married couples should protect their relationship and be careful of extra marital affairs. Pay more attention to safety while driving and be sure to obey traffic rules of speeding and drink driving.

事 业: 今年对属羊朋友来说,是个发展事业的好机会。工作方面得到同事们的支持,能够充分发挥你的领导才能,上司对你的表现非常满意,升职加薪机会多多,可以说是 名利双收。但美中不足的是,今年属羊的朋友犯小人,除了有不少口舌之争,还可能招惹官非,所以今年在处理工作任务以外的事务时,都要低调行事,与自己无关 的事情不要发表意见,莫管他人的闲事。
Career :
This year for the Sheep is a good year to expand your career. Work wise, you will gain support from your fellow colleagues, you will be able to display your leadership capabilities, your superiors will be pleased with your performance, there will be a lot of pay and promotion opportunities, you will be able to attain both fame and fortune. However, everything is fine except one small problem, this year the sheep may meet villains intrusion. Other than a war of words, you may even provoke lawsuits. You should lay low while dealing with affairs outside work, do not stick your nose into other people’s business.

财运: 属羊人今年的财运平平,主要的问题是命宫中有凶星出现,导致经常出现漏财的现象,所以属羊朋友要适当控制开销,多多储蓄。今年对投资地产和做生意的朋友比 较有利,获利机会很大。容易因为钱财与人发生争执,所以在签署重要文件时,要仔细阅读每一个条款的内容,不可马虎行事。万一因为疏忽大意惹上金钱官非,一 定要冷静快速处理,以免造成更大损失。
Wealth :
Wealth for the sheep this year is average. The main problem will be the appearance of an unlucky star causing a loss of wealth. So, for the sheep, it is best to practice self control over spending and start saving. There will be more favorable opportunities for a large profit for real estate and business investment this year. It is easy for you to be involved in a dispute over money so you should carefully read the contents of each clause before signing any important documents. In the case whereby you are involved in a lawsuit due to negligence, keep your cool and handle it with haste to avoid incurring a heavier loss.

感情: 无论属羊的男生或女生,今年的异性缘都很不错,单身男女可在兔年里寻找良缘,主动出击,早日找到心仪对象,结束单身状态。夫妻之间容易出现第三者,给双方 感情带来一些威胁,属羊人一定要理智面对这些诱惑,要知道家庭和睦才是最重要的,相互体谅以避免婚姻亮红灯。情侣之间加强沟通,开心或不开心的事情都可以 拿出来与伴侣分享,增进了解,感情才能长久。
Be it for male or female, opportunities with the opposite sex will be plenty this year. Single men and women in search of a relationship in the year of the rabbit should take the initiative early to find a partner to end their singlehood status. Married couples are prone to a third party who may threaten to strain their relationship so both parties must be able to conquer the temptation and to understand that family harmony is the most important. Mutual understanding will be essential in order to avoid any problems with marriage. Couples should communicate more, happy and unhappy stuffs should be brought up in order for both party to understand each other more and for the relationship to last.

健康: 命宫有健康方面的凶星,身体状态不理想,今年不要参加危险性活动,以防受伤。家中有老人的,要时刻留意他们的身体状况,除了要注意他们的饮食均衡,还要谨 防他们滑倒受伤或是闪到腰。开车出行时要注意驾驶安全,务必遵守交通规则,不可以超速行驶,尤其不可以酒后驾车。
Health :
There is a presence of an unlucky star in health. Physical condition of the body is not satisfactory and is susceptible to xue guang so it is not advisable to participate in any hazardous activities this year. Families with the elderly should pay more attention to their health and diet as well as guarding them against injuries. Pay more attention to safety while driving and be sure to obey traffic rules of speeding and drink driving.

在正月里,属羊朋友的运势平平,多有反复,事业 运还不错,工作任务都能顺利完成,只是在工作中易与同事或顾客起争执,要尽量控制自己的情绪,遇到不顺心的事情,也要冷静处理,不要口不择言,使事情变得 更加难以收拾。尤其是做服务业的朋友,待人处事要有礼貌,生意才能长久。财运有收获,看准商机,及时出手,会从中得利。情侣或夫妻感情稳定,单身男女也有 桃花运。
First Month: Average fortune and career for the first month, able to complete jobs on time without any hassle but might encounter some disagreement with colleagues or customers. Must try to control your emotions, in the event of any problems, deal with it calmly or it will make things more difficult to clean up. For people in the service industry, courtesy is the key to a long and successful business. You will stand to gain in wealth if you are able to spot business opportunities. Couples or married couples will have a stable relationship while single men and women will have luck with the opposite sex.

运势与上月相比有所下降,工作事业会遇到一定的阻 力, 需要从长计议,不可盲目行动。财运比较差,虽然上个月的业务投资准确,在这个月也能有所收获,但是要注意见好就收,不要过贪,以免损失惨重。对于没有伴侣 的朋友来说,本月是个有利月份,桃花旺盛,容易结交到异性朋友;已婚者感情平和。此月需要注意的是属鼠朋友的健康,因为抵抗力下降而让你经常感到疲累,应 多些休息及运动,保持身体健康。 Second Month: There will be a decline in fortune as compared to the previous month. You will encounter some resistance at work which requires long term planning in order to overcome it. A rather poor wealth for this month. Although you were astute in business investment last month and might have some profit this month, you must avoid being greedy or it might lead to a loss in wealth. For singles, this is a favorable month for you to make friends of the opposite sex; married couples will enjoy a peaceful relationship. Health is not very good for this month so be careful while you are outdoors and refrain from driving too far away from home. .You should rest more and excerise to maintain a good health.

本 月属羊人的运势很差,工作上会出现较大的压力和动荡,不顺利的事情接二连三地发生,不要心浮气躁,冷静面对才有完善解决的可能。财运平平,偏财运不佳,不 宜进行较大的投资和风险较大的投机。本月注意夫妻感情,遇到事情必须多沟通与忍让,平常也要多关心对方,共同维持家庭的幸福与和睦。身体健康方面无大碍, 但是需要注意持续正常的生活习惯,防止旧病复发。
Third Month: This month is a poor month for sheep, there will be greater pressure at work and you will encounter a series of unfortunate events. Do not be impatient though, you must remain calm in order to find a solution to the problems. Average wealth for the month, not advised to make large investments or investments with great risk. Note that married couples must communicate more over any issues they face. Pay more attention to each other and jointly maintain family happiness and harmony. No particular health issues but attention must be paid to maintain a healthy life.

进 入农历四月,属羊人的运势有较大回升,工作业绩有好的发展,连续两个月的压力终于有所舒解。本月财运亨通,投资均可获利,可以适当扩大投资,增加收益,但 是切勿大手笔借钱与人,恐怕短期内难以收回。夫妻感情佳,特别利于未婚的肖羊之人,双方感情加深,并且是订婚的好月份。但是健康方面的运势就不如事业、财 运来的旺盛,要多休息并注意饮食卫生,避免病从口入。
Fourth Month: Entering the lunar, the sheep’s fortune takes a big turnaround. There will be career development, and the pressure from the past 2 months is finally relieved. Investments made this month can be profitable and you may wish to expand your investment to increase income but do not borrow a large sum of money to people as it will be difficult to recover it back within a short period. Married couples will enjoy good relationship. It is also a good month to register for a marriage. However, more attention must be paid your health. Due to the influx of wealth, you will need to rest more and pay more attention to food hygiene to avoid falling sick.

本 月的工作运特别不错,工作方面大有进展,倘若能够全力以赴,很可能有意外收获,要懂得以退为进,工作成绩一定会事半功倍,并且因为工作出色得到上级赏识或 得到客户的认可,离加薪和升职的日子不远了。财运非常佳,正财收入不错,也利于偏财,可作多元化投资。本月的感情发展不顺利,与伴侣有意见纷争,双方宜平 心静气,冷静处理。有意外刑伤,需留意自身安全。
Fifth Month: Career fortune is especially good this month, progressing well. Expect a windfall if you put all your efforts into your work but do practice caution and know when to retreat, your performance will be more effective this way. Due to your outstanding performance in work, your customers and superiors will show appreciation and you are not far off from a promotion. Wealth is very good for this month. This month’s relationship development is not smooth, you will have disagreements with your partner. Both sides should handle the disagreement in a calm manner. Beware of accidents and take note of your own safety.

运势明显 下 滑,形势不明朗,工作进展一波三折,未能一气呵成,所以做事不可以掉以轻心,必须耐心处理,急于求成反而容易误事。这个月要注意避免招惹是非,莫管闲事, 也要警惕小人。财运方面起伏不定,进行投资会有风险,尤其不利赌博,小心损失惨重。感情上面基本稳定,多交流多沟通,尽量避免争吵,未婚朋友可努力改变单 身状况。健康尚可,多注意小孩的家居安全。
Sixth Month: There will be an obvious decline in fortune and you will face a situation of uncertainty. A lot of twists and turns in work so you must not be complacent and have to be patient while handling stuffs. Avoid quarrels for this month and do not stick your nose into other people’s problem. Wealth will be unstable and it will be risk to make investments, especially in gambling. Relationship is stable, communicate more exchanges to avoid quarrels. Singles can make more effort to be engaged. Pay attention to children’s home safety.

本月运势有较 大好转,有如暴风雨后的阳 光,事业在平稳中发展,渐入佳境,偶尔有点小麻烦,也可以顺利解决。财运有很大改善,做生意的朋友本月销量不错,赚钱的空间很大,习惯投机的属羊人,也有 一笔可观的收入进账,但要注意小心保管自己的贵重财物,防止被盗或被骗。属羊的恋人或夫妻,感情甜蜜稳定,可以计划出游或是进行一场浪漫约会。健康无碍, 注意生活规律就没有问题。
Seventh Month: A greatly improved month, like a sunshine after a storm, there will be a steady development in your career, might encounter a little trouble occasionally but it can be successfully resolved. Fortunes have been greatly improved, businessmen will see improved sales this month with a big room for making more income. Be careful of your valuables and be vigilant to guard against theft or deception. Couples will have a sweet and stable relationship and may wish to plan a trip or a romantic date. There are no health hazards for this month as well.

本 月持续上月的好运势,有贵人帮助,工作事业方面会有不少进展,生活上的琐事也会很快得到解决,但是不可以贸然行事,宜稳中求进。投资可以获利,如果遇到合 适的发展项目,可以大胆实施,相信会有不少收获,但是在赚钱的同时也要懂得理财。感情上是开花结果的一月,男女都宜谈婚论嫁,而且都会有不错的结果。健康 方面必须多些休息,同时多留意家人的健康,尤其是老人与孩子。
Eighth Month: Continuing from last month’s good fortune, you will receive help from a noble person, there will be a lot of work progression, life’s chores will also be resolved quickly but you must not act rashly but instead seek progressive improvements. Investment can be profitable and if you come across a suitable development project, there should be quite a number of gains. This is a good month for relationships and both man and women will be discussing about marriage and the results will be good. Require more rest and pay more attention to the health of you families, particularly the elderly and children

本月的 运 势欠佳,工作事业会遇到诸多困阻,必须尽自己最大的努力,方不会出现状况。凡事要小心谨慎,冷静处理,作决策要深思熟虑,更要小心查看文件的细节问题,千 万不要冲动莽撞决定。生意业务上的阻碍导致财运欠佳,尽量节省开支避免入不敷出。感情运不佳,尤其对有伴侣者比较糟糕,容易与家人产生口角争执,导致感情 生疏。健康有起色,保持良好的生活习惯,不要过度劳累。
Ninth Month: Poor fortune this month, there will be a lot of difficulties in work. Must adopt a cautious approach, handle stuffs in a calm manner, decisions must be thought of carefully and attention must be paid to the small details on the documents. Business barriers leads to poor fortune, avoid living beyond cost savings. Relationship is poor this month, especially for couples. Easily start a quarrel with family members causing an awkward and strange feeling. Health is picking up, keep up the good life habits and do not overwork.

运势稍有下滑,但是也不 至 于太糟糕,工作事业方面可能会出现些阻碍,应该注意做好随时面对困难的准备,避免乱中出错,本月工作中还须警惕口舌是非,提防小人从中破坏,影响你在同事 心目中的形象。财运还算平稳,主要是要小心自身的财物,尽量不要夜出或夜归。这个月感情运非常好,情侣之间感情稳定,可以谈婚论嫁。在辛勤工作之余,必须 有充足的休息时间,不可小视。
Tenth Month: Fortune fell slightly but not too bad. There might be some obstacles at work and must be prepared for any obstacles that appear. Be wary of work disputes which might affect your image in the company. Wealth is fairly stable, be carefully of your own property and try not to go out or stay out late at night. Relationship is very good this month, stability in the relationship will lead to discussion about marriage. Make your to have sufficient time to rest.

运 势顺畅,事业发展顺利,工作上得心应手,没有太多烦心之事,业绩也在你的努力之下取得很好的成绩,有很大的加薪机会。财运欠佳,投资得不到应有的回报,偏 财运更不利,切忌不可参与赌博投机活动,否则损失惨重,可能陷入经济危机。感情发展很顺利,单身朋友有望有所突破,情侣之间感情不断升温,羡煞旁人。健康 方面要多锻炼身体,多休息养生。
Eleventh Month: Smooth fortune and a successful career. There will not be many things that will be bothering you. You will see good results in your career due to your hard work. There is a good opportunity for a pay rise as well. Poor Wealth, investment will have poor returns. Gambling activities must be avoided or you will suffer a great loss which might lead you to an economic crisis. Relationship development is very smooth and singles are expected to achieve a breakthrough. More exercise should be done, get more rest.

属 羊朋友在兔年的最后一个月运势佳,工作成绩更上一层楼,稍加努力,便可以水到渠成,是大展鸿图的良机。投资做生意的朋友,可以获得丰厚盈利,倘若条件成 熟,可以考虑扩充营业。最后一个月,属羊朋友的感情运不是很好,尤其对已婚男女,与异性朋友或者同事相处时应当注意言谈举止,保持距离,以免引起误会而影 响夫妻感情。必须密切注意饮食卫生,以防祸从口进,食物过敏或中毒。
Twelve Month: Sheep in the year of the Rabbit in the last month has good fortune. Work performance will be brought to a higher level. Investors should be able to gain huge profits and if the conditions allows, expansion of business can be considered. In this last month, the relationship fortune is not very good, especially for married men and women. Keep a distance with colleagues of the opposite sex to avoid misunderstandings with your spouse. Pay close attention to food hygiene to avoid getting sick.

Goat people born in
Feb.13,1907 to Feb.01,1908
Feb.01,1919 to Feb.19,1920
Feb.17,1931 to Feb.05,1932
Jan.05,1943 to Jan.24,1944
Jan.24,1955 to Feb.11,1956
Feb.09,1967 to Jan.28,1968
Jan.28,1979 to Feb.15,1980
Feb.15,1991 to Feb.03,1992

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