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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Chinese Horoscope - 羊 goat

羊 goat

运势: 属羊的朋友今年的运程吉凶参半,事业上有加薪和升职的机会,但是其中也会有小人出来破坏,给你带来较多的口舌是非。经商者今年也有诸多阻碍,生意上因为小 人的陷害导致官非问题。财运平平,难以聚财,投资虽然有获利,但是也要保守为宜,见好就收,不可贪得无厌。异性缘佳,已婚夫妇要维护感情,小心婚外情。今 年开车出行时要注意驾驶安全,务必遵守交通规则,不可以超速行驶,尤其不可以酒后驾车。
Fortune :
This year for the sheep is a mixture of good and bad luck. There will be pay and promotion opportunities at work but there will be dispute or misunderstandings cause by some people around who are out to damage you. There will be a lot of business barriers and someone might make false charge against you which will lead to lawsuit problems. Average wealth, you will also find it hard to amass your wealth, although there are profitable investments, it is better to be conservative and not be greedy. Married couples should protect their relationship and be careful of extra marital affairs. Pay more attention to safety while driving and be sure to obey traffic rules of speeding and drink driving.

事 业: 今年对属羊朋友来说,是个发展事业的好机会。工作方面得到同事们的支持,能够充分发挥你的领导才能,上司对你的表现非常满意,升职加薪机会多多,可以说是 名利双收。但美中不足的是,今年属羊的朋友犯小人,除了有不少口舌之争,还可能招惹官非,所以今年在处理工作任务以外的事务时,都要低调行事,与自己无关 的事情不要发表意见,莫管他人的闲事。
Career :
This year for the Sheep is a good year to expand your career. Work wise, you will gain support from your fellow colleagues, you will be able to display your leadership capabilities, your superiors will be pleased with your performance, there will be a lot of pay and promotion opportunities, you will be able to attain both fame and fortune. However, everything is fine except one small problem, this year the sheep may meet villains intrusion. Other than a war of words, you may even provoke lawsuits. You should lay low while dealing with affairs outside work, do not stick your nose into other people’s business.

财运: 属羊人今年的财运平平,主要的问题是命宫中有凶星出现,导致经常出现漏财的现象,所以属羊朋友要适当控制开销,多多储蓄。今年对投资地产和做生意的朋友比 较有利,获利机会很大。容易因为钱财与人发生争执,所以在签署重要文件时,要仔细阅读每一个条款的内容,不可马虎行事。万一因为疏忽大意惹上金钱官非,一 定要冷静快速处理,以免造成更大损失。
Wealth :
Wealth for the sheep this year is average. The main problem will be the appearance of an unlucky star causing a loss of wealth. So, for the sheep, it is best to practice self control over spending and start saving. There will be more favorable opportunities for a large profit for real estate and business investment this year. It is easy for you to be involved in a dispute over money so you should carefully read the contents of each clause before signing any important documents. In the case whereby you are involved in a lawsuit due to negligence, keep your cool and handle it with haste to avoid incurring a heavier loss.

感情: 无论属羊的男生或女生,今年的异性缘都很不错,单身男女可在兔年里寻找良缘,主动出击,早日找到心仪对象,结束单身状态。夫妻之间容易出现第三者,给双方 感情带来一些威胁,属羊人一定要理智面对这些诱惑,要知道家庭和睦才是最重要的,相互体谅以避免婚姻亮红灯。情侣之间加强沟通,开心或不开心的事情都可以 拿出来与伴侣分享,增进了解,感情才能长久。
Be it for male or female, opportunities with the opposite sex will be plenty this year. Single men and women in search of a relationship in the year of the rabbit should take the initiative early to find a partner to end their singlehood status. Married couples are prone to a third party who may threaten to strain their relationship so both parties must be able to conquer the temptation and to understand that family harmony is the most important. Mutual understanding will be essential in order to avoid any problems with marriage. Couples should communicate more, happy and unhappy stuffs should be brought up in order for both party to understand each other more and for the relationship to last.

健康: 命宫有健康方面的凶星,身体状态不理想,今年不要参加危险性活动,以防受伤。家中有老人的,要时刻留意他们的身体状况,除了要注意他们的饮食均衡,还要谨 防他们滑倒受伤或是闪到腰。开车出行时要注意驾驶安全,务必遵守交通规则,不可以超速行驶,尤其不可以酒后驾车。
Health :
There is a presence of an unlucky star in health. Physical condition of the body is not satisfactory and is susceptible to xue guang so it is not advisable to participate in any hazardous activities this year. Families with the elderly should pay more attention to their health and diet as well as guarding them against injuries. Pay more attention to safety while driving and be sure to obey traffic rules of speeding and drink driving.

在正月里,属羊朋友的运势平平,多有反复,事业 运还不错,工作任务都能顺利完成,只是在工作中易与同事或顾客起争执,要尽量控制自己的情绪,遇到不顺心的事情,也要冷静处理,不要口不择言,使事情变得 更加难以收拾。尤其是做服务业的朋友,待人处事要有礼貌,生意才能长久。财运有收获,看准商机,及时出手,会从中得利。情侣或夫妻感情稳定,单身男女也有 桃花运。
First Month: Average fortune and career for the first month, able to complete jobs on time without any hassle but might encounter some disagreement with colleagues or customers. Must try to control your emotions, in the event of any problems, deal with it calmly or it will make things more difficult to clean up. For people in the service industry, courtesy is the key to a long and successful business. You will stand to gain in wealth if you are able to spot business opportunities. Couples or married couples will have a stable relationship while single men and women will have luck with the opposite sex.

运势与上月相比有所下降,工作事业会遇到一定的阻 力, 需要从长计议,不可盲目行动。财运比较差,虽然上个月的业务投资准确,在这个月也能有所收获,但是要注意见好就收,不要过贪,以免损失惨重。对于没有伴侣 的朋友来说,本月是个有利月份,桃花旺盛,容易结交到异性朋友;已婚者感情平和。此月需要注意的是属鼠朋友的健康,因为抵抗力下降而让你经常感到疲累,应 多些休息及运动,保持身体健康。 Second Month: There will be a decline in fortune as compared to the previous month. You will encounter some resistance at work which requires long term planning in order to overcome it. A rather poor wealth for this month. Although you were astute in business investment last month and might have some profit this month, you must avoid being greedy or it might lead to a loss in wealth. For singles, this is a favorable month for you to make friends of the opposite sex; married couples will enjoy a peaceful relationship. Health is not very good for this month so be careful while you are outdoors and refrain from driving too far away from home. .You should rest more and excerise to maintain a good health.

本 月属羊人的运势很差,工作上会出现较大的压力和动荡,不顺利的事情接二连三地发生,不要心浮气躁,冷静面对才有完善解决的可能。财运平平,偏财运不佳,不 宜进行较大的投资和风险较大的投机。本月注意夫妻感情,遇到事情必须多沟通与忍让,平常也要多关心对方,共同维持家庭的幸福与和睦。身体健康方面无大碍, 但是需要注意持续正常的生活习惯,防止旧病复发。
Third Month: This month is a poor month for sheep, there will be greater pressure at work and you will encounter a series of unfortunate events. Do not be impatient though, you must remain calm in order to find a solution to the problems. Average wealth for the month, not advised to make large investments or investments with great risk. Note that married couples must communicate more over any issues they face. Pay more attention to each other and jointly maintain family happiness and harmony. No particular health issues but attention must be paid to maintain a healthy life.

进 入农历四月,属羊人的运势有较大回升,工作业绩有好的发展,连续两个月的压力终于有所舒解。本月财运亨通,投资均可获利,可以适当扩大投资,增加收益,但 是切勿大手笔借钱与人,恐怕短期内难以收回。夫妻感情佳,特别利于未婚的肖羊之人,双方感情加深,并且是订婚的好月份。但是健康方面的运势就不如事业、财 运来的旺盛,要多休息并注意饮食卫生,避免病从口入。
Fourth Month: Entering the lunar, the sheep’s fortune takes a big turnaround. There will be career development, and the pressure from the past 2 months is finally relieved. Investments made this month can be profitable and you may wish to expand your investment to increase income but do not borrow a large sum of money to people as it will be difficult to recover it back within a short period. Married couples will enjoy good relationship. It is also a good month to register for a marriage. However, more attention must be paid your health. Due to the influx of wealth, you will need to rest more and pay more attention to food hygiene to avoid falling sick.

本 月的工作运特别不错,工作方面大有进展,倘若能够全力以赴,很可能有意外收获,要懂得以退为进,工作成绩一定会事半功倍,并且因为工作出色得到上级赏识或 得到客户的认可,离加薪和升职的日子不远了。财运非常佳,正财收入不错,也利于偏财,可作多元化投资。本月的感情发展不顺利,与伴侣有意见纷争,双方宜平 心静气,冷静处理。有意外刑伤,需留意自身安全。
Fifth Month: Career fortune is especially good this month, progressing well. Expect a windfall if you put all your efforts into your work but do practice caution and know when to retreat, your performance will be more effective this way. Due to your outstanding performance in work, your customers and superiors will show appreciation and you are not far off from a promotion. Wealth is very good for this month. This month’s relationship development is not smooth, you will have disagreements with your partner. Both sides should handle the disagreement in a calm manner. Beware of accidents and take note of your own safety.

运势明显 下 滑,形势不明朗,工作进展一波三折,未能一气呵成,所以做事不可以掉以轻心,必须耐心处理,急于求成反而容易误事。这个月要注意避免招惹是非,莫管闲事, 也要警惕小人。财运方面起伏不定,进行投资会有风险,尤其不利赌博,小心损失惨重。感情上面基本稳定,多交流多沟通,尽量避免争吵,未婚朋友可努力改变单 身状况。健康尚可,多注意小孩的家居安全。
Sixth Month: There will be an obvious decline in fortune and you will face a situation of uncertainty. A lot of twists and turns in work so you must not be complacent and have to be patient while handling stuffs. Avoid quarrels for this month and do not stick your nose into other people’s problem. Wealth will be unstable and it will be risk to make investments, especially in gambling. Relationship is stable, communicate more exchanges to avoid quarrels. Singles can make more effort to be engaged. Pay attention to children’s home safety.

本月运势有较 大好转,有如暴风雨后的阳 光,事业在平稳中发展,渐入佳境,偶尔有点小麻烦,也可以顺利解决。财运有很大改善,做生意的朋友本月销量不错,赚钱的空间很大,习惯投机的属羊人,也有 一笔可观的收入进账,但要注意小心保管自己的贵重财物,防止被盗或被骗。属羊的恋人或夫妻,感情甜蜜稳定,可以计划出游或是进行一场浪漫约会。健康无碍, 注意生活规律就没有问题。
Seventh Month: A greatly improved month, like a sunshine after a storm, there will be a steady development in your career, might encounter a little trouble occasionally but it can be successfully resolved. Fortunes have been greatly improved, businessmen will see improved sales this month with a big room for making more income. Be careful of your valuables and be vigilant to guard against theft or deception. Couples will have a sweet and stable relationship and may wish to plan a trip or a romantic date. There are no health hazards for this month as well.

本 月持续上月的好运势,有贵人帮助,工作事业方面会有不少进展,生活上的琐事也会很快得到解决,但是不可以贸然行事,宜稳中求进。投资可以获利,如果遇到合 适的发展项目,可以大胆实施,相信会有不少收获,但是在赚钱的同时也要懂得理财。感情上是开花结果的一月,男女都宜谈婚论嫁,而且都会有不错的结果。健康 方面必须多些休息,同时多留意家人的健康,尤其是老人与孩子。
Eighth Month: Continuing from last month’s good fortune, you will receive help from a noble person, there will be a lot of work progression, life’s chores will also be resolved quickly but you must not act rashly but instead seek progressive improvements. Investment can be profitable and if you come across a suitable development project, there should be quite a number of gains. This is a good month for relationships and both man and women will be discussing about marriage and the results will be good. Require more rest and pay more attention to the health of you families, particularly the elderly and children

本月的 运 势欠佳,工作事业会遇到诸多困阻,必须尽自己最大的努力,方不会出现状况。凡事要小心谨慎,冷静处理,作决策要深思熟虑,更要小心查看文件的细节问题,千 万不要冲动莽撞决定。生意业务上的阻碍导致财运欠佳,尽量节省开支避免入不敷出。感情运不佳,尤其对有伴侣者比较糟糕,容易与家人产生口角争执,导致感情 生疏。健康有起色,保持良好的生活习惯,不要过度劳累。
Ninth Month: Poor fortune this month, there will be a lot of difficulties in work. Must adopt a cautious approach, handle stuffs in a calm manner, decisions must be thought of carefully and attention must be paid to the small details on the documents. Business barriers leads to poor fortune, avoid living beyond cost savings. Relationship is poor this month, especially for couples. Easily start a quarrel with family members causing an awkward and strange feeling. Health is picking up, keep up the good life habits and do not overwork.

运势稍有下滑,但是也不 至 于太糟糕,工作事业方面可能会出现些阻碍,应该注意做好随时面对困难的准备,避免乱中出错,本月工作中还须警惕口舌是非,提防小人从中破坏,影响你在同事 心目中的形象。财运还算平稳,主要是要小心自身的财物,尽量不要夜出或夜归。这个月感情运非常好,情侣之间感情稳定,可以谈婚论嫁。在辛勤工作之余,必须 有充足的休息时间,不可小视。
Tenth Month: Fortune fell slightly but not too bad. There might be some obstacles at work and must be prepared for any obstacles that appear. Be wary of work disputes which might affect your image in the company. Wealth is fairly stable, be carefully of your own property and try not to go out or stay out late at night. Relationship is very good this month, stability in the relationship will lead to discussion about marriage. Make your to have sufficient time to rest.

运 势顺畅,事业发展顺利,工作上得心应手,没有太多烦心之事,业绩也在你的努力之下取得很好的成绩,有很大的加薪机会。财运欠佳,投资得不到应有的回报,偏 财运更不利,切忌不可参与赌博投机活动,否则损失惨重,可能陷入经济危机。感情发展很顺利,单身朋友有望有所突破,情侣之间感情不断升温,羡煞旁人。健康 方面要多锻炼身体,多休息养生。
Eleventh Month: Smooth fortune and a successful career. There will not be many things that will be bothering you. You will see good results in your career due to your hard work. There is a good opportunity for a pay rise as well. Poor Wealth, investment will have poor returns. Gambling activities must be avoided or you will suffer a great loss which might lead you to an economic crisis. Relationship development is very smooth and singles are expected to achieve a breakthrough. More exercise should be done, get more rest.

属 羊朋友在兔年的最后一个月运势佳,工作成绩更上一层楼,稍加努力,便可以水到渠成,是大展鸿图的良机。投资做生意的朋友,可以获得丰厚盈利,倘若条件成 熟,可以考虑扩充营业。最后一个月,属羊朋友的感情运不是很好,尤其对已婚男女,与异性朋友或者同事相处时应当注意言谈举止,保持距离,以免引起误会而影 响夫妻感情。必须密切注意饮食卫生,以防祸从口进,食物过敏或中毒。
Twelve Month: Sheep in the year of the Rabbit in the last month has good fortune. Work performance will be brought to a higher level. Investors should be able to gain huge profits and if the conditions allows, expansion of business can be considered. In this last month, the relationship fortune is not very good, especially for married men and women. Keep a distance with colleagues of the opposite sex to avoid misunderstandings with your spouse. Pay close attention to food hygiene to avoid getting sick.

Goat people born in
Feb.13,1907 to Feb.01,1908
Feb.01,1919 to Feb.19,1920
Feb.17,1931 to Feb.05,1932
Jan.05,1943 to Jan.24,1944
Jan.24,1955 to Feb.11,1956
Feb.09,1967 to Jan.28,1968
Jan.28,1979 to Feb.15,1980
Feb.15,1991 to Feb.03,1992

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Chinese Astrology, Chinese Zodiac, Feng Shui, Chinese Horoscope, Bazi, Flying Star, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Dragon, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Dog, Pig,