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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Chinese Horoscope - 猴 Monkey

猴 Monkey

运势: 命宫中有吉星出现,工作业绩佳,且有贵人相助,以至于正财收入很理想,但是要懂得理财,同时小心财物被骗或是被偷。事业上会有一些阻碍,只要有敢于克服困 难的勇气,就能突破万难。因为工作过程中缺乏沟通能力,容易与同事起争执,应该尽量减少口舌是非。异性缘佳,未婚男女可以在兔年喜结连理,已婚者感情上容 易出现第三者,应该避免招惹桃花劫,招来血光之灾。健康方面多注意休息,以往的慢性疾病可能会有复发加重的可能,防止过于疲劳。
You have good star this year for the monkey, but you are advised to still take precautions at all your action. You may encounter more issues at work, stay positive and have faith to work against obstacles. Due to the lack of communication you may find that it is easy to have argument with colleagues therefore you should stay away with that. There may be good job performance with nobility by your side. You must learn to do financial management this year and also be careful with your valuable to avoid getting cheated or theft. Love luck is good for the singles, there will be chance for romance blossom. For the married, there may be third party intrusion therefore avoid getting into any unnecessary dates. Health this year, you should pay attention to take more rest, to prevent over-fatigue.

事业: 今年事业上发展良好,工作表现突出不仅给属猴的朋友带来收入的增加,还能获得升职的机会,可谓名利双收。但是在争取工作表现的时候,也要注意自己的人缘, 与同事之间要和睦相处,尽量减少摩擦,降低工作的阻力。对做生意的属猴朋友,今年在投资方面,因为有贵人的指点和帮助,会出现一些机会,应该把握时机。
There will be good career development this year, you notice outstanding performance brings you an increase in the revenue, but also access to opportunities for promotion, can be described as both fame and fortune strive. However, upon all the achievement, you will have to be attentive to your surrounding and people around you to live in harmony and minimize any possible disagreement. For the business people, Investment deal will be good with nobility advice for you, therefore grasp the good opportunity.

财运: 工作的良好表现给属猴朋友带来很不错的财运,收入大增,做生意的朋友有贵人送财,在贵人的指点下,获得很多意外之财。但是,在收入的同时也要懂得理财,不 可胡乱花费。今年恐怕有盗窃之灾,要看管好自己的钱财,最好财不外露。钱财乃身外之物,所以属猴的朋友不要因为一时的贪念而做出一些违法的事情,引来官 非,不但会造成破财,还会伤害到自己和家人。
Work is good this year for the monkey and can bring in good increase in monetary, good time for the people doing business. You may encounter a lot of surprise windfall from good people around you. But also be careful as there may be theft disaster that may happen. Do not expose your valuable to other. Do not get into any momentary impulse to make some illegal things, it may led to lawsuits, not only you will cause monetary loss, but also harm to you and your family.

感情: 今年属猴朋友的桃花运佳,异性缘更强,男女朋友都容易结识到异性朋友,所以,对属猴的单身男女,今年是个好机会,应该多多参加社交活动,给自己更多的机 会,遇到心仪的对象,就主动出击,争取好的结果。情侣之间的感情稳定,如无意外状况,可以考虑结婚的事宜。已婚朋友的感情生活容易出现问题,并且最主要的 麻烦在于已婚者今年可能因桃色纠纷带来血光之灾。
This is a good year for the monkey in term of fortune and love, you get many opportunity to meet with the opposite sex. It is a good opportunity to participate in social activities, you should get to meet someone of your interest. You may take the first move, strive for good match. Stable relationship for the attached, you may consider making marriage plan. As for the married couple, there may be some problem between the two of you, stay calm and patience as accident may happen in an argument.

健 康: 属猴朋友今年健康状况很不尽人意,容易情绪不安,心神不宁,要学习随遇而安,凡事顺其自然。情绪暴躁导致行为不稳定,尽量避免高空活动,以防从高处摔倒受 伤。属猴人在兔年里,肾脏、脾胃、消化方面都不是特别好,除了要维持正常的作息,最好也要定期做身体检查,才会比较安心。
Health is poor this year for the monkey, you get agitated easily, feel ill at ease. You should learn to go with the flow, take thing easily and everything will come naturally. You get irritated easily and bad temper that may cause you some injuries therefore you should avoid high-altitude activities, to prevent from falling. This year the monkey will encounter problem from the kidneys, spleen and stomach, digestive system is not good. You should go for a regular physical examination, it will put you at ease.

新年第一个 月,属 猴朋友的运势有些不稳定,工作上有一些意想不到的烦心事,要对未来充满信心,不要太过悲观,给新年的一开始就蒙上灰色的色彩。财难聚,要小心看管自己的财 物,出门在外不要带太多的贵重物品,以免小偷有机可乘。感情运非常好,有利于恋情的发展,单身男生可以在本月向心仪的女生表白,成功率很高。工作繁重导致 出现肾脏问题,要多休息和护理。
1st month:
Approaching the first month of the year, there will be some instability for the monkey fortune this month. You may encounter some issue at work, but you should maintain positive and stay strong. Do not be too pessimistic, start the new year with bright color ahead. It is difficult for you to hold on to your money, be careful with your valuable. Do not bring too many belonging while traveling around to prevent theft. Love luck is very pleasant this month, single men may take the opportunity to express your feeling to the someone special. Heavy workload may led to health problem, you are prone to kidney issue, try to get more rest.

运 势大体不错,十分有利于工作事业的发展,必须好好把握,奋发向上,工作业绩比较理想,可望升职加薪。本月财星高照,可以考虑投资创业,或作多元化投资,月 中会有额外收入。感情方面出现桃花运,男女的异性缘都不错,多用些心思,或许就会出现新的机遇。夫妻感情也是多姿多彩,家庭生活和睦幸福。健康方面偶尔会 有点小毛病,及早看医生,就不会有大问题。
2nd month:
Fortune is generally good, especially in the aspect of work. There will be good development and you may get promotion and pay rise. Fortune this month is high, you can consider investing on business, or for diversification of your investment, there will be additional revenue in the mid month. Love luck is good, arise luck with the opposite sex, seize the good opportunity and you may get to meet some you desire. Marital relations is colorful, warmth family life, harmony and happiness.  Health may have some minor problems occasionally, visit a doctor as soon as you feel unwell. There should not be too much of a problem.

本 月不如意的事层出不穷,宜小心戒备。事业发展不顺畅,必须用心经营才可能有一定收获,处理事情要小心谨慎,一定要有自己的主见,偶尔也可参考一下朋友或家 人的意见。工作劳碌奔波,但是收入却并不见涨,要注意节省开支,杜绝不必要的浪费。单身男女异性缘强,容易有一见钟情的事情发生,要随时做好准备迎接新恋 情。工作压力大,必须尽量争取足够休息时间,以免积劳成疾。
3rd month:
This month fortune may not be too satisfactory, therefore you should carefully guard against things happening around you. Career development is not smooth, you must be careful when dealing with projects, trust yourself and make your own decision. Occasionally you can refer to your friend or family. There will be plenty of workload, but not much of a pay rise, try to be more thrifty and eliminate all unnecessary spending. Love luck is pleasant for the singles, you must encounter a love at first sight. Work is stressful therefore you should find enough time to rest to prevent overwork.

事业运很差,工作进展备受牵制,而且会与人 发 生口角,要学习忍辱负重,尽量改掉自己固执的性格,尽量早些化解矛盾冲突,千万不可意气用事,要知道小不忍而乱大谋,以免雪上加霜。财运一般,不宜投机倒 把或进行风险类投资,慎防破财。感情稳定的情侣可适时的对将来做一番打算,争取早日成家立业。这个月要注意安全方面的问题,不要参加危险性或攀高活动,以 防摔伤。
4th month:
Career luck is bad, and you may encounter disagreement and argument with people. You shall learn to listen to other and , get rid of your stubborn personality as much as possible, try to resolve conflicts earlier, do not be sway by your personal feeling. Be patience and stay calm to avoid making matter worse. wealth is average, do not get into any not speculation or risk taking investment, guard against monetary loss. Relationship with your love one is good, may sit down and make future plan together. This is generally not a good month for you, therefore do not to participate in dangerous or climbing activities to prevent fall.

运 势转好,事业和工作进展都很顺利,工作困阻以及人事纷争逐渐消退,因而可以全心全意谋求发展,倘若能够把握时机,一定可以脱颖而出。财源广进,生意投资都 可以获益,风险类投资也可以适当进行。感情运佳,容易与异性投缘,单身朋友可以发展对象,但是一定要用真诚的态度来赢得对方的信任,不可强求。这个月要注 意休息,以往的慢性疾病可能会有复发加重的可能,防止过于疲劳。

5th month:
Fortune turns for the better, progress for your work is going smoothly and personal disputes are gradually receding, and it is a good time for you to whole-heartedly seek development, try your best to grasp the opportunity. Wealth is very good, business investment will be able to get good return, you may also try making some investment. Love luck is blossom, good chance to meet the opposite sex, singles can express your feeling to the person you adore. But it is important you use a sincere attitude to win the trust of each other, do not force it. Health this month, you should pay attention to take more rest, to prevent over-fatigue.

事业发展稳定顺畅,工作得心应手,要 积极争取 主动,抢占先机,一定会有可喜收获。但是不要因为工作业绩不错就目中无人,加强与同事之间的沟通,改善你的人际关系,在出现困难的时候才会得到他人的帮 助。财运方面顺其自然就可以,切勿太过苛求而令压力大增。感情平淡中有机会,细心呵护容易擦出火花。本月容易出现肠胃不适,注意饮食起居,未煮熟或生冷的 食物不要吃,以免食物中毒或肠胃不适。
6th month:
Career development is stable and smooth, work task is easy to deal with, should grasp the good opportunity and you will see good return. But do not get too arrogant with your good result, you should strengthen communication with colleagues and improve relationship among them. So you will be able to get help when you need them. Wealth is average, let nature take it course and do not be too demanding about it to avoid feeling too preeesurize. Love luck is plain but there is still chances to expect spark from the opposite sex. You should take thing easy this month and keep calm at all times. Take note of your daily diet and avoid uncooked or semi-cooked food to prevent food poisoning.

运 势欠佳,会有许多难以预料的变化发生,应该小心防犯,防止措手不及。工作方面应该谨言慎行,切勿批评议论别人,以防小人从中作梗,使你陷入不利的境地。本 月对经商者不利,很多生意都起伏不定,并且在做任何投资之前,都要谨慎计划,不要匆忙决定。感情方面,倘若遇到心仪的异性,可以多加接触,但是还不是表达 心意的时机。健康尚可,要爱惜身体,不要饮酒过多。
7th month:
Fortune meet a decline this month, you should make plan for yourself in advance, and be careful with what you do to prevent from getting caught unprepared. Work should be cautious, do not criticize other people action, to prevent the villain from obstructions, and you may be at a disadvantage. This month, businesses have ups and downs, before making any investment, you should be carefully plan, do not rush on making decision. Love luck is average, when meet with someone you like, maintain good relation but it may not be a good time to express your love yet. You should make sure you take good care of your health this month, avoid alcohol consumption.

本 月命宫中有凶星出现,运势依然没有好转,工作中与同事发生矛盾,切勿斤斤计较,否则会令形势变得更为恶化而难以收拾。平时多与他人沟通,多参考旁人的意 见,对工作的开展有好处。财运稍逊,正财尚可,偏财勿求,风险类投资不宜进行,要特别谨防财务出现问题。夫妻感情恩爱,家庭生活和谐融洽,多用些心力呵 护,以使感情更上一层楼。健康方面要注意饮食卫生,以免病从口入。
8th month:
This month fortune do not seem to turn any better, you will meet contradiction at work with your colleague therefore you should pay close attention when dealing with the problem you have to avoid the situation that may deteriorate the issue.  Spend more time with your superior to improve on the communication and take reference from him  before making any work plan to achieve a much more desirable result. Married couple is loving, harmony in the family, make effort to show more care and concern so that relationship can be lifted.  You should pay attention to food hygiene this month to prevent illness.

运 势 转好,办公室工作人士,人际关系危机解除,很多工作困阻至此均可迎刃而解,重新走上正轨。做生意者若能潜心经营,生意应有不错发展,可取得好成绩。财运转 佳,收入不错也要懂得珍惜钱财,不宜过度投资,也不要胡乱花费。感情方面敏感易变,情侣之间出现第三者,很可能要面临取舍抉择,必须冷静理智做判断。健康 还算理想,在辛勤工作之余,必须充分休息,慎勿过劳。
 9th month:
Fortune turns for the better, for the people working in the office, many social problem get resolve, and thing get back on track. For the business people, there should be good development this month as long as you put enough concentration to it. Good financial operations, you should see good revenue, but make sure that you do not over-investment, and do not squander. You may meet some changes in love this month, there may be an intrusion of third party, make sure you stay calm and judge sensibly. Health is good, find time to rest and avoid over work.

本 月能够继续上月的好运势,工作事业逐渐焕发出勃勃生机,工作业绩不断提升,生意上的订单也是持续不断。由于得贵人得的相助,给属猴的朋友带来很好的财运, 正财及偏财均有所获,要好好管理钱财,用最小的投资得到最大的回报。因婚外情的介入导致夫妻感情变淡,若不及时补救,小心会有分手的下场。健康运不错,但 是感情危机导致情绪变差,脾气暴躁,宜多多控制。
10th month:
This month you maintain a good fortune from the previous month, there is an increase in work performance and full of vitality. Business seems to have an increase, and moving upwards. You will get plenty of assistant from nobility person that brings you good fortune. You may use little effort to gain a good return on investment. There may be intrusion of extramarital affair that led by husband and wife to have some problem. Your health is good this month, but relationship crisis may cause you to have emotional deterioration and irritability, you should keep calm during this period.

运势平平,难有突破,事业发展不太 顺利,不如意的事接连而来,倘若不慎重处理,有可能变本加厉,这时要寻找贵人出现帮你渡过难关。财运有些跌落,不宜进行大计划,有合适的时机,可以做些小 规模的投资。感情容易引发口角冲突,尤其已婚男女不要招惹桃花,以免一不小心给自己带来血光之灾,引火上身。身体方面由于事多繁忙,压力大,应多休息,防 止出现问题。
11th month:
Fortune is average, difficult to make a break through, career development is not smooth, problem comes one after another, if not carefully handle it could intensify. Fortunately, there is nobility person out to help you overcome the problem. Wealth may encounter fall, you are not suitable to make big plan during this month. At the right time, you may make some small-scale investment is fine. You may be prone conflict with others, especially married men and women, to avoid argument that may get into accident. Due to many issues that occur that cause you to feel stressful and trouble. You should stay relax and spend more time to rest.

运 势继续下跌,工作方面有诸多变数,也会遇到人为的阻碍。凡事应三思而行,谋定而后动,千万不可因心急而盲动,否则可能会赔了夫人又折兵。生意投资上会出现 钱财周转不灵的现象,要谨慎理财,不要轻信他人的花言巧语,导致被骗破财。随身不要带太多的贵重物品,深夜晚归要慎防被劫。感情问题依然存在,宜尽快解 决。健康不佳,倘若不小心保养,很可能导致疾病。
12th month:
Fortune seem to decline as much as the previous month, you meet with many changes at work, may encounter many obstacles. Everything you do, you should think twice before making any decisions, be patient and not rush things, or you lose out. Business investment may be in some cash flow problems, to prudent financial management, not to rely on other people's rhetoric, leading to deception or even bankruptcy. Do not carry too many valuables with you late at night to prevent robbery. Emotional issue with love one still exists should make effort to solve as soon as possible. Poor health, if not well-taken care, is likely to lead to much more serious problem.

MONKEY people born in

Feb.02,1908 to Jan.21,1909
Feb.20,1920 to Feb.07,1921
Feb.06,1932 to Jan.25,1933
Jan.25,1944 to Feb.12,1945
Feb.12,1956 to Jan.30,1957
Jan.30,1968 to Feb.16,1969
Feb.16,1980 to Feb.04,1981
Feb.04,1992 to Jan.22,1993

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