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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Chinese Horoscope - 猪 Pig

猪 Pig

运势: 属猪的朋友在兔年里由于凶星多吉星少,身边的是非小人多,容易被人恶意中伤,出现很多对你不利的流言蜚语,以至于你情绪低落,工作热情降低。凶星出现导致 属猪朋友是非缠身,并且会有破财的问题,所以今年要懂得理财,除了多多节省开支,还要注意不可与人合伙做生意或是为别人做担保。已婚朋友有较多口角,所以 夫妻间要多多沟通。健康差,预防疾病的同时,还要注意避开血光事件。

Fortune :
The Pig will have more unlucky star than lucky ones this year. You will be surrounded by people who may harm you causing disputes and spreading rumours about you. This will lead to losing your passion for your work and moody at times. Due to the unlucky star, you will be courted by controversies wherever you go, you will also suffer financial loss this year so learn to manage your wealth well. Other than being thrifty, do not work with others for business or be a guarantor. Married couples may quarrel more this year so couples should communicate more.You will suffer from poor health this year so pay attention to any symptoms of illness that may arise.

事业: 属猪朋友在事业方面会出现很多问题,工作中有小人不时出现搬弄是非,令你常被上司和工作伙伴误解。所以今年属猪朋友应多以微笑面对周围人,凡事保持低调, 多聆听少说话,尽量提升你的人际关系,不要让人际关系上的问题成为你工作的阻力。同时,今年在做事情方面不要过于急躁,凡事要仔细想清楚之后再着手进行, 以免因为准备不当带来更多的麻烦。

Career :
The Pig will encounter alot of problems at work, rumours will be spread about you from time to time which lead to an misunderstanding from your boss or working partners. So the Pig should be more pleasant towards the surrounding people and keep a low profile. Learn to listen more and talk less to improve interpersonal relationship and do not let it be a stumbling block to your career. Do not be hasty when doing stuffs this year, execute it only after it is carefully planned and thought off to prevent any problems that may arise due to poor planning.

财运: 今年财运不佳,属猪的朋友要学习未雨绸缪,谨慎理财,小心安排自己的财政支出,以防出现经济危机。平时也要控制自己的购物欲,不要胡乱花费,把好不容易得 来的成果浪费在无谓的事物上。在财运旺盛的月份里,要懂得储蓄以备不时之需。今年也不要考虑与人合伙做生意,很可能只有投入没有回报。今年容易惹上官非导 致破财,不要为他人做担保,以免陷入经济纠纷。

Wealth :
Poor wealth fortune this year. The Pig must learn to be proactive, have good financial management and organize their financial expenditure carefully. Control your desire to purchase anything and do not squander your money. In fortune where your wealth fortune is strong, save some money for any difficult times you might go through in the future. It is not advisable start a business with a partner this year as it will most likely lead to no profits. Do not be a guarantor this year as you will be involved in lawsuits and financial disputes or even bankruptcy.

感 情: 属猪朋友今年的桃花运不太理想,已婚朋友或恋人之间容易与另一半出现一些小波折和争吵,也会有许多无端端的误会,彼此之间要多忍让和体谅对方,才不会影响 感情。其实只要保持冷静,以宽心的正念态度去思考,并且多与对方沟通,就能够防止不愉快的事情发生。单身的朋友今年在寻觅对象方面有点困难,不妨多参加些 聚会或活动,来提升交友机会。

Love :
Pig do not have much luck with the opposite sex this year. Married couples will experience some ups and downs and arguments as well as some misunderstandings. It is important to be patient to understand each other more so as to not affect the relationship. As long as you approach the situation calmly, and communicate more, unpleasant incidents can be prevented. Singles in search of a partner will encounter some difficulties. Try to take part in more gatherings and activities to enhance the opportunities for making friends.

健康: 今年要注意饮食上的习惯,不要吃油炸生冷的食物,同时也要留意肠胃不适的情况发生。因为工作上的劳碌奔波,身体和精神都会感到疲累,出门要留意交通意外, 防止车祸的发生,建议属猪的朋友可以去捐血来化解灾难。今年属猪的女性朋友要多加注意自己的生理期毛病,最好定期去做妇科检查,如有问题,及时医治为妙。

Health :
Pay more attention to eating habits this year. Avoid fried food and pay attention to any gastrointestinal discomfort you may have. Because you will be busy with your work, you will be physically and mentally tired. Watch out for traffic accidents when outdoors and you may wish to make blood donation to reduce the disasters coming your way. For the females this year, pay attention to your physiological problem, is it advised to do periodic gynecological examinations and seek timely treatment should any problem arise.

属猪朋友 在新年第一个月 中运势欠佳,工作中有不少纠纷,做事也多有阻碍,所以这个月凡事不宜强出头,最好闲事莫理,闲人莫做,不然容易和他人发生争吵,也会惹来是非。财运差,偏 财也不可期待,付出许多资金却得不到应有的回报,也不利于投资和借贷,更不可参与赌博,否则损失惨重。由于工作压力大导致情绪变差,夫妻间常会因为一些小 事发生争吵而影响感情。健康方面需要多加注意睡眠时间和饮食习惯。

1st :
The Pig will have bad fortune in the first month of the year. There will be alot of disputes and obstacles at work. So do not rush your work this month, keep at your own pace and keep your nose out of other people's business so as not to be involved in any arguments. Wealth fortune is poor, you will see no returns from the money you invested in so it is not recommended to make any investment and borrowing. And gambling must be avoided or you will suffer from a big loss. Due to pressure from work, your mood will be affected. Married couples will argue over minor stuffs and it will affect their relationship.

运 势慢慢转好,但事业运并没有太大改善,工作上一波未平一波又起,同时要提防小人的出现和破坏,要懂得忍让,才能减少他们对你的中伤和阻碍。财运方面不佳, 比较容易漏财,也不利与别人合作投资做生意,更不能做风险性的投机。夫妻间的争吵有所缓解,但是还没有恢复到以往的甜蜜,年轻的恋人要小心爱惜彼此间的感 情,否则有面临分手的可能。这个月要记得多休息,不要因为太过劳累影响健康。

2nd :
Fortune improved slightly but career is still not picking up. Problems will come one after another and you should guard against people who are out to damage your work, learn to be patient in order to lessen the obstruction they cause to your work. Wealth fortune is poor and you will suffer from financial loss easily. Not recommended to invest in business with others or any kind of investments with great risk. Disputes between couples will ease. Young couples must treasure the relationship they share or they might face the possibility of a break up. Rest more this month and do not let your health be affected due to fatigue

属 猪朋友在这个月的工作方面,即使劳心劳力的去努力,仍可能会出现徒劳无功的现象,让你觉得困难重重。财运不利,要小心投资方面的风险,不要太过贪心,时机 不对就不要出手,否则只会带来更大的损失。恋爱运平平,单身男女容易结识异性朋友,或许有机会认识心仪的对象,但是结局如何还是要顺其自然。本月需要多注 意个人的健康状况,或者可去做身体检查,如有发现问题,应及时治疗。

The Pig should make more effort and show more dedication to work but sometimes it may be in vain which may affect you. Wealth fortune is not good so be careful of the risk in making investment, do not be greedy, do not invest if the timing is not right or it will lead to huge financial loss. Love fortune is average, Singles will find it easy to meet the opposite sex which will lead to opportunities to meet the ideal partner but it is still better to let nature take its course. More attention should be paid to individual health, go for a full body examination and seek treatment should there be any problems

这 个月的运势终于转好,工作上有机会让你表现才能,并得到他人的认可。本身要增加与同事间的互动,保持良好关系,进而提升自己的人缘及在公司中的地位。财运 比上个月好很多,做生意的朋友若有计划扩充业务,可在这个月进行,相信会有不错的成果。已婚人士很容易和伴侣发生口角而处于冷战期,要多多沟通,互相迁就 和忍让。身体方面只要多注意自己的休息时间和平常的饮食习惯,就不会有大碍。

This month's fortune finally change for the better. There will be opportunities in work for you to display your talent and to get people's recognition. Personally, interact more with colleagues to maintain good working relations and enhance your popularity and position in the company. Wealth fortune is a lot better than last month. Businessmen may wish to carry out any expansion plans this month as there will be good results. Have Married couples will have disputes that will lead to a period of ' cold war '. Communicate more and have a mutual accommodation and tolerance and everything will be fine. No major health issues but pay more attention to your rest time and eating habits to stay healthy

运 程稍微有所下滑,做起事情来会有事倍功半的感觉,工作上需要搞好人际关系,尽量获得周围同事的支持,对自己业绩的提升也会有帮助。本月财运很差,不仅不能 赚到钱,还会有漏财的危机,在偏财运上,千万不要太过强求。爱情运不如意,尤其是未婚男女之间,因为意见不和闹矛盾,应珍惜缘分,尽早解决感情危机。本月 要注意天气的变化,须多多留意感冒、咳嗽等的毛病。

5th :
A slight dip in fortune and you will start to feel that you require double the effort to complete a task. Working relationship needs to be improved and try to get the support of colleagues around you as it will enhance your work performance. Wealth fortune is bad this month, other than having no income, you may suffer from a financial loss. Love fortune is not good as well. Couples will fall apart due to disagreements and the disagreement should be resolved as soon as possible. Pay attention to any weather changes as well as cough and cold.

肖 猪朋友的运势继续下降,工作和生活上都有一些难题出现。因为这个月的是非小人比较多,所以在事业上要注意和他人之间的人际关系,并注意自己的言谈举止,不 要因为一点事情影响工作的进度。本月财运较强,有投资习惯的朋友可以继续留意市场的动向,看准时机出手,会有意想不到的收获。夫妻或恋人彼此之间容易产生 误会,建议应该早点解释清楚,不要拖泥带水而影响到双方感情。本月可进行适

Fortune continues to decline, problems will occur in work and personal life . As there will be a lot of rumours surrounding you this month, be wary of your relationship with your colleagues. Keep a watch out in their behaviours and do not let it affect your work performance. Wealth fortune is strong this month, regular investors should monitor the market more and make timely investments to reap unexpected rewards. Misunderstandings will occur between married couples. Clear up the misunderstandings early and to not drag it as it will affect your relationship. This is a good month for physical exercise.

本 月属猪朋友的运势急速上升,在事业方面,更有利于做生意的朋友,只要能够增强与客户之间的联系,就能够获得业务上的提升。财运不错,可进行一些投机或投资 的活动,但是一定要在考察清楚之后再进行,相信会为你带来一笔意外之财。此月多抽点时间陪伴家人,促进与亲人之间的和睦相处,同时也能够增强彼此的感情。 外出时要多加留意有小意外,小心跌伤或撞伤。

7th :
There will be a sharp rise in fortune this month. For your career, businessmen improve the relationship with your customers and partners as it will improve your business. Wealth fortune is not bad, can make some investment but only after careful consideration and it will provide you with a windfall. Take some time off to accompany your family to ensure good family bonding among family members and also to strengthen family unity. When going out, be careful of small accidents that may occur like falls or knocks.

运程略有下降,容易遇到不少的阻碍。工作上不宜 操之过急,凡事都要仔细检查,以免出差错,并须按部就班的执行,逐一去完成,否则会前功尽弃。本月在钱财的进账方面并不是很顺利,要与同事或顾客们多互动 及交流意见,业绩才能达到理想的目标,才可以有稳定的收入。爱情方面不错,双方能达成共识,增加信任,彼此之间更增添了一份默契。外出的时候要留意安全, 上下楼梯时也要格外小心,避免从高处跌倒。

8th :
Fortune dropped slightly and there will be obstacles in everything you do. Do not rush you work, everything should be carefully examined in order to avoid mistakes. Do things in orderly order or all the effort put in will be in vain. Wealth fortune this month will not be smooth. Communicate more with fellow colleagues or customers and exchange views to achieve the goals that you desire which will ensure a steady flow of income. Love fortune is not bad, both party will be able to reach a mutual trust and understand each other better. When outdoors, pay attention to your own safety especially when moving up and down on the staircase .

本 月运势转为强盛,工作方面明显顺畅很多,做生意的朋友可采用主动进取的态度,工作上也要与同事紧密合作,生意业绩一定会步步高升。正偏财运都很不错,和客 户之间保持良好的合作关系,会有不俗的成绩。对于喜欢购买彩票的朋友而言,可以留意一下身边印象深刻的电话号码或单据号码等。情人之间感情升温,是计划结 婚的好时机。工作之余要注意加强锻炼,增强抵抗力,以免被感冒病菌侵袭,女性朋友最好抽时间做妇科检查。

9th :
Fortune for this month is strong. Work will be smooth and businessmen should take adapt a proactive working attitude, work closely with fellow colleagues and business will improve. Wealth fortune is good and you should continue to maintain the good customer relationship. For those who buy lottery, take note of phone numbers and document numbers. It is also a good time for couples to plan about their marriage. Health wise, spend some time to do some physical exercise to improve your immune system and for females, it is a good time to go for a gynecological examination

本月运势突然下滑,工作上有突如其来 的事情发生,记得要注意好好控制自己的情绪和脾气,并小心处理问题。财运不佳,对于做生意的朋友来说,要停止一些投机活动,也要小心谨慎处理财务,更不要 随意挥霍,以免出现经济问题。爱情运不佳,双方会因意见不和而发生争执,爱侣间要学会相互体谅,不如换个方向去思考,或许能够更加了解对方。尽量避免不必 要的应酬,多用点时间休息,给身体更好的照顾。

10th :
A sudden drop in fortune this month. Something sudden will happen at work so remember to control your emotions and tempers. Wealth fortune is not good, for businessmen, some investment plans must be halted, be careful when handling your finances so as to avoid any monetary issues. Love fortunes is not good as well, disagreements and disputes will take place between couples. Learn to understand each other and analyse things from a different angle to better understand each other. Get ample of rest to better take care of your body for this month.

运 势好转强盛,工作方面的阻力少了许多,事业发展会比以往顺畅,上个月的一些状况也都能够轻松渡过,给你旗开得胜的感觉。财运旺盛,做生意的朋友,业绩有回 升的趋势,以至于这个月收入稳定中有增长。已婚夫妻感情容易起风波,不要太固执己见,退一步海阔天空,避免因为小事发生口角。健康上会出现一些小毛病,只 要小心调养,适当的做些运动,就没有问题。

11th :
Fortune improved tremendously and work will progress smoothly as the obstacles are cleared. Wealth fortune is good as well, for businessmen, monthly income has increased at a steady pace. Married couples will have a few arguments very now and then but don't be too stubborn on your opinions. Take a step backward to avoid trivial arguments. Only some minor health issue to take note of but everything will be fine after some rest and exercise.

兔年的最后一个月,属猪朋友的运势跌落很 多,诸事都不顺利。工作中不断有小人出现,打扰你前进的脚步,多注意自己的言谈举止,万事小心,一时的大意都有可能为你带来无穷的烦恼。财运方面,要注意 自己的经济状况,可能会出现超支的危机,必须谨慎理财。感情有些动荡不安,夫妻之间会因意见不合而争吵,要互相沟通,感情才能长久。由于凶星的出现导致健 康出现问题,应早日求医,此外要注意自身的安全,处处提防意外血光发生。

12th :
Coming to the last month for the year of rabbit, the fortune for Pig will drop drastically and everything will not go smoothly. In work, your progression will be halted, pay more attention to any conversations you make as one lapse might bring you endless trouble. Wealth fortune wise, pay attention to your financial situation, a financial crisis may befall you. Love fortune wise, relationships might become rocky. Marriage may be on the rocks due to arguments and disagreements. It is important to communicate with each other for the relationship to last. Health fortune is bad as well, you will suffer from health problems and should seek advice as soon as possible. Other than paying attention to your health, pay attention to your safety as well, be careful when you are outdoors to prevent accidents from occuring

Pig people born in
Jan.30,1911 to Feb.17,1912
Feb.16,1923 to Feb.04,1924
Feb.04,1935 to Jan.23,1936
Jan.22,1947 to Feb.09,1948
Feb.08,1959 to Jan.27,1960
Jan.27,1971 to Jan.15,1972
Feb.13,1983 to Feb.01,1984
Jan.31,1995 to Feb.18,1996

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