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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Chinese Horoscope - 马 Horse

马 Horse
运势: 命宫中有多颗吉星拱照,令属马的朋友在兔年里运势较好,尤其是女生的运势更是非常旺盛。今年在工作方面有贵人相助,所以积极争取,有升职加薪的好机会,但 要小心与他人有争执是非。正财运佳,经商者生意步步高升,必须要懂得守住钱财,别误信小人的话而陷入金钱骗局,招惹是非与官非,同时也要做好防盗窃工作, 锁好门窗,以防小偷光顾。今年桃花运旺盛,异性缘佳,是考虑自己终身幸福的时候了。健康不理想,要多注意锻炼身体和争取时间休息。
Fortune :
The horse will experience good fortune in the Year of the Rabbit, especially for female. You will encounter a nobility in your work this year who will assist you in your work. There is a good opportunity for promotion and pay rise as well, but you should be careful of disputes with each another. In this year of good fortune, business will be blooming but you must know how to hold on to the money. Do not be misled into believing the words of villains into a money scam. You must also take precautions against theft, lock your windows and doors. This year is a good year to meet the opposite sex and it is time to consider about your future happiness. Health is not good this year so pay more attention to exercise and get ample of rest.

事业: 今年属马朋友在事业方面要秉承多做事少说话的原则,遇到不如意的事情,要低调处理,更不要随便发表言论,否则只会自寻烦恼。女性朋友的事业运极好,能拓展 市场,提升业绩非常顺利,表现又突出,有望升职加薪。但是今年要防止小人陷害,假如想要投资做生意或是给他人作担保,要仔细权衡利弊,充分考虑各个因素后 再做决定,以免惹上是非或官非,白白遭受损失。
Career :
For the horse this year, they must have a 'more work less talk' mentality during work. In the case where they encounter a problem, they should remain low profile while trying to resolve it. Try not to make unnecessary comments as it will only lead to trouble. Career fortune for female is excellent. Due to the outstanding work performance, expect a pay rise or promotion. However, they must be wary of people who may make false charge against them. All factors must be carefully considered before being a guarantor for other people so as to not get involved in official or non-official lawsuit.

财运: 今年在财运方面虽有吉星相助,正偏财收入都很理想,但也会出现小额的破财现象,所以今年不可轻易借钱给他人,以免有去无回,给自己徒增烦恼。工作人士有加 薪的机会,正财收入稳中见涨,做生意的朋友在贵人的相助下,可投资多种产业,并且都能获得收益。由于今年财来财去,比较难聚钱财,所以要学习理财,无论生 活中还是投资中,都要尽量节省开支,并且要注意小心保管贵重物品。
Wealth :
With the assistance of the lucky star, you will have good income. However, there are signs that you may experience financial issues so avoid borrowing money to others easily as it will be difficult to retrieve them back. There are opportunities for pay rise in work, income will be steady and for businessmen, with the help of a nobility, you are able to make various kind of investment which will lead to profits. As your wealth come and go this year, it is more difficult to amass your wealth. You must learn some tips in financial management and save money when possible be it in life or investments. You should also take good care of your valuables.

感 情: 属马朋友今年的桃花旺盛,无论未婚还是已婚的属马人,均有较强的异性缘。还没有伴侣的朋友,今年是改变单身状态的好时机,所以应主动出击,充分发挥自己的 魅力。恋爱中的朋友可计划谈婚论嫁,确定自己的终身大事。已婚朋友今年感情甜蜜,但由于桃花太强,所以要防止婚外桃花,而且有不满的看法就要及时拿出来沟 通,不要因为一些小矛盾而影响感情。
Relationship :
The love sign is blooming for the horse this year. Be it single or married, there is a good chance to meet the opposite sex. This is a good opportunity for the singles to get a partner if they take initiative to display their charm. This is also a good year for couples plan for their marriage. Married couples will enjoy a sweet relationship this year but must still be wary of 3rd parties that may appear. Communicate any discontent you may have and do not let small conflicts affect your relationship.

健康: 今年最让属马朋友烦恼头痛的就是健康问题,身体弱并且抵抗力差,导致容易感冒或被细菌感染。年长者要注意关节出现问题,所以每天要保持一定的活动量,使骨 骼更健康。今年也容易出现消化系统方面的问题,所以要养成固定的饮食习惯,并注意饮食卫生,有任何身体不适都要及时看医生,不可拖延,以免病情恶化。
Health :
Health is the main concern for the horse this year. With a weak body and immune system, they will be prone to cold and bacteria infections. The elderly should pay more attention to joint problems and must maintain a certain activity everyday for healthier bones. This year, you will also be prone to digestive problems. So, regular eating habits must be developed and pay more attention to food hygiene. Visit the doctor when required without delay to avoid deterioration of the illness.

新 年开始,属马朋友的运势可说是大展鸿图,做生意的朋友生意兴隆,业务量增加,订单一个接一个的来;工作人士进展也很不错,只是过程中难免节外生枝,由于此 月小人当道,工作中的口舌是非比较多,应尽量保持冷静克制,少理为妙。正财收入随着业务的提升不断增加,可乘机多些储蓄,以备后患。夫妻间相处要懂得互相 忍让,多些耐心就能减少口角发生。健康尚佳,偶有精力不足小困扰,必须小心护理。
1st Month:
In the start of a new year, fortune for the horse is excellent. Businessmen will have a booming business, increased production as there will be an increase in orders; progression for workers is also looking good. But some small issues might arise over the course as someone will be trying to sow discord in your work. Remain calm and exercise restraint when such situation arise. Revenue will gradually increase along with the booming business and this presents a good opportunity to keep some savings for future use. Husband and wife must be patient with each other to reduce the number of disagreements from occurring. Health is good but may suffer from a lack of energy some time.

本 月运势维持不变,事业在平稳中发展,但偶尔会出现麻烦,冷静处理就可顺利解决,无碍大局,尤其在决策上要慎重,不要只顾眼前利益,应把目光放长远些,以免 失误。财运依然很好,可考虑投资创业,购置物业也有利可图。偏财虽有所获,但小赌怡情就可,不要过于沉迷。感情丰富,容易与异性投缘,未婚男女有意中人出 现,很可能开展一段新恋情。健康方面,属马的朋友可多参加一些户外活动来增强体质。
2nd Month:
The fortune for this month remains unchanged, career is developing at a stable pace with occasional trouble that may arise. The trouble can be dealt with in a calm and smooth manner, do not look for quick fix solution but plan for the future instead. Wealth is still considered to be very good for this month, business investment and acquisition of property can be taken into consideration as they will be profitable. Although the income is steady, do not be obsessed with gambling. This will be a good month for romance as there will be opportunities to meet the opposite sex. Singles are most likely to meet someone and begin a new romance. Health wise, outdoor activities are recommended to enhance the physical aspect.

本月运势虽没有上个 月 旺盛,但也还算顺利。工作方面要稳重,时时刻刻保持冷静,不可操之过急,才能使任务进展达到预期的效果。财运亨通,财源广进,可以考虑投资创业。可惜本月 有漏财之像,需防止财物被盗窃,另外去人多的地方看管好随身财物,也要注意家宅门户。恋爱中的朋友,在相处中互增了解,感情升温,已婚者也对伴侣关怀备 至,甜甜蜜蜜。健康颇佳,但要控制饮食习惯,不宜太过放纵,以免影响健康。
3rd Month:
Although the fortune for this month is not as strong as last month's, it is still a smooth month. Work demands stability, remain calm and do not be hasty to make progress, this will enable you to achieve the desired results in the end. Wealth fortune is good for this month and you may wish to consider investing in a business. Unfortunately, there are signs that you may lose money this month so practice vigilance with your valuables especially when you are at a crowded place. For couples, get to understand each other more, for marries couples, show concern to your partner to make them feel loved. Health wise is quite well but control your diet and do not get too indulged in it so as not to affect your health.

运势突然转差,工作事业可能会出现一些变动,要提 防小人设下的陷阱,切勿固执己见、一成不变,必须学会逆境中求生存。工作方面会遭到小人无理取闹,百般挑剔,必须小心应付,否则容易吃大亏。财运急转直 下,正财及偏财均不宜憧憬,不宜投资,还需慎防受骗破财。本月出门必须密切留意自身安危,提防意外。感情易变,尽量多些沟通了解,互谅互解,以免劳燕分 飞。
4th Month:
There will be a sudden change in fortune and there might be some changes in your work. There will be people out to harm your work so you must not be stubborn but learn to survive in adversity. Wealth fortune is also bad for this month. Avoid making investments and guard against deception of your valuables. If you are going out this month, remain vigilant and guard yourself against accidents. Communicate more with your partner to understand each other more to prevent parting.

运势有些少许 的提升,但工作上还是会出现各种问题,宜快速处理,避免引起连锁反应,越陷越深。面对同事间的种种口舌是非应处之泰然,切勿斤斤计较,不如与同事或他人多 点沟通,及早化解误会,才是最正确的处理方式。财运渐渐转衰,投资及赌博均有极高风险,及时住手为宜,不要因为钱财危机导致焦头烂额。身体状况欠佳,必须 注意饮食起居,尽量多休息。与伴侣的关系好转,需小心维系感情,两人才能携手前行。
5th Month:
Fortune is improving bit by bit but you will still face various problems with your work. Resolve it quickly to prevent it from causing a chain reaction. When in disagreement or misunderstanding with your colleagues, take a deep breath and calm down to communicate more with them to resolve the issues. As your wealth is gradually slowing down, the risk for investment and gambling will increase. Practice self control and know when to stop. Health is poor for this month so you must pay more attention to your daily diet, rest as much as possible. Relationship has improve and both of you must be careful in maintaining the relationship.

运势有较大回升,事业上会出现不少发 展良机,亦有意想不到的进展和惊喜,应好好来把握,只是在处理重要文件时,千万不可粗心大意。经商者若能用心经营,会有不错的进展。财运方面也有所好转, 尤其是偏财运,可适当进行投资获利,尤其可注意本身与伴侣的号码,有中奖的机会。工作之余,建议属马的朋友要多运动和多休息,增强身体抵抗力。已婚者爱情 甜蜜,未婚者大有机会邂逅动人异性,必须勇于表达心意,方可成功。
6th Month:
Fortune has recovered greatly and there will be a lot of career development opportunities, progress and some unexpected surprises. You must grab hold of this opportunity presented but you must be extra careful while handling important documents and do not be careless. For shop owners, you can expected good progression if you remain committed and focused with the job at hand. Wealth fortune has also improved and is appropriate to make investment as it can be profitable. Pay special attention to yours and your partner's numbers as it may present a winning opportunity. Outside working hours, it is recommended to do sports and get plenty of rest to improve your body's immune system. Married couple will enjoy a sweet relationship while singles will come across a great opportunity to express your intentions to develop a relationship with the special someone.

本 月运势持续上升,工作得心应手,而且有贵人出现,给予很多意见和帮助,令属马的朋友在这个月做事事半功倍,所以应该乘着这个月的好运势,积极进取,并要尽 量改善人缘,争取更多的支持,这样才可以稳操胜券,确保成果。此月财运利正财而不利偏财,切勿沉迷赌博,另外要懂得理财储蓄。健康方面容易出现运动伤害, 尽量避免剧烈运动,以免身体受伤。感情良好,未婚者有可喜进展,应好好珍惜。
7th Month:
Fortune continues to rise for this month. You have also gotten grasp of your work. A nobility will appear to render you help and advice. For the horse, this will be a good month to ride on the good fortune to improve your popularity among others and gain more support from them. This is not a good month to indulge in gambling as the wealth does not look good. Get to know about how financial planning and saving works. Health wise, you will be prone to injuries so you should avoid strenuous exercise to avoid injury. Couples will have encouraging progress which should be cherish.

运势一般,工作上可能面 对很大的困难,但必须要拿出解决问题的决心和信心,就能化解一切难题。事业财运虽然都向前迈进,但还是要保持低调。工作上的朋友,宜尽心尽力发展事业,不 辞劳苦。才会有好成就。另外小赌也可稍稍获利,可留意贵人号码。这个月需要特别注意的是属马朋友的感情生活,由于异性缘佳,感情容易出轨,所以必须控制情 感,另外夫妻双方有些争吵口角,恋情面临很大的考验,并要注意第三者的介入。健康方面要学习缓解压力,早睡早起。
8th Month:
Fortune is smooth, may face great difficulties in your work but with determination and confidence, you will be able to overcome the problem. Although you wealth is improving, you need to keep a low profile. For working people, you should be dedicated to your career in order to have great success in the future. More attention should be paid to the relationship aspect for this month as relationships may suffer due to each other's popularity among the opposite sex. Married couples may quarrel and their relationship will be put to a test as there might be an involvement of a third party. Learn to relieve stress and get ample rest.

运势急转直下,狂风暴雨,令人猝不及防。工作方面 备受牵制,有小人从中作梗落井下石,导致出现不少是非口角,千万不要招惹事端,也要尽量避免与人争吵。工作中出现的问题应快速处理,以免后患无穷。由于生 意业务下滑,导致这个月正财收入不理想,必须特别小心理财,尽量减少不紧急的开支。健康欠佳,容易招惹血光之灾,所以出门在外必须密切注意安全第一,另外 尽量减少高难度活动,避免摔倒受伤。感情方面要对双方有信心,无风起浪只是自寻烦恼而已。
9th Month:
Fortune has suddenly turn stormy. Work progression is obstructed by someone who will cause disagreements in the workplace but try not to invite trouble and avoid quarrels if possible. Problems at work should be resolved quickly to avoid further troubles. Due to the decline in sales, financial earning this month is not ideal. Be extra careful with financial management and minimise non emergency expenses. Poor health this month, must pay close attention to safety away from home. Minimize difficult activities to avoid fall injuries. In a relationship, it is important to have confidence in each other to prevent unnecessary troubles.

运势方面继续不顺,本月属马的朋友在工作 中必须一切小心谨慎,凡事以稳为主。同事之间可能会因为工作处事上的不同意见而引起纷争,应灵活应变,尽早和解,不要因为一点小矛盾就置工作于不顾。做生 意的朋友在签署合约的过程中会遇到一些阻碍,要多仔细观察,以免引起误会。事业上要多做出些努力,让对方看到你的诚意,才能够顺利成功。财运有阻,进账无 增加,消费亦没有减少,需小心理财。感情稳定,健康也没有问题,让你在工作之余也无后顾之忧。
10th Month:
Fortune continues to be in decline. The horse must practice caution and put stability as a main priority. Colleagues may have disputes due to a difference in opinions in work. However, be flexible and don't let a small contradiction affect the working relationship. Businessmen might encounter difficulties while trying to finalise an agreement. Pay attention to the small details to prevent misunderstandings. Put in more effort for your career and let other people see your commitment to be successful. There will be an obstacle to your wealth and you must be careful with your financial planning. Relationships will be stable and there is not much issue with your health.


运 势还是属于低潮时期,小人接二连三的破坏,使属马的朋友在工作方面的表现并不令人满意,同事,老板或顾客有诸多抱怨,需要多加忍耐。重要文件要小心看管或 签署,避免在这样的敏感时期再出现差错。财运平平,没有大好的迹象,不宜进行大的投资,更不可参与投机或赌博活动。感情上容易起风波,宜冷静面对出现的问 题,多沟通才能了解彼此之间的想法,并要早日解决问题,才不会夜长梦多。健康不稳定,易受头痛以及失眠困扰,需尽量放松心情。
11th Month:
Fortune is still at the lower end of the scale as someone is continuously trying to cause destruction causing your working performance to be put into question. Colleagues, bosses or customers will have alot of complaints. Important documents must be kept safe and pay attention when signing documents in this sensitive time to avoid a recurrence of past mistakes. Wealth is average, avoid making big investments and absolutely refrain from gambling activities. Relationship is vulnerable to crisis, but should remain calm in the face of problems. Communicate with each other to understand each other's ideas to solve the problem as soon as possible. Health will be unstable, prone to headaches and insomnia. Need to relax as much as possible
来 到兔年的最后一 个月,经过三个月的艰难时期,属马朋友的运势终于大有起色,工作业绩佳,事业危机解除,老板也对你的工作表现另眼相看。财运佳,经商的属马朋友在兔年的最 后一个月也是大丰收,生意业务持续增加,所以可乘着最后一个月的好运势,积极开拓市场,为明年的发展创造好的基础。对未婚的肖马朋友,在婚姻感情上要有积 极的信息出现,把握良机。本月容易出现肠胃不适,注意饮食起居,未煮熟或生冷的食物不要吃,以免食物中毒。
12th Month:
Coming to the last month of the Year of the Rabbit, after three months of difficult times, the horse will have a big improvement in its fortune. Good work performance, career crisis is over and your boss is impressed by your work performance. Wealth fortune is good as well, shop owners will see an increase in business operations and can ride on the good fortune on the last month to develop new markets to create a good base for next year's development. For the singles, you must give out a signal of intent for marriage and grab the opportunity when the chance arise. Prone to gastrointestinal discomfort. Take note of your daily diet and avoid uncooked or semi-cooked food to prevent food poisoning.

HORSE people born in
Jan.25,1906 to Feb.12,1907
Feb.11,1918 to Jan.31,1919
Jan.30,1930 to Feb.16,1931
Jan.15,1942 to Feb.04 1943
Feb.03,1954 to Jan.23,1955
Jan.21,1966 to Feb.08,1967
Feb.07,1978 to Jan.27,1979
Jan.27,1990 to Feb.14,1991

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Chinese Astrology, Chinese Zodiac, Feng Shui, Chinese Horoscope, Bazi, Flying Star, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Dragon, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Dog, Pig,