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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Chinese Horoscope - 鸡 Rooster

鸡 Rooster

运势: 属鸡的朋友今年犯太岁,工作上有很多阻碍,由于人缘差,经常会与他人发生是非口舌,也会受到小人陷害。工作方面不顺利,经常为钱而烦恼,建议要懂得理财, 尽量节省开支,千万不要为了赚快钱而犯法,同时,今年不要为他人做担保或是借钱给别人,否则有惹上官非之忧。感情多波折,婚姻可能亮红灯。工作压力大导致 情绪差,如有身体不适就要求医,不要延误病情而造成对身体的伤害。

The rooster will encounter a lot of obstacles in work. Due to low popularity, you will be involved in verbal spats and will also be framed by others this year. Your work will not go well, money will be a major worry as well. It is recommended that you get to know more about financial management, be thrifty and do not break the law to earn quick money. Also, do not be a guarantor or lend money to others this year or you might get yourself involved in lawsuits. There will be a alot of ups and downs for your love life, expect some problems with your marriage. You will feel moody at times due to the pressure from work and you should seek medical advice if you are feeling unwell. Any delays will be bad for your health.

事业: 属鸡朋友在兔年中,整体事业运不是很好,最突出的问题是今年是非问题很多,人际关系上的不顺遂而影响到工作的情绪。所以今年应与他人在工作上多些讨论和互 动,努力增强人际关系。今年做事要低调,最好不要参于任何是非讨论,如果因为意见不合而与他人产生矛盾,也要多忍耐,并冷静的解决问题。有时可多与亲人朋 友沟通或外出散心,听取他们的意见和建议,也能减轻压力、舒缓情绪。

Career :
The over all fortune for the career of the rooster is bad. There will be a lot of right and wrong questions that will appear and you will suffer from a loss of mood due to poor human relations. As such, you should look towards having more group discussions and interactions during work to enhance interpersonal relationships. You should remain low key this year and do not be involved in disputes even if you do not agree with the others. Remain patient and calm when resolving any issues. Communicate more with your family and friends or take some time off to bring them out. Listening to their opinions and views is a great way to reduce stress and to calm yourself down.

财运: 今年属鸡朋友有漏财的现象,经常会因为消费过度以致收支失去平衡,所以必须要有理财观念,尽量节省开支,而对想购买的物品要谨慎考虑再做决定,控制购物欲 才能避免入不敷出的状况发生,因此也应给自己增加点储蓄,以备不时之需。另外今年可能因为金钱纠纷与他人失和闹上法庭,所以不宜为人担保或是合伙投资做生 意。本年偏财运也不利,不宜赌博、投机等。

Wealth :
There are signs that the rooster will suffer from financial loss this year. More often than not, you will spend excessively and your income and expenditure will be unbalanced. You must learn to manage your money well, try to cut costs and think twice before making any purchases. Self control is essential. Make an effort to save up on emergency funds. Also, you might be involved in a lawsuit due to money disputes so do not be a guarantor or lend money to others this year. It is also not recommended to make any investments or take part in any gambling activities this year.

感 情: 今年的人际关系差,情绪波动也比较大,容易与伴侣发生争执与口舌是非,要互相忍让,懂得珍惜缘分,小心维持彼此之间的感情。对于已婚的朋友来说,感情容易 受到第三者的蓄意破坏,夫妻之间容易出现矛盾,因为口角而导致婚姻生活破裂。建议夫妻俩要互谅互解,珍惜现在所拥有的幸福生活。单身的情侣,今年选择伴侣 时要三思而行,应该多了解才确定对方是否是自己理想的伴侣,当自己难以抉择时,可多听取长辈意见。

Love :
As Rooster suffer from poor interpersonal relationships and frequent mood swings this year, it is easy for disputes to happy with your partner. Both parties must learn to be patient with each other, understand and care for each other to maintain the relationship. For those who are married, the marriage is prone to the intrusion of a third party, conflicts will happen and disputes will cause a breakdown of relationship. It is also recommended for the couple to understand and forgive each other, treasure the happy life that both of you are leading right now. For singles, it is better to think twice when choosing a partner, get to know the each other well to determine if he/she is your ideal partner. When in dilemma, seek opinions and views from the elders.

健康: 今年健康运不甚理想,财运的不利导致生活方面的压力重大,要保持开朗冷静的心情,才能解决难题。今年精神容易紧张,并有失眠的情况出现,有任何身体问题要及时就医,彻底解决困扰,也要多多休息。

Health is not ideal this year, the poor fortune will result in major stress when facing life. It is important to maintain cheerful and calm during this testing time to solve the problem. You will be easily nervous this year and suffer from insomnia. If you are feeling unwell, seek medical treatment promptly and get plenty of rest.

属 鸡朋友在正月里运势欠佳,工作中要保持低调保守,切勿轻举妄动,否则容易招惹是非。工作压力比较大,不要有太多埋怨,坚持下去才能有所收获。由于人缘不 好,口角是非又多,而且容易与人结仇,因此要多忍耐。财运平平,做生意者还不是大举出击的时机,可以在这个月做投资计划,待时机成熟再实施。感情丰富,易 与异性擦出感情火花,对心仪的异性可大胆表达,切莫错过良机。本月可以抽些时间做运动养身,保持健康。

1st Month :
The Rooster will suffer from poor fortune in the first month of the year. Keep a low profile while at work and do not act rashly or you will risk getting into trouble. There will be a great amount of pressure coming from work but grit your teeth and endure this period of time to be rewarded at the end. Due to your poor popularity, you will make enemy easily and will often get into disputes. Average wealth for the month, but not recommended to make big investment, instead, use this month to start making investment plans. You will get involved with the opposite sex quite often so, be bold and do not waste the opportunity. Remember to exercise more this month to stay healthy.

运 势继续下跌,工作上有很多风波,一旦遇到不如意的事情,必须及时小心处理,以免留下后患。工作上的决策要慎重,要小心过目文件的细节,不要放过任何漏洞。 财星破损,不仅没有赚钱的机会,还可能因为一些失误导致钱财损失,另外出门在外要小心保管自己的财物,以免遗失或被窃。感情发展顺利,要懂得珍惜这来之不 易的美好情感。健康方面尚可,吸烟的朋友应该尽量少吸烟,以防心肺呼吸疾病。

2nd Month :
There will be a dip in fortune and there will be a lot of controversies at work. In the event that things go wrong, handle it promptly and carefully to avoid future trouble. Pay extra attention to the small details when handling documents and spot any loopholes that may be present. Wealth fortune took a turn to the worst, not only are there no money making opportunities, some mistakes may result in a loss of money. While away from home, take care of your valuables to avoid losing them or fall victim to theft. Love life is developing well this month, learn to treasure the hard-earned relationship that you have right now. Health wise, smokers should cut down on the amount they smoke per day to guard again cardio-pulmonary respiratory diseases.

本 月运势有如雨过天晴,焕发出勃勃生机,倘若肯奋发向上,一定会有所作为。工作进展畅顺,业绩也很不错,令自己和上司都深感满意。财运大有起色,计划已久的 投资创业计划,可以在这个月大力出击,相信会有不错的收获。感情上不可无事生非,这样彼此之间容易起风波,应该互相沟通和体谅,多些宽容,以免影响感情。 精神状态佳,要维持正常的生活作息规律。

3rd Month :
This month is the calm after the storm. Work is progressing well along with good work performance shown which will please yourself and your superiors. Wealth fortune has improved, the long planned investment plans can be executed this month as there results might be good. Love wise, do not start any disputes and there will be no concern to worry about. Communicate to understand more about each other. In the pink of health this month and do your best to maintain and lead the normal life routine

属 鸡朋友的运势在这个月有些反复,事业上因为有小人的破坏和阻挠,导致计划许久的业务无法顺利开展实施,令你深感沮丧。财运不错,可以进行小规模的扩张和投 资,但对风险性的投资需三思而后行。偏财运方面,可以小赌怡情。感情方面的危机并没有完全解除,要付出自己全部的耐心和诚意,令对方回心转意。身体状态不 如上个月,偶尔会出现头疼感冒的小毛病,要多花点心思调理健康。

4th Month :
There is a slight change in fortune this month cause by some the obstruction of people with ill intent. Long term plans that should be carried out must be put on hold at the moment. Wealth fortune looks good, small-scale expansion and investment can be made, but think twice before making investments with great risk. Love wise, the crisis is still not fully resolved, you must show your sincerity and patience to change the heart of the other party. Health wise is not as good as last month's, you will suffer from occasional headaches and cold.

运 势有慢慢好转的迹象,尤其是事业运峰回路转,工作进展畅顺。对于出现在眼前的发展良机,要当机立断,切忌犹豫不决而被人后来居上,后悔莫及。财运亦有反 复,正财及偏财都不宜憧憬,不要抱着侥幸的心理去投资或投机,以免令自己焦头烂额。已婚者要小心婚姻出现第三者,双方应该坦诚沟通,维系这段感情,不要等 到无法补救的时候再后悔。健康方面需注意饮食习惯,亦适宜外出旅游。

5th Month :
Fortune has slowly gotten better, especially in work. Work is progressing well smoothly and when an opportunity arise, act decisively and do not hesitate or you may regret letting the opportunity slip by. A change in fortune for wealth, do not make unnecessary investments. For married couples, be wary of a third party, both sides should communicate with an open heart to maintain the relationship. Do not wait until the situation gets out of hand before trying to salvage the relationship as it will be too late by then. Health wise, pay attention to your eating habits. This month is also a good month to travel.

本 月运势大好,事业和财运都非常畅旺,利于工作业绩的提升,也可以自己单独做生意。财运亨通,只要在自己经济负荷之内的投资都可以参与,相信会有可喜的收 获。感情生活颇丰富,容易与异性擦出火花,应该珍惜机缘培养感情,而未婚朋友是谈婚论嫁的好时候了。这个月肖鸡朋友需要注意的是健康运,小心出行安全,小 心被利器所伤,或者有跌伤的可能。

6th Month :
This is a month of good fortune bee it in career or wealth. Work performance is improving and it is also a good time to start your own business. Investments within your means can be made as there is a high chance for it to be profitable. Love life is quite enriching, you will get involved with the opposite sex quite often and should appreciate the opportunity to cultivate feelings for each other. It is also a good time to start planning for marriage for those who are still single. The main concern for this month will be health, be wary of sharp objects and there is a possibility of falls.

运势虽然没有上月旺 盛,但也还算良好,因为有贵人出现扶持,工作上的困难减少很多,也不需要太过担忧。财运方面的收入尚可,但是财富难积聚,因此不宜进行投资,尤其是风险类 投机,多多储蓄才是此月正确的理财之道。感情方面难免有些微小的摩擦,但是无伤大局,多些感情沟通,互相迁就彼此,自然会和好如初。健康方面略有起色,但 切忌暴饮暴食,以免肠胃受损伤。

7th Month :
Although the fortune this month is not a strong as last month's, it is still considered good as a nobility will appear to support you. Work difficulties will be reduced by a great deal so you do not need to worry too much. Wealth wise, revenue is stable but it is still difficult to accumulate wealth so this is not a good time for investments especially those with high risks. Making more plans for savings is the best way for financial management this month. Love wise, friction is inevitable but it is not serious. Communicate more and have more tolerance with each other will make everything back to normal again. Slight improvement in health but avoid over-eating to avoid causing damage to your stomach.

本 月运势不太理想,工作中会出现很多阻碍,应该沉着面对,以静制动,方可化解难题。人际关系差,凡事要保持警惕,以免被小人陷害而一败涂地。财运没有丝毫起 色,不宜投资开发新市场,也不宜参与赌博投机,以免血本无归。感情方面会有一些奇遇,尤其是年轻女子容易遇到让自己心动的异性朋友,应该深入了解再做决 定,不要被表面现象蒙骗。健康运欠佳,身体抵抗力差,容易生病。

8 Month :
The fortune for this year is not ideal as you will encounter a lot of obstacles in work but you must remain calm when facing it. You will suffer from poor interpersonal relationships, be vigilant in work to avoid being framed. No great improvement for wealth fortune, not a good time to be involved in investments in new market and gambling. There will be a change for your love life especially for young females. They will meet a lot of guys this month so it is better to understand each other well before making any decision, do not judge a book by its cover. Poor health for this month, immune system is weak and suscepticle to diseases

本 月做事不可冒进,在事业及生活上皆有不顺利的情况发生。工作上如果出现问题,宜从速处理,以免拖延而发生变化。财运有回升,但并不是很稳定,所以也尽量不 要投资或赌博。感情多波折,情侣之间会因为一些芝麻小事发生争吵,夫妻甚至会因为意见不合闹到鸡飞狗跳,请多以耐心来沟通和解。健康方面需注意饮食卫生, 同时要小心旧病复发的可能,有任何征兆都要及时求医。

9th Month :
Do not be aggressive in doing anything this month. There will be situations where things do not go smoothly in work. Resolve any issues that arise in work promptly and not delay it. Wealth fortune is picking up but is still not stable. So try not to be involved in any investments and gambling. Alot of ups and downs for your love life, small incidents will lead to arguments and due to a difference in opinions, married couple will have big disputes. Be patient with one another and communicate more to patch up the differences. Health wise, pay more attention to food hygiene, keeping in mind the possibility of a relapse. Medical attention must be prompt if you are feeling unwell.

属 鸡朋友运势大有起色,可以大举出击。工作事业开始走上新的征程,在平稳的基础上宜积极进取,制定可实行的计划,把握住良好的发展机遇。财运大幅度回升,正 财收入稳中有涨,做生意的朋友可以扩大市场,扩充营业,会有意想不到的额外收入。感情欠佳,要与家人多沟通,让他们了解你的想法,才不会经常发生摩擦。

10th Month :
Fortune has improved for this month. You will begin a new journey in your career and progress steadily. There is a considerable increase in wealth fortune and businessmen may wish to expand their market and expand their business for extra revenue. Love is poor for this month, you must communicate more to let the other party understand your view point to avoid friction. Health has improved but adequate rest is required to replenish your strength.

本月有凶 星进宫,对属鸡朋友的运势有些影响,工作上的文件要认真仔细处理,以免日后由于不了解情况而导致决策失误。财运有回落,不宜投机或进行风险类投资,也不可 以为他人作担保借钱,以免自己陷进钱财纠纷。感情若即若离,谨记互相宽容才可以确保感情永固。单身者应该顺其自然,时机未到就不要强求。多注意身体健康, 好好爱护自己,切勿饮酒过度,以免伤身。

11th Month :
Due to the presence of an unlucky star, your fortune will be affected. Documents should be gone through and dealt with seriously and carefully to avoid a lack of understanding of the situation in the future. Wealth fortune has declined, not recommended to be involved in any investments as well as being a guarantor for other people who wish to borrow money. Love wise, remember that mutual tolerance is the key to an everlasting relationship. Singles should go with the flow, wait patiently for the right time and the right person to appear. Take good care of your health and do not drink excessively to avoid any health issues that may come along with it.

兔年的最后一个月,属鸡的朋友 在 工作方面依然存在不少困阻,工作进展迟缓,未能尽如人意,处理事情必须量力而行,太过急进,反而会误事。财运不稳定,要懂得理财,对金钱的花费需要合理分 配。属鸡朋友经过好几个月的感情低迷期,在兔年的尾声终于看到曙光,感情生活可能揭开全新的一页。健康运不是很好,行为举止要小心谨慎,防止手脚受伤。

12th Month :
In the last month of the Rabbit year, there are still a number of obstacles in work for the rooster. Work progression will be slow, learn to deal with matters within your own capabilities, do not rush as it will cause further delays if you try to rush things. Wealth fortune is unstable, get to know more about financial management to allocate your expenditure rationally. After several months of depression in your love life, the depressing period is coming to an end at last. You can flip over a new chapter of your love life to start everything anew. Your health is not looking good this year so, take good care of yourself to avoid injuries to your hands and legs.

ROOSTER people born in

Jan.22,1909 to Feb.09,1910
Feb.08,1921 to Jan.27,1922
Jan.26,1933 to Feb.13,1934
Feb.13,1945 to Feb.01,1946
Jan.31,1957 to Feb.17,1958
Feb.17,1969 to Feb.05,1970
Feb.05,1981 to Jan.24,1982
Jan.23,1993 to Feb.09,1994

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